double widthBeforeCell = SheetUtil.getCellWidth(cell0, 8, null, false);
double widthBeforeCol = SheetUtil.getColumnWidth(sheet, 0, false);
- assertTrue("Expected to have cell width > 0 when computing manually, but had " + widthManual + "/" + widthBeforeCell + "/" + widthBeforeCol,
+ assertTrue("Expected to have cell width > 0 when computing manually, but had " + widthManual + "/" + widthBeforeCell + "/" + widthBeforeCol + "/" +
+ SheetUtil.canComputeColumnWidht(font) + "/" + computeCellWidthFixed(cell0, font, "1") + "/" + computeCellWidthFixed(cell0, font, longValue),
widthManual > 0);
- assertTrue("Expected to have cell width > 0 BEFORE auto-size, but had " + widthManual + "/" + widthBeforeCell + "/" + widthBeforeCol,
+ assertTrue("Expected to have cell width > 0 BEFORE auto-size, but had " + widthManual + "/" + widthBeforeCell + "/" + widthBeforeCol + "/" +
+ SheetUtil.canComputeColumnWidht(font) + "/" + computeCellWidthFixed(cell0, font, "1") + "/" + computeCellWidthFixed(cell0, font, longValue),
widthBeforeCell > 0);
- assertTrue("Expected to have column width > 0 BEFORE auto-size, but had " + widthManual + "/" + widthBeforeCell + "/" + widthBeforeCol,
+ assertTrue("Expected to have column width > 0 BEFORE auto-size, but had " + widthManual + "/" + widthBeforeCell + "/" + widthBeforeCol + "/" +
+ SheetUtil.canComputeColumnWidht(font) + "/" + computeCellWidthFixed(cell0, font, "1") + "/" + computeCellWidthFixed(cell0, font, longValue),
widthBeforeCol > 0);
private double computeCellWidthManually(Cell cell0, Font font) {
- double width;
final FontRenderContext fontRenderContext = new FontRenderContext(null, true, true);
RichTextString rt = cell0.getRichStringCellValue();
String[] lines = rt.getString().split("\\n");
TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext);
- width = ((layout.getBounds().getWidth() / 1) / 8);
- return width;
+ return ((layout.getBounds().getWidth() / 1) / 8);
+ }
+ private double computeCellWidthFixed(Cell cell0, Font font, String txt) {
+ final FontRenderContext fontRenderContext = new FontRenderContext(null, true, true);
+ AttributedString str = new AttributedString(txt);
+ copyAttributes(font, str, 0, txt.length());
+ TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext);
+ return ((layout.getBounds().getWidth() / 1) / 8);
private static void copyAttributes(Font font, AttributedString str, int startIdx, int endIdx) {