+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <developers>
- <!-- in strict alphabetical order -->
- <person name="Finn Bock" email="bckfnn@apache.org" id="FB"/>
- <person name="Chris Bowditch" email="cbowditch@apache.org" id="CB"/>
- <person name="Andreas L. Delmelle" email="adelmelle@apache.org" id="ALD"/>
- <person name="Peter Herweg" email="pherweg@apache.org" id="PH"/>
- <person name="Jeremias Maerki" email="jeremias@apache.org" id="JM"/>
- <person name="Glen Mazza" email="gmazza@apache.org" id="GM"/>
- <person name="Joerg Pietschmann" email="pietsch@apache.org" id="JP"/>
- <person name="Peter B. West" email="pbwest@apache.org" id="PBW"/>
- <person name="Kelly Campbell" email="kellyc@apache.org" id="KC"/>
- <person name="Steven Coffman" email="gears@apache.org" id="SC"/>
- <person name="Bertrand Delacretaz" email="bdelacretaz@apache.org" id="BD"/>
- <person name="Tore Engvig" email="tore@apache.org" id=""/>
- <person name="Christian Geisert" email="chrisg@apache.org" id="CG"/>
- <person name="Stanislav Gorkhover" email="stanislav@apache.org" id=""/>
- <person name="Fotis Jannidis" email="fotis@apache.org" id=""/>
- <person name="Karen Lease" email="klease@apache.org" id="KL"/>
- <person name="Keiron Liddle" email="keiron@apache.org" id="KLL"/>
- <person name="Victor Mote" email="vmote@apache.org" id="VM"/>
- <person name="Jordan Naftolin" email="jordan@apache.org" id=""/>
- <person name="Arved Sandstrom" email="arved@apache.org" id="AS"/>
- <person name="Eric Schaeffer" email="eschaeffer@apache.org" id=""/>
- <person name="Oleg Tkachenko" email="olegt@apache.org" id="OT"/>
- <person name="Art Welch" email="artw@apache.org" id=""/>
- <person name="Volunteer needed" email="fop-dev@xml.apache.org" id="open"/>
- </developers>
- <todo>
- <actions priority="high">
- <action context="code" dev="JM, open">
- Finish applying Apache License 2.0. Open items: documentation files, hyphenation patterns...
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- From branch: char encoding for pdf output.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- From branch: delete output file if error occured.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- From branch: add CCITT TIFF file support for embedding in pdf.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- Implement spacing between blocks and the adjustment to
- actual height when adding areas.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- Implement force page breaks.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- Implement page columns.
- Each column will need to layout until the page is complete.
- Need to improve the way that breaks are stored.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- Implement footnote.
- A footnote creates an inline parent and a block that is put into
- the footnote area.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- Implement floats.
- A float adds an anchor inline or block area to the parent
- and a block is added to the nearest reference area. The
- reference area layout manager needs to check it fits and
- adjust ipd available to line areas.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- Sort out writing directions and stacking.
- All blocks and line areas can be stack in different directions
- depending on writing mode and orientation.
- Need to ensure that all areas can be stacked properly in the
- correct direction.
- </action>
- </actions>
- <actions priority="medium">
- <action context="design" dev="open">
- Design FOP API interfaces.
- </action>
- <action context="design" dev="open">
- Integrate with Jakarta Avalon: logging, configuration, URI resolver,
- component management, image caching etc.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- Make it possible to redo static regions by determining which
- areas need a new layout for new page.
- </action>
- </actions>
- <actions priority="low">
- <action context="design" dev="open">
- Investigate using form XObject for repeated areas
- such as static and table header/footer only when the
- area does not change.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="open">
- Investigate using form XObject for svg images
- this can make the svg cacheable in the pdf doc
- </action>
- </actions>
- </todo>
- <changes>
- <release version="2004" date="2004">
- <action context="code" dev="FB" type="update">
- Rolled property datatypes classes into the property classes and
- un-nested the Property.Maker inner-class.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="FB" type="update">
- Abandoned code-generated property maker classes.
- </action>
- </release>
- <release version="2003" date="2003">
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix" due-to="CTB/McGraw-Hill">
- Fix for bad font encodings in the PS renderer (Fonts get reencoded as
- WinAnsiEncoding, Symbol and ZapfDingbats show correctly now)
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
- Fix for bug #20239: Failure while generating XML metrics files from TT
- collections when names are in Unicode (JM)
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix"
- due-to="Matthias Germann" due-to-email="germannm@post.ch">
- Fixed bug: PFBParser reports "Could not load the whole segment" (#19764).
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="add">
- PS renderer got a configurable setting to do auto-landscape rotation.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
- Fixed TrueType embedding. Width array now reflects the subset again.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
- Fixed font registration for PDF renderer. "normal" and "bold" get
- accepted as font-weight again. Fixed font-weight normalization.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Added markers to page when areas added.
- When an area is added that is created by an FO that contains markers
- then the markers can also be added. There are four types of positions
- for markers.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Retrieved markers from page.
- When doing the static areas the markers will need to be available for
- retrieving. Layout currently has some issues.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- PDF and PS transcoders now have a common base class. It also
- optionally supports Avalon Logging and Configuration. Support for
- plugging in an EntityResolver into Batik is now included.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- Implemented on-the-fly stream output (less buffering leads to
- decreased memory usage and increased speed).
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- General refactoring of the PDF library to centralize certain
- behaviour and reduce redundancy. Some memory allocation
- optimizations.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- Enhanced PDF encryption support so it is optional depending on the
- availability of JCE and/or cryptographic algorithms.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="add"
- due-to="Patrick C. Lankswert" due-to-email="PLankswert@InsightBB.COM">
- Added PDF encryption support (40bit RC4, PDF 1.3 level).
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- Moved all sources from src/org/** to src/java/org/**.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update"
- due-to="Zhong Yi" due-to-email="yidaomao@yahoo.com">
- Port of the PDF TextPainter to PostScript. Support for SEG_QUADTO (curves).
- Some support for viewport traits (background and borders).
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- Brought back the PostScript renderer. Compared to the branch it
- has a cleaner separation of PostScript generation code from
- renderer-specific code.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
- Fixed bug #16257: Get ascender/descender from OS/2 table if the ones in
- hhea are zero (TrueType fonts).
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
- Fixed bug #15877: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException with certain TrueType
- fonts. Reserved name indexes were not ignored.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- Moved general font classes away from the PDF-dependent places to
- org.apache.fop.fonts. Various detail improvements to make the code
- easier to understand. No semantical changes.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- Moved all TrueType font related classes to
- org.apache.fop.fonts.truetype.
- </action>
- </release>
- <release version="2002" date="2002">
- <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
- Moved all Adobe Type 1 font related classes to
- org.apache.fop.fonts.type1. Added a PFB parser for proper decoding of
- PFB files.
- </action>
- <action context="build" dev="JM" type="update">
- Updated to Xerces 2.2.1 and Xalan 2.4.1. Updated all the related files
- and made sure all contrib builds work again. Removed necessity for a
- buildtools.jar.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KL" type="fix" fixes-bug="14290">
- Correct ordering of loca table in embedded true type fonts.
- Fix taken over from maintenance branch.
- </action>
- <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
- New dev fonts.xml file to store some useful links and information
- about font work
- </action>
- <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
- Added links to the Eyebrowse mail list archives.
- Added help and unsubscribe email addresses for the fop-user
- & fop-dev lists.
- Rewrote/rearranged some of the verbiage for better structure.
- </action>
- <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
- Valid URIs for all xdoc DTD declarations.
- Some minor changes for xdoc documents that were discovered to be invalid
- after the DTD declarations were fixed.
- Changed tabs.xml so that the 2nd tab on our site will now read "Redesign"
- instead of "dev".
- </action>
- <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
- Better links to Bugzilla.
- Reorganized content into a checklist.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Added support for markers in fo tree. Markers added when valid
- to proper fo objects.
- </action>
- <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
- Added compliance document showing table of fop compliance.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Stephan Neuhaus" due-to-email="stephan.neuhaus@myview.de">
- From branch: fixed jpeg icc profile error with acrobat 5.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Oleg Tkachenko" due-to-email="olegt@multiconn.com">
- Awt viewer improvements - uses java PropertyResourceBundle
- for locale strings, cleaned up code and removed old classes
- and other small improvements
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Started list layout implementation.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Improved pagination and page number for page sequences.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Implemented border and background for many areas.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Started table layout implementation.
- </action>
- <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
- Added link for patch queue.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update"
- due-to="Rainer Garus" due-to-email="rainer.garus@arcor.de">
- Fixed npe when a page has several forward links.
- Use HashSet to store unresolved references (pages) in area tree
- to prevent duplication.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Implemented example caching mechanism to store pages.
- When a page contains a forward reference that has not been
- resolved then it can save the page contents to
- disk to save memory.
- </action>
- <action dev="CG" type="add" context="code"
- due-to="Bernd Brandstetter" due-to-email="bbrand@freenet.de">
- Linking to a specific page and a named destinations of an
- external PDF file.
- (see www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/pdfs/c01acrotip.pdf)
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Started table layout managers.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Implemented render pages model.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Implemented link part of basic link. Internal destination
- is resolved. The link is a trait on the inline parent.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Got bookmark extension working.
- Make sure the extension id references are resolved. Once the data is
- fully resolved then implement a way for the pdf renderer to add the
- bookmarks. See branch for code how to add bookmarks.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- add the pdf side part of bookmark extension
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- complete resolving id areas
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Add id areas to page when area added.
- When the layout managers add an area to the page it can also add the id
- information.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Resolve id references on other pages, extensions.
- When an id is added to a page this will allow id references to be
- resolved.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Fixed a bug in the TTFReader where it tried to read
- values for the end character. Handles unsupported
- non-unicode cmap better. Added logging.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="JP" type="update">
- Add static areas to page
- The static areas will need to be handled in a similar way to the flow
- except the bpd is unlimited and it will need to reset and repeat for
- each page.
- </action>
- <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
- Implemented leader, get leader working and sort out
- how inline objects adjust to the ipd
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Calculate line height.
- The line height is calculated while finding breaks.
- Improved alignment to use the breaks and context.
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Updated batik with change to TextPainter interface and UserAgent.
- Improved PDFTextPainter to handle more types of text.
- </action>
- <action dev="JM" type="update" context="code"
- due-to="Stephen Wolke" due-to-email="smwolke@geistig.com">
- Added a RunLengthEncode filter for the PostScript renderer.
- </action>
- <action dev="JM" type="update" context="code">
- Replaced the PostScript filters with the refactored ones from the maintenance
- branch.
- </action>
- <action dev="JM" type="update" context="code">
- First batch of changes in preparation for adoption of Avalon patterns.
- Only changes on logging for now. Mostly usage of LogEnabled contract interface.
- </action>
- <action dev="JM" type="update" context="build">
- Improve build process for more flexibility when external jars change.
- Changed to use -projecthelp option from Ant 1.5 instead of "usage" target.
- </action>
- <action dev="JM" type="update" context="build">
- Updated Avalon Framework JAR (with Log4J support, Bug 11274)
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="docs"
- due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
- Copies across overview for javadocs build.
- chmod antRun in build.sh.
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code"
- due-to="Kevin O'Neill" due-to-email="kevin@rocketred.com.au">
- Minor patch for the TTFReader to remove an unreachable statement
- compiler warning
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code"
- due-to="Torsten Erler" due-to-email="erlto@net-linx.de">
- workaround for eps files that have invalid float bounding box values
- float values are rounded off according to the spec the
- %%HiResBoundingBox should be used instead for floating position
- values
- </action>
- <action dev="JP" type="update" context="code">
- Simplified ASCII85Filter computation, thereby hopefully
- working around JVM bugs
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="docs"
- due-to="Cyril Rognon" due-to-email="crognon@objectiva.fr">
- added understanding layout manager document
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="docs"
- due-to="Peter Kullmann" due-to-email="p.kullmann@arenae.ch">
- fixed master-name and a test setup problem
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- moved embed font info into the render.pdf package
- reduced dependancy on Configuration
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code"
- due-to="Kevin O'Neill" due-to-email="kevin@rocketred.com.au">
- separated the specific PDFRender functionality from the CTM class
- and created a small utility class for the renderer to use
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- FontState only used for calculations,
- stores font name and size on area tree
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Improved PDFTextPainter to handle different text better
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Applied root element viewBox transform for svg to pdf transcoder
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- image test for formats, viewport and scaling
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
- added various SVG to PDF tests for trancoder
- and including in fo
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Implemented viewport and scaling for images
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Implemented viewport and scaling for instream svg
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Removed old area tree
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Optimised gstate usage in pdf files to minimize file size
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Optimised function usage, reuses old functions in pdf files
- to minimize file size
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
- Added transparancy to pdf
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Outputs images immediately to the stream, also drops
- reference to image data
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
- Added resource context for pattern resources
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="build">
- Added pdf transcoder build target
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Made PDF streams externally configured
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Fixed svg linking in pdf, works with viewbox and url
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
- Start to mif implementation with new structure handlers
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
- New structure handler for structure type documents, rtf, mif
- and for better layout processing.
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Changed extensions to allow for external xml
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
- Can have a default element mapping for extensions
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
- New area tree model
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
- New renderer model
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Added handlers for xml in renderer
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- svg now in an xml handler, FOP can be used without batik
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="build">
- Removed old xerces and xalan
- </action>
- <action dev="" type="update" context="code">
- Updated to use Jaxp
- </action>
- <action dev="" type="update" context="code">
- Updated to use new avalon framework logger
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Redid image handling so it can use a cache and synchronizes properly
- only on the current image while loading
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Changed bookmark extension, now requires a wrapping element bookmark
- </action>
- <action dev="KL" type="add" context="code">
- New layout system using layout managers
- </action>
- <action dev="KL" type="add" context="code">
- Implemented handlers for whitespace handling that collapse whitespace
- better in various places
- </action>
- <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
- Changed area tree xml format to match the area tree hierarchy
- </action>
- </release>
- </changes>