<description>The Apache POI project Ant build.</description>
- <property name="version.id" value="3.8-beta6"/>
+ <property name="version.id" value="3.9-beta1"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<!-- the repository to download jars from -->
- <release version="3.8-beta6" date="2012-??-??">
+ <release version="3.9-beta1" date="2012-??-??">
+ </release>
+ <release version="3.8-FINAL" date="2012-03-26">
<action dev="poi-developers" type="add">52928 - DateFormatConverter: an utility to convert instances of java.text.DateFormat to Excel format patterns</action>
<action dev="poi-developers" type="fix">52895 - show SSTIndex instead of XFIndex in LabelSSTRecord.toString()</action>
<action dev="poi-developers" type="fix">52835 - Tolerate missing Count and UniqueCount attributes when parsing shared strings table in XSSF eventusermodel</action>