@handler_options = options
sender_email = email.from.to_a.first.to_s.strip
# Ignore emails received from the application emission address to avoid hell cycles
- if sender_email.casecmp(Setting.mail_from.to_s.strip) == 0
+ if sender_email.casecmp(Setting.mail_from_address) == 0
if logger
logger.info "MailHandler: ignoring email from Redmine emission address [#{sender_email}]"
Object.const_defined?(:OpenID) && self[:openid].to_i > 0
+ # Extracts an email address ("joe@example.com") from
+ # Setting.mail_from ("Joe Bloggs <joe@example.com>")
+ def self.mail_from_address
+ self.mail_from.to_s.gsub(/(?:.*<|>.*|\(.*\))/, '').strip
+ end
# Checks if settings have changed since the values were read
# and clears the cache hash if it's the case
# Called once per request
+ def test_mail_from_address
+ mail_from_strings = [
+ 'joe@example.com',
+ '<joe@example.com>',
+ 'Joe Bloggs <joe@example.com>',
+ 'display_name@example.com <joe@example.com>',
+ 'joe@example.com (Joe Bloggs)',
+ 'joe@example.com (display_name@example.com)'
+ ]
+ mail_from_strings.each do |from_value|
+ with_settings :mail_from => from_value do
+ assert_equal 'joe@example.com', Setting.mail_from_address
+ end
+ end
+ end
def test_setting_serialied_as_binary_should_be_loaded_as_utf8_encoded_strings
yaml = <<-YAML