} else
ShowWindow(fl_xid(this), SW_MAXIMIZE);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
- // OS X is somewhat strange and does not really have a concept of a
- // maximized window, so we can simply resize the window to the workarea.
- // Note that we shouldn't do this whilst in full screen as that will
- // incorrectly adjust things.
if (fullscreen_active())
- int X, Y, W, H;
- Fl::screen_work_area(X, Y, W, H, this->x(), this->y());
- size(W, H);
+ cocoa_win_zoom(this);
// X11
CGColorSpaceRef cocoa_win_color_space(Fl_Window *win);
bool cocoa_win_is_zoomed(Fl_Window *win);
+void cocoa_win_zoom(Fl_Window *win);
int cocoa_is_keyboard_event(const void *event);
return [nsw isZoomed];
+void cocoa_win_zoom(Fl_Window *win)
+ NSWindow *nsw;
+ nsw = (NSWindow*)fl_xid(win);
+ [nsw zoom:nsw];
int cocoa_is_keyboard_event(const void *event)
NSEvent *nsevent;