+ class MigrationContext < ActiveRecord::MigrationContext
+ def up(target_version = nil)
+ selected_migrations = if block_given?
+ migrations.select { |m| yield m }
+ else
+ migrations
+ end
+ Migrator.new(:up, selected_migrations, target_version).migrate
+ end
+ def down(target_version = nil)
+ selected_migrations = if block_given?
+ migrations.select { |m| yield m }
+ else
+ migrations
+ end
+ Migrator.new(:down, selected_migrations, target_version).migrate
+ end
+ def run(direction, target_version)
+ Migrator.new(direction, migrations, target_version).run
+ end
+ def open
+ Migrator.new(:up, migrations, nil)
+ end
+ end
class Migrator < ActiveRecord::Migrator
# We need to be able to set the 'current' plugin being migrated.
cattr_accessor :current_plugin
def migrate_plugin(plugin, version)
self.current_plugin = plugin
return if current_version(plugin) == version
- migrate(plugin.migration_directory, version)
+ MigrationContext.new(plugin.migration_directory).migrate(version)
- def current_version(plugin=current_plugin)
+ def get_all_versions(plugin = current_plugin)
# Delete migrations that don't match .. to_i will work because the number comes first
- sm_table = ::ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.table_name
- ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values(
- "SELECT version FROM #{sm_table}"
- ).delete_if{ |v| v.match(/-#{plugin.id}$/) == nil }.map(&:to_i).max || 0
+ @all_versions ||= {}
+ @all_versions[plugin.id.to_s] ||= begin
+ sm_table = ::ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.table_name
+ migration_versions = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values("SELECT version FROM #{sm_table}")
+ versions_by_plugins = migration_versions.group_by { |version| version.match(/-(.*)$/).try(:[], 1) }
+ @all_versions = versions_by_plugins.transform_values! {|versions| versions.map!(&:to_i).sort! }
+ @all_versions[plugin.id.to_s] || []
+ end
+ end
+ def current_version(plugin = current_plugin)
+ get_all_versions(plugin).last || 0
- def migrated
- sm_table = ::ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.table_name
- ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values(
- "SELECT version FROM #{sm_table}"
- ).delete_if{ |v| v.match(/-#{current_plugin.id}$/) == nil }.map(&:to_i).sort
+ def load_migrated
+ @migrated_versions = Set.new(self.class.get_all_versions(current_plugin))
def record_version_state_after_migrating(version)