/* globals describe, expect, it, beforeEach, spyOn, jasmine */
-import { Element, create, Text } from '../../../../src/main.js'
+import { Element, create, Text, Rect } from '../../../../src/main.js'
import { registerAttrHook } from '../../../../src/modules/core/attr.js'
const { objectContaining } = jasmine
expect(frozen.attr('leading', 2)).toBe(frozen)
+ it('only applies transforms color values if the attribute is designed to take a color as input', () => {
+ const rect = new Rect().attr('id', '#ff0')
+ expect(rect.attr('id')).toBe('#ff0')
+ })
it('executes registered hooks', () => {
registerAttrHook((attr, val, el) => {
if (el.node.id === 'somethingVeryRandom' && attr === 'name') {
import SVGArray from '../../types/SVGArray.js'
import SVGNumber from '../../types/SVGNumber.js'
+const colorAttributes = new Set([
+ 'fill',
+ 'stroke',
+ 'color',
+ 'bgcolor',
+ 'stop-color',
+ 'flood-color',
+ 'lighting-color'
const hooks = []
export function registerAttrHook(fn) {
// ensure correct numeric values (also accepts NaN and Infinity)
if (typeof val === 'number') {
val = new SVGNumber(val)
- } else if (Color.isColor(val)) {
+ } else if (colorAttributes.has(attr) && Color.isColor(val)) {
// ensure full hex color
val = new Color(val)
} else if (val.constructor === Array) {