expectedReceivedContentType=expected Content-Type {0}; received Content-Type {1}
expectedReportForRefNotReceived={0}: expected report for ref {1} not received
failedAtomicFileCreation=Atomic file creation failed, number of hard links to file {0} was not 2 but {1}"
-failedToDetermineFilterDefinition=An exception occured while determining filter definitions
+failedToDetermineFilterDefinition=An exception occurred while determining filter definitions
failedUpdatingRefs=failed updating refs
failureDueToOneOfTheFollowing=Failure due to one of the following:
failureUpdatingFETCH_HEAD=Failure updating FETCH_HEAD: {0}
squashCommitNotUpdatingHEAD=Squash commit -- not updating HEAD
sshCommandFailed=Execution of ssh command ''{0}'' failed with error ''{1}''
sshUserNameError=Jsch error: failed to set SSH user name correctly to ''{0}''; using ''{1}'' picked up from SSH config file.
-sslFailureExceptionMessage=Secure connection to {0} could not be stablished because of SSL problems
+sslFailureExceptionMessage=Secure connection to {0} could not be established because of SSL problems
sslFailureInfo=A secure connection to {0}\ncould not be established because the server''s certificate could not be validated.
sslFailureCause=SSL reported: {0}
sslFailureTrustExplanation=Do you want to skip SSL verification for this server?
* -1. -1 means that the {@link java.io.InputStream} is completely
* processed.
* @throws java.io.IOException
- * when {@link java.io.IOException} occured while reading from
+ * when {@link java.io.IOException} occurred while reading from
* {@link #in} or writing to {@link #out}
public abstract int run() throws IOException;
* @param deepenNots
* objects that the client specified using --shallow-exclude
* @throws IOException
- * if an error occured while generating or writing the pack.
+ * if an error occurred while generating or writing the pack.
private void sendPack(PackStatistics.Accumulator accumulator,
FetchRequest req,
* @param deepenNots
* objects that the client specified using --shallow-exclude
* @throws IOException
- * if an error occured while generating or writing the pack.
+ * if an error occurred while generating or writing the pack.
private void sendPack(final boolean sideband,
FetchRequest req,