// Find the previous visible and enabled tab if any.
do {
- } while (newTabIndex >= 0 && !onTabSelected(newTabIndex));
+ } while (newTabIndex >= 0 && !canSelectTab(newTabIndex));
if (newTabIndex >= 0) {
- activeTabIndex = newTabIndex;
+ tb.navigateTab(focusedTabIndex, newTabIndex);
+ focusedTabIndex = newTabIndex;
+ // If this TabSheet already has focus, set the new selected tab
+ // as focused.
+ if (focusedTab != null) {
+ focusedTab = tb.getTab(focusedTabIndex);
+ focusedTab.focus();
+ }
if (isScrolledTabs()) {
// Scroll until the new active tab is visible
- int newScrollerIndex = scrollerIndex;
- while (tb.getTab(focusedTabIndex).getAbsoluteLeft() < getAbsoluteLeft()
- && newScrollerIndex != -1) {
- newScrollerIndex = tb.scrollLeft(newScrollerIndex);
+ while (!tb.getTab(activeTabIndex).isVisible()) {
+ scrollerIndex = tb.scrollLeft(scrollerIndex);
- scrollerIndex = newScrollerIndex;