<property name="go.dir" value="${project.outputDirectory}/go" /> \r
<delete dir="${go.dir}" />\r
+ <local name="webinf" />\r
+ <property name="webinf" value="${project.compileOutputDirectory}/WEB-INF" />\r
<prepareDataDirectory toDir="${go.dir}/data" />\r
+ <!-- Copy the web.xml from the prototype web.xml -->\r
+ <copy todir="${webinf}" overwrite="true">\r
+ <fileset file="${project.src.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" />\r
+ <filterset>\r
+ <filter token="gb.version" value="${project.version}" />\r
+ </filterset>\r
+ </copy>\r
+ \r
<!-- Build jar -->\r
<mx:jar destfile="${go.dir}/gitblit.jar" includeresources="true">\r
<mainclass name="com.gitblit.GitBlitServer" />\r
<!-- Prepare the data directory -->\r
<prepareDataDirectory toDir="${webinf}/data" />\r
- <!-- Build the WAR web.xml from the prototype web.xml -->\r
- <mx:webxml sourcefile="${project.src.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" destfile="${webinf}/web.xml">\r
- <replace token="@gb.version@" value="${project.version}" />\r
- </mx:webxml>\r
+ <!-- Copy the web.xml from the prototype web.xml -->\r
+ <copy todir="${webinf}" overwrite="true">\r
+ <fileset file="${project.src.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" />\r
+ <filterset>\r
+ <filter token="gb.version" value="${project.version}" />\r
+ </filterset>\r
+ </copy>\r
<!-- Gitblit jar -->\r
<mx:jar destfile="${webinf}/lib/gitblit.jar" includeresources="false" />\r
<!-- Gitblit Displayname -->\r
- <display-name>\r
- Gitblit - @gb.version@\r
- </display-name>\r
+ <display-name>Gitblit - @gb.version@</display-name>\r
- <!-- PARAMS --> \r
- \r
<!-- Gitblit Context Listener --><!-- STRIP \r