`sonar.branch` **![](/images/cross.svg)Deprecated since SQ 6.7** | _The Developer Edition provides fuller-featured branch functionality._ Manage SCM branches. Two branches of the same project are considered to be different projects in SonarQube. As a consequence issues found in a project A in a branch B1 are not linked to issues found for this project A in a branch B2. There is no way to automatically resolve issues from B2 when they are resolved in B1 as again A-B1 & A-B2 are considered separated projects.
`sonar.language` **![](/images/cross.svg)Deprecated since SQ 4.5** | Set the language of the source code to analyze. Browse the Plugin Library page to get the list of all available languages. If not set, a multi-language analysis will be triggered.
-`sonar.profile` **![](/images/cross.svg)Deprecated since SQ 4.5** | Override the profile to be used. This should be set on a per-langauge basis through the UI instead.
+`sonar.profile` **![](/images/cross.svg)Deprecated since SQ 4.5** | Override the profile to be used. This should be set on a per-language basis through the UI instead.
`sonar.links.scm_dev` **![](/images/cross.svg)Deprecated since SQ 7.1** | Developer connection. | `<scm><developerConnection>` for Maven projects
<!-- /sonarqube -->
To activate PR decoration, you need to:
* declare an Authentication Token
-* specify the Git provider
-* feed some specific parameters (GitHub only)
+* specify the Pull Request provider
+* feed some provider-specific parameters
#### Authentication Token
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The first thing to configure is the authentication token that will be used by {instance} to decorate the PRs. This can be configured in **Administration > General Settings > Pull Requests**. The field to configure depends on the provider.
-For GitHub Enterprise or GitHub.com, you need to configure the **Authentication token** field. For Azure DevOps, it's the **Personal access token**.
+For GitHub Enterprise or GitHub.com, you need to configure the **Authentication token** field. For Azure DevOps or Bitbucket Server, this is the **Personal access token**.
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If you are using Azure DevOps, the first thing to configure is the authentication token that will be used by {instance} to decorate the PRs. This can be configured in **Administration > General Settings > Pull Requests > VSTS > Personal access token**.
#### Pull Request Provider
| Parameter Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------ |
-| `sonar.pullrequest.provider` | `github` or `vsts` <!-- sonarcloud -->or `bitbucketcloud`<!-- /sonarcloud -->. This is the name of the system managing your PR. In Azure DevOps, when the {instance} Extension for Azure DevOps is used, `sonar.pullrequest.provider` is automatically populated with "vsts". <!-- sonarcloud -->Same on GitHub if you are using the Travis CI Add-on, and on Bitbucket Cloud if you are building with Bitbucket Pipelines.<!-- /sonarcloud -->|
+| `sonar.pullrequest.provider` | `github`, `vsts` <!-- sonarcloud -->or `bitbucketcloud`<!-- /sonarcloud --><!-- sonarqube -->or `bitbucketserver`<!-- /sonarqube -->. This is the name of the system managing your PR. In Azure DevOps, when the {instance} Extension for Azure DevOps is used, `sonar.pullrequest.provider` is automatically populated with "vsts". <!-- sonarcloud -->Same on GitHub if you are using the Travis CI Add-on, and on Bitbucket Cloud if you are building with Bitbucket Pipelines.<!-- /sonarcloud -->|
#### GitHub Parameters
| Parameter Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------ |
| `sonar.pullrequest.github.repository` | SLUG of the GitHub Repo |
<!-- sonarqube -->
-| `sonar.pullrequest.github.endpoint` | The API url for your GitHub instance.<br/> Ex.: `https://api.github.com/` or `https://github.company.com/api/v3/` |
+| `sonar.pullrequest.github.endpoint` | The API URL for your GitHub instance.<br/> Ex.: `https://api.github.com/` or `https://github.company.com/api/v3/` |
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Note: if you were relying on the GitHub Plugin, its properties are no longer required and they must be removed from your configuration: `sonar.analysis.mode`, `sonar.github.repository`, `sonar.github.pullRequest`, `sonar.github.oauth`.
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+#### Bitbucket Server Parameters
+| Parameter Name | Description |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| `sonar.pullrequest.bitbucketserver.serverUrl` | The base URL for your Bitbucket Server instance. Usually defined in global server settings.<br/> Ex.: `https://bitbucket.company.com/` |
+| `sonar.pullrequest.bitbucketserver.project` | Bitbucket project key. Can be set in project settings, or passed through scanner properties.<br/> Ex.: `MYPRJ` |
+| `sonar.pullrequest.bitbucketserver.repository` | SLUG of the Bitbucket repository. Can be set in project settings, or passed through scanner properties.<br/> Ex.: `my-repo` |
#### Issue links
During pull request decoration, individual issues will be linked to their SonarQube counterparts automatically. However, for this to work correctly, the instance's **Server base URL** (**[Administration > General](/#sonarqube-admin#/admin/settings)**) must be set correctly. Otherwise the links will default to `localhost`.
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