#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# == Synopsis
-# Reads an email from standard input and forward it to a Redmine server
-# through a HTTP request.
-# == Usage
-# rdm-mailhandler [options] --url=<Redmine URL> --key=<API key>
-# == Arguments
-# -u, --url URL of the Redmine server
-# -k, --key Redmine API key
-# General options:
-# --unknown-user=ACTION how to handle emails from an unknown user
-# ACTION can be one of the following values:
-# ignore: email is ignored (default)
-# accept: accept as anonymous user
-# create: create a user account
-# --no-permission-check disable permission checking when receiving
-# the email
-# --key-file=PATH path to a file that contains the Redmine
-# API key (use this option instead of --key
-# if you don't the key to appear in the
-# command line)
-# --no-check-certificate do not check server certificate
-# -h, --help show this help
-# -v, --verbose show extra information
-# -V, --version show version information and exit
-# Issue attributes control options:
-# -p, --project=PROJECT identifier of the target project
-# -s, --status=STATUS name of the target status
-# -t, --tracker=TRACKER name of the target tracker
-# --category=CATEGORY name of the target category
-# --priority=PRIORITY name of the target priority
-# -o, --allow-override=ATTRS allow email content to override attributes
-# specified by previous options
-# ATTRS is a comma separated list of attributes
-# == Examples
-# No project specified. Emails MUST contain the 'Project' keyword:
-# rdm-mailhandler --url http://redmine.domain.foo --key secret
-# Fixed project and default tracker specified, but emails can override
-# both tracker and priority attributes using keywords:
-# rdm-mailhandler --url https://domain.foo/redmine --key secret \\
-# --project foo \\
-# --tracker bug \\
-# --allow-override tracker,priority
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
-require 'getoptlong'
-require 'rdoc/usage'
+require 'optparse'
module Net
class HTTPS < HTTP
class RedmineMailHandler
- VERSION = '0.1'
+ VERSION = '0.2'
attr_accessor :verbose, :issue_attributes, :allow_override, :unknown_user, :no_permission_check, :url, :key, :no_check_certificate
def initialize
self.issue_attributes = {}
- opts = GetoptLong.new(
- [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--version', '-V', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--url', '-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--key', '-k', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- [ '--key-file', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- [ '--project', '-p', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--status', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--tracker', '-t', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- [ '--category', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- [ '--priority', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- [ '--allow-override', '-o', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- [ '--unknown-user', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- [ '--no-permission-check', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
- [ '--no-check-certificate', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]
- )
- opts.each do |opt, arg|
- case opt
- when '--url'
- self.url = arg.dup
- when '--key'
- self.key = arg.dup
- when '--key-file'
- begin
- self.key = File.read(arg).strip
- rescue Exception => e
- $stderr.puts "Unable to read the key from #{arg}: #{e.message}"
- exit 1
- end
- when '--help'
- usage
- when '--verbose'
- self.verbose = true
- when '--version'
- puts VERSION; exit
- when '--project', '--status', '--tracker', '--category', '--priority'
- self.issue_attributes[opt.gsub(%r{^\-\-}, '')] = arg.dup
- when '--allow-override'
- self.allow_override = arg.dup
- when '--unknown-user'
- self.unknown_user = arg.dup
- when '--no-permission-check'
- self.no_permission_check = '1'
- when '--no-check-certificate'
- self.no_check_certificate = true
- end
+ optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: rdm-mailhandler.rb [options] --url=<Redmine URL> --key=<API key>"
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Reads an email from standard input and forward it to a Redmine server through a HTTP request.")
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Required arguments:")
+ opts.on("-u", "--url URL", "URL of the Redmine server") {|v| self.url = v}
+ opts.on("-k", "--key KEY", "Redmine API key") {|v| self.key = v}
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("General options:")
+ opts.on("--unknown-user ACTION", "how to handle emails from an unknown user",
+ "ACTION can be one of the following values:",
+ "* ignore: email is ignored (default)",
+ "* accept: accept as anonymous user",
+ "* create: create a user account") {|v| self.unknown_user = v}
+ opts.on("--no-permission-check", "disable permission checking when receiving",
+ "the email") {self.no_permission_check = '1'}
+ opts.on("--key-file FILE", "path to a file that contains the Redmine",
+ "API key (use this option instead of --key",
+ "if you don't the key to appear in the",
+ "command line)") {|v| read_key_from_file(v)}
+ opts.on("--no-check-certificate", "do not check server certificate") {self.no_check_certificate = true}
+ opts.on("-h", "--help", "show this help") {puts opts; exit 1}
+ opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "show extra information") {self.verbose = true}
+ opts.on("-V", "--version", "show version information and exit") {puts VERSION; exit}
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Issue attributes control options:")
+ opts.on("-p", "--project PROJECT", "identifier of the target project") {|v| self.issue_attributes['project'] = v}
+ opts.on("-s", "--status STATUS", "name of the target status") {|v| self.issue_attributes['status'] = v}
+ opts.on("-t", "--tracker TRACKER", "name of the target tracker") {|v| self.issue_attributes['tracker'] = v}
+ opts.on( "--category CATEGORY", "name of the target category") {|v| self.issue_attributes['category'] = v}
+ opts.on( "--priority PRIORITY", "name of the target priority") {|v| self.issue_attributes['priority'] = v}
+ opts.on("-o", "--allow-override ATTRS", "allow email content to override attributes",
+ "specified by previous options",
+ "ATTRS is a comma separated list of attributes") {|v| self.allow_override = v}
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Examples:")
+ opts.separator("No project specified. Emails MUST contain the 'Project' keyword:")
+ opts.separator(" rdm-mailhandler.rb --url http://redmine.domain.foo --key secret")
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Fixed project and default tracker specified, but emails can override")
+ opts.separator("both tracker and priority attributes using keywords:")
+ opts.separator(" rdm-mailhandler.rb --url https://domain.foo/redmine --key secret \\")
+ opts.separator(" --project foo \\")
+ opts.separator(" --tracker bug \\")
+ opts.separator(" --allow-override tracker,priority")
+ opts.summary_width = 27
+ optparse.parse!
- RDoc.usage if url.nil?
+ unless url && key
+ puts "Some arguments are missing. Use `rdm-mailhandler.rb --help` for getting help."
+ exit 1
+ end
def submit(email)
def debug(msg)
puts msg if verbose
+ def read_key_from_file(filename)
+ begin
+ self.key = File.read(filename).strip
+ rescue Exception => e
+ $stderr.puts "Unable to read the key from #{filename}:\n#{e.message}"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
handler = RedmineMailHandler.new
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# == Synopsis
-# reposman: manages your repositories with Redmine
-# == Usage
-# reposman [OPTIONS...] -s [DIR] -r [HOST]
-# Examples:
-# reposman --svn-dir=/var/svn --redmine-host=redmine.example.net --scm subversion
-# reposman -s /var/git -r redmine.example.net -u http://svn.example.net --scm git
-# == Arguments (mandatory)
-# -s, --svn-dir=DIR use DIR as base directory for svn repositories
-# -r, --redmine-host=HOST assume Redmine is hosted on HOST. Examples:
-# -r redmine.example.net
-# -r http://redmine.example.net
-# -r https://example.net/redmine
-# -k, --key=KEY use KEY as the Redmine API key (you can use the
-# --key-file option as an alternative)
-# == Options
-# -o, --owner=OWNER owner of the repository. using the rails login
-# allow user to browse the repository within
-# Redmine even for private project. If you want to
-# share repositories through Redmine.pm, you need
-# to use the apache owner.
-# -g, --group=GROUP group of the repository. (default: root)
-# --scm=SCM the kind of SCM repository you want to create (and
-# register) in Redmine (default: Subversion).
-# reposman is able to create Git and Subversion
-# repositories. For all other kind, you must specify
-# a --command option
-# -u, --url=URL the base url Redmine will use to access your
-# repositories. This option is used to automatically
-# register the repositories in Redmine. The project
-# identifier will be appended to this url. Examples:
-# -u https://example.net/svn
-# -u file:///var/svn/
-# if this option isn't set, reposman won't register
-# the repositories in Redmine
-# -c, --command=COMMAND use this command instead of "svnadmin create" to
-# create a repository. This option can be used to
-# create repositories other than subversion and git
-# kind.
-# This command override the default creation for git
-# and subversion.
-# -f, --force force repository creation even if the project
-# repository is already declared in Redmine
-# --key-file=PATH path to a file that contains the Redmine API key
-# (use this option instead of --key if you don't
-# the key to appear in the command line)
-# -t, --test only show what should be done
-# -h, --help show help and exit
-# -v, --verbose verbose
-# -V, --version print version and exit
-# -q, --quiet no log
-# == References
-# You can find more information on the redmine's wiki : http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/HowTos
-require 'getoptlong'
-require 'rdoc/usage'
+require 'optparse'
require 'find'
require 'etc'
-Version = "1.3"
+Version = "1.4"
SUPPORTED_SCM = %w( Subversion Darcs Mercurial Bazaar Git Filesystem )
-opts = GetoptLong.new(
- ['--svn-dir', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--redmine-host', '-r', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--key', '-k', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--key-file', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--owner', '-o', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--group', '-g', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--url', '-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--command' , '-c', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--scm', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--test', '-t', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
- ['--force', '-f', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
- ['--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
- ['--version', '-V', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
- ['--help' , '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
- ['--quiet' , '-q', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]
- )
$verbose = 0
$quiet = false
$redmine_host = ''
- opts.each do |opt, arg|
- case opt
- when '--svn-dir'; $repos_base = arg.dup
- when '--redmine-host'; $redmine_host = arg.dup
- when '--key'; $api_key = arg.dup
- when '--key-file'
- begin
- $api_key = File.read(arg).strip
- rescue Exception => e
- $stderr.puts "Unable to read the key from #{arg}: #{e.message}"
- exit 1
- end
- when '--owner'; $svn_owner = arg.dup; $use_groupid = false;
- when '--group'; $svn_group = arg.dup; $use_groupid = false;
- when '--url'; $svn_url = arg.dup
- when '--scm'; $scm = arg.dup.capitalize; log("Invalid SCM: #{$scm}", :exit => true) unless SUPPORTED_SCM.include?($scm)
- when '--command'; $command = arg.dup
- when '--verbose'; $verbose += 1
- when '--test'; $test = true
- when '--force'; $force = true
- when '--version'; puts Version; exit
- when '--help'; RDoc::usage
- when '--quiet'; $quiet = true
- end
+def read_key_from_file(filename)
+ begin
+ $api_key = File.read(filename).strip
+ rescue Exception => e
+ $stderr.puts "Unable to read the key from #{filename}: #{e.message}"
+ exit 1
- exit 1
+def set_scm(scm)
+ $scm = scm.capitalize
+ unless SUPPORTED_SCM.include?($scm)
+ log("Invalid SCM: #{$scm}\nValid SCM are: #{SUPPORTED_SCM.join(', ')}", :exit => true)
+ end
+optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: reposman.rb [OPTIONS...] -s [DIR] -r [HOST] -k [KEY]"
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Manages your repositories with Redmine.")
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Required arguments:")
+ opts.on("-s", "--svn-dir DIR", "use DIR as base directory for svn repositories") {|v| $repos_base = v}
+ opts.on("-r", "--redmine-host HOST","assume Redmine is hosted on HOST. Examples:",
+ " -r redmine.example.net",
+ " -r http://redmine.example.net",
+ " -r https://redmine.example.net") {|v| $redmine_host = v}
+ opts.on("-k", "--key KEY", "use KEY as the Redmine API key",
+ "(you can use --key-file option as an alternative)") {|v| $api_key = v}
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Options:")
+ opts.on("-o", "--owner OWNER", "owner of the repository. using the rails login",
+ "allows users to browse the repository within",
+ "Redmine even for private projects. If you want to",
+ "share repositories through Redmine.pm, you need",
+ "to use the apache owner.") {|v| $svn_owner = v; $use_groupid = false}
+ opts.on("-g", "--group GROUP", "group of the repository (default: root)") {|v| $svn_group = v; $use_groupid = false}
+ opts.on("-u", "--url URL", "the base url Redmine will use to access your",
+ "repositories. This option is used to register",
+ "the repositories in Redmine automatically. The",
+ "project identifier will be appended to this url.",
+ "Examples:",
+ " -u https://example.net/svn",
+ " -u file:///var/svn/",
+ "if this option isn't set, reposman won't register",
+ "the repositories in Redmine") {|v| $svn_url = v}
+ opts.on( "--scm SCM", "the kind of SCM repository you want to create",
+ "(and register) in Redmine (default: Subversion).",
+ "reposman is able to create Git and Subversion",
+ "repositories.",
+ "For all other kind, you must specify a --command",
+ "option") {|v| set_scm(v)}
+ opts.on("-c", "--command COMMAND", "use this command instead of `svnadmin create` to",
+ "create a repository. This option can be used to",
+ "create repositories other than subversion and git",
+ "kind.",
+ "This command override the default creation for",
+ "git and subversion.") {|v| $command = v}
+ opts.on( "--key-file FILE", "path to a file that contains the Redmine API key",
+ "(use this option instead of --key if you don't",
+ "want the key to appear in the command line)") {|v| read_key_from_file(v)}
+ opts.on("-t", "--test", "only show what should be done") {$test = true}
+ opts.on("-f", "--force", "force repository creation even if the project", "repository is already declared in Redmine") {$force = true}
+ opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "verbose") {$verbose += 1}
+ opts.on("-V", "--version", "show version and exit") {puts Version; exit}
+ opts.on("-h", "--help", "show help and exit") {puts opts; exit 1}
+ opts.on("-q", "--quiet", "no log") {$quiet = true}
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("Examples:")
+ opts.separator(" reposman.rb --svn-dir=/var/svn --redmine-host=redmine.host")
+ opts.separator(" reposman.rb -s /var/git -r redmine.host -u http://git.host --scm git")
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.separator("You can find more information on the redmine's wiki:\nhttp://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTos")
+ opts.summary_width = 25
if $test
log("running in test mode")
$svn_url += "/" if $svn_url and not $svn_url.match(/\/$/)
if ($redmine_host.empty? or $repos_base.empty?)
- RDoc::usage
+ puts "Some arguments are missing. Use reposman.rb --help for getting help."
+ exit 1
unless File.directory?($repos_base)