To log unexpected results, run
with -logPass -ajctestRequireKeywords=expect-fail
or with -logFail -ajctestSkipKeywords=expect-fail
- Also pick out "incremental" keyword for incremental tests.
+ You can also run using -traceTestsMin and scan for
+ unexpected results:
+ FAIL pass {title..} # expect pass, actual fail
+ PASS fail {title..} # expect fail, actual pass
+ Also pick out "incremental-test" keyword for incremental tests.
<ajc-test dir="noSuchDir"
- title="no such directory - report as error (AjcTest specification)"
+ title="fail no such directory - report as error (AjcTest specification)"
<compile files=""/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="2 error">
+ title="pass 2 error">
<compile files="">
<message kind="error" line="5"/>
<message kind="error" line="6"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="2 error, with filenames">
+ title="pass 2 error, with filenames">
<compile files="">
<message kind="error" line="5" file=""/>
<message kind="error" line="6" file=""/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="2 error, three expected"
+ title="fail 2 error, three expected"
<compile files="">
<message kind="error" line="5"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="2 error, one unexpected"
+ title="fail 2 error, one unexpected"
<compile files="">
<message kind="error" line="6"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="2 error, one with with error line wrong"
+ title="fail 2 error, one with with error line wrong"
<compile files="">
<message kind="error" line="5"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="2 error, one with with kind wrong"
+ title="fail 2 error, one with with kind wrong"
<compile files="">
<message kind="error" line="5"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="1 warning">
+ title="pass 1 warning">
<compile files="">
<message kind="warning" line="14"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="1 warning with kind wrong"
+ title="fail 1 warning with kind wrong"
<compile files="">
<message kind="error" line="14"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
- title="1 warning with line wrong"
+ title="fail 1 warning with line wrong"
<compile files="">
<message kind="warning" line="15"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness" title="checks and events, failed to specify 6 expected fails"
+ <ajc-test dir="harness"
+ title="fail checks and events, failed to specify 6 expected fails"
<compile files=""/>
<run class="TestTesterFail"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness" title="one missing note"
+ <ajc-test dir="harness"
+ title="fail one missing note"
<compile files=""/>
<run class="TesterNotesFail"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness" title="checks and events, all should pass">
+ <ajc-test dir="harness"
+ title="pass checks and events, all should pass">
<compile files=""/>
<run class="TestTester"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness" title="event files">
+ <ajc-test dir="harness"
+ title="pass event files">
<compile files=""/>
<run class="TestTesterFile"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness" title="compile and run, no tester required">
+ <ajc-test dir="harness"
+ title="pass compile and run, no tester required">
<compile files=""/>
<run class="TestNoTester" skipTester="true"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness/classpathTest"
- title="specify jars and directories on classpath"
+ title="pass specify jars and directories on classpath"
<compile classpath="classesDir,jars/required.jar"
<ajc-test dir="harness/classpathTest"
- title="specify aspectpath and classpath jars and directories">
+ title="pass specify aspectpath and classpath jars and directories">
<compile classpath="classesDir,jars/required.jar"
<run class="AspectMain"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental"
- title="minimal purejava sourceroots test">
+ <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental-test"
+ title="pass minimal purejava sourceroots test">
<compile sourceroots="sourceroot"/>
<run class="packageOne.Main"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental"
- title="test of dual sourceroots with aspects">
+ <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental-test"
+ title="pass test of dual sourceroots with aspects">
<compile sourceroots="sourceroot,sourceroot2"/>
<run class="packageOne.Main"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental"
- title="minimal incremental purejava sourceroots test"
+ <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental-test"
+ title="pass minimal incremental purejava sourceroots test"
comment="inc-22 generates new event, expected after">
<compile options="-incremental"
- <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental"
- title="rebuild minimal incremental purejava sourceroots test"
+ <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental-test"
+ title="pass rebuild minimal incremental purejava sourceroots test"
comment="inc-22 generates new event, expected after">
<compile options="-incremental"
- <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental"
- title="rebuild fresh-same minimal incremental purejava sourceroots test"
+ <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental-test"
+ title="pass rebuild fresh-same minimal incremental purejava sourceroots test"
comment="inc-22 generates new event, expected after">
<compile options="-incremental"
options="new-event"/> <!-- now expect new-event -->
- <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental"
- title="rebuild fresh-updated minimal incremental purejava sourceroots test"
+ <ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="incremental-test"
+ title="pass rebuild fresh-updated minimal incremental purejava sourceroots test"
comment="inc-22 generates new event, expected after">
<compile options="-incremental"
- <ajc-test dir="incremental/stringliteral"
- title="incrementally change only string literal size">
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/stringliteral"
+ keywords="incremental-test,fixme"
+ title="pass incrementally change only string literal size">
<compile staging="true" options="-incremental"
<run class="packageOne.Main"
options="in longer packageOne.Main.main(..),
before main packageOne.Main"/>
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/defaultPackage/src"
+ title="pass test using prior classes">
+ <compile files="lib/"/>
+ <run class="lib.Lib"/>
+ <compile files="" includeClassesDir="true"/>
+ <run class="Main"/>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/interPackage/src"
+ title="pass test using prior classes (inter-package)">
+ <compile files="lib/"/>
+ <run class="lib.Lib"/>
+ <compile files="app/" includeClassesDir="true"/>
+ <run class="app.Main"/>
+ </ajc-test>