}, 50 );
} );
+QUnit.test( "focus change during a focus handler (gh-4382)", function( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 2 );
+ var done = assert.async(),
+ select = jQuery( "<select><option selected='selected'>A</option></select>" ),
+ button = jQuery( "<button>Focus target</button>" );
+ jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" )
+ .append( select )
+ .append( button );
+ select.on( "focus", function() {
+ button.trigger( "focus" );
+ } );
+ jQuery( document ).on( "focusin.focusTests", function( ev ) {
+ // Support: IE 11+
+ // In IE focus is async so focusin on document is fired multiple times,
+ // for each of the elements. In other browsers it's fired just once, for
+ // the last one.
+ if ( ev.target === button[ 0 ] ) {
+ assert.ok( true, "focusin propagated to document from the button" );
+ }
+ } );
+ select.trigger( "focus" );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement, button[ 0 ], "Focus redirect worked" );
+ jQuery( document ).off( ".focusTests" );
+ done();
+ } );
+} );
// TODO replace with an adaptation of
// https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1367/files#diff-a215316abbaabdf71857809e8673ea28R2464
( function() {