unlink( $this->cspFile );
+ protected function errorWithScript( $req ) {
+ header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' );
+ if ( isset( $req->query['withScriptContentType'] ) ) {
+ header( 'Content-Type: application/javascript' );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $req->query['callback'] ) ) {
+ $callback = $req->query['callback'];
+ echo $callback . '( {"status": 404, "msg": "Not Found"} )';
+ } else {
+ echo 'QUnit.assert.ok( false, "Mock return erroneously executed" );';
+ }
+ }
public function __construct() {
$this->cspFile = __DIR__ . '/support/csp.log';
} );
+ ajaxTest( "jQuery.ajax() - do not execute scripts from unsuccessful responses (gh-4250)", 11, function( assert ) {
+ var globalEval = jQuery.globalEval;
+ var failConverters = {
+ "text script": function() {
+ assert.ok( false, "No converter for unsuccessful response" );
+ }
+ };
+ function request( title, options ) {
+ var testMsg = title + ": expected file missing status";
+ return jQuery.extend( {
+ beforeSend: function() {
+ jQuery.globalEval = function() {
+ assert.ok( false, "Should not eval" );
+ };
+ },
+ complete: function() {
+ jQuery.globalEval = globalEval;
+ },
+ // error is the significant assertion
+ error: function( xhr ) {
+ assert.strictEqual( xhr.status, 404, testMsg );
+ },
+ success: function() {
+ assert.ok( false, "Unanticipated success" );
+ }
+ }, options );
+ }
+ return [
+ request(
+ "HTML reply",
+ {
+ url: url( "404.txt" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "HTML reply with dataType",
+ {
+ dataType: "script",
+ url: url( "404.txt" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "script reply",
+ {
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript&withScriptContentType" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "non-script reply",
+ {
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "script reply with dataType",
+ {
+ dataType: "script",
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript&withScriptContentType" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "non-script reply with dataType",
+ {
+ dataType: "script",
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "script reply with converter",
+ {
+ converters: failConverters,
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript&withScriptContentType" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "non-script reply with converter",
+ {
+ converters: failConverters,
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "script reply with converter and dataType",
+ {
+ converters: failConverters,
+ dataType: "script",
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript&withScriptContentType" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "non-script reply with converter and dataType",
+ {
+ converters: failConverters,
+ dataType: "script",
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript" )
+ }
+ ),
+ request(
+ "JSONP reply with dataType",
+ {
+ dataType: "jsonp",
+ url: url( "mock.php?action=errorWithScript" ),
+ beforeSend: function() {
+ jQuery.globalEval = function( response ) {
+ assert.ok( /"status": 404, "msg": "Not Found"/.test( response ), "Error object returned" );
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ];
+ } );
ajaxTest( "jQuery.ajax() - synchronous request", 1, function( assert ) {
return {
url: url( "json_obj.js" ),