private boolean enforceDecpRule4_compatibleReturnTypes(BcelClassWeaver weaver, ResolvedMember superMethod, LazyMethodGen subMethod) {
boolean cont = true;
- String superReturnTypeSig = superMethod.getReturnType().getSignature();
- String subReturnTypeSig = subMethod.getReturnType().getSignature();
- superReturnTypeSig = superReturnTypeSig.replace('.','/');
- subReturnTypeSig = subReturnTypeSig.replace('.','/');
- if (!superReturnTypeSig.equals(subReturnTypeSig)) {
- // Allow for covariance - wish I could test this (need Java5...)
+ String superReturnTypeSig = superMethod.getGenericReturnType().getSignature(); // eg. Pjava/util/Collection<LFoo;>
+ String subReturnTypeSig = subMethod.getGenericReturnTypeSignature();
+ superReturnTypeSig = superReturnTypeSig.replace('.', '/');
+ subReturnTypeSig = subReturnTypeSig.replace('.', '/');
+ if (!superReturnTypeSig.equals(subReturnTypeSig)) {
+ // Check for covariance
ResolvedType subType = weaver.getWorld().resolve(subMethod.getReturnType());
ResolvedType superType = weaver.getWorld().resolve(superMethod.getReturnType());
if (!superType.isAssignableFrom(subType)) {
- ISourceLocation sloc = subMethod.getSourceLocation();
- "The return type is incompatible with "+superMethod.getDeclaringType()+"."+superMethod.getName()+superMethod.getParameterSignature(),
- subMethod.getSourceLocation()));
+ "The return type is incompatible with " + superMethod.getDeclaringType() + "." + superMethod.getName()
+ + superMethod.getParameterSignature(), subMethod.getSourceLocation()));
// this just might be a better error message...
// "The return type '"+subReturnTypeSig+"' is incompatible with the overridden method "+superMethod.getDeclaringType()+"."+
// superMethod.getName()+superMethod.getParameterSignature()+" which returns '"+superReturnTypeSig+"'",
- }
+ }
return cont;
+ /**
+ * Search the specified type for a particular method - do not use the return value in the comparison as it is not
+ * considered for overriding.
+ */
private LazyMethodGen findMatchingMethod(LazyClassGen newParentTarget, ResolvedMember m) {
LazyMethodGen found = null;
- // Search the type for methods overriding super methods (methods that come from the new parent)
- // Don't use the return value in the comparison as overriding doesnt
- for (Iterator i = newParentTarget.getMethodGens().iterator(); i.hasNext() && found==null;) {
+ List methodGens = newParentTarget.getMethodGens();
+ for (Iterator i = methodGens.iterator(); i.hasNext() && found == null;) {
LazyMethodGen gen = (LazyMethodGen) i.next();
if (gen.getName().equals(m.getName()) &&
gen.getParameterSignature().equals(m.getParameterSignature())) {