The following subprojects exist within Archiva:\r
* archiva-applet - The progress bar on the checksum checking page.\r
* archiva-configuration - A facade on top of the Plexus configuration XML.\r
* archiva-converter - converts an m1 repository to an m2 one - currently not hooked up\r
* archiva-core - central code, business objects, modello etc.\r
* archiva-discoverer - monitors the managed repositories and kicks off the indexing.\r
* archiva-indexer - the lucene indexing.\r
* archiva-plexus-application - archiva can run on plexus as well as as a war. This creates a plexus app.\r
* archiva-plexus-runtime - archiva can run on plexus as well as as a war. This runs lots of apps.\r
* archiva-proxy - proxies repositories?\r
* archiva-reports-standard - a couple of reports are implemented. Not very pluginable yet.\r
* archiva-repository-layer - a query layer for the reports\r
* archiva-security - webapp security\r
* archiva-utils - some handy archiva specific utils\r
* archiva-webapp - creates a war file\r
* design - contains a mock-up currently\r
* maven-meeper - rsync scripts to sync repositories. Also converts m1 repositories to m2 repositories.\r
There are various terms in Archiva that are worth explaining and defining. \r
* "Managed" - A managed repository is a repository which Archiva is sitting on top of that may be browsed.\r
* "Indexed" - The ability to search a managed repository.\r
* "Proxied" - A remote repository which an existing managed repository can be used as a facade for.\r
* "Synchronized" - A remote repository which is physically copied down to be managed under Archiva. \r
* "Identifier" - A short ID for your repository that will be used in URLs.\r
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