.attr('disabled', false);
+ }, error: function(obj, msg) {
+ OC.Notification.showTemporary(msg);
+ $(e.target).val('')
+ .attr('disabled', false);
+ $loading.addClass('hidden')
+ .removeClass('inlineblock');
+ it('calls addShare after selection and fail to share', function() {
+ dialog.render();
+ var shareWith = $('.shareWithField')[0];
+ var $shareWith = $(shareWith);
+ var addShareStub = sinon.stub(shareModel, 'addShare');
+ var autocompleteOptions = autocompleteStub.getCall(0).args[0];
+ autocompleteOptions.select(new $.Event('select', {target: shareWith}), {
+ item: {
+ label: 'User Two',
+ value: {
+ shareType: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER,
+ shareWith: 'user2'
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ expect(addShareStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
+ expect(addShareStub.firstCall.args[0]).toEqual({
+ shareType: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER,
+ shareWith: 'user2'
+ });
+ //Input is locked
+ expect($shareWith.val()).toEqual('User Two');
+ expect($shareWith.attr('disabled')).toEqual('disabled');
+ //Callback is called
+ addShareStub.firstCall.args[1].error();
+ //Input is unlocked
+ expect($shareWith.val()).toEqual('User Two');
+ expect($shareWith.attr('disabled')).toEqual(undefined);
+ addShareStub.restore();
+ });
describe('reshare permissions', function() {
it('does not show sharing options when sharing not allowed', function() {