# admin is always authorized
return true if self.logged_in_user.admin?
# if not admin, check membership permission
- @user_membership ||= Member.find(:first, :conditions => ["user_id=? and project_id=?", self.logged_in_user.id, @project.id])
- if @user_membership and Permission.allowed_to_role( "%s/%s" % [ ctrl, action ], @user_membership.role_id )
+ @user_membership ||= logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project)
+ if @user_membership and Permission.allowed_to_role( "%s/%s" % [ ctrl, action ], @user_membership )
return true
render :nothing => true, :status => 403
# project feed
# check if project is public or if the user is a member
@project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
- render(:nothing => true, :status => 403) and return false unless @project.is_public? || (@user && @user.role_for_project(@project.id))
+ render(:nothing => true, :status => 403) and return false unless @project.is_public? || (@user && @user.role_for_project(@project))
scope = ["#{Project.table_name}.id=?", params[:project_id].to_i]
# global feed
include IfpdfHelper
def show
- @status_options = ([@issue.status] + @issue.status.workflows.find(:all, :order => 'position', :include => :new_status, :conditions => ["role_id=? and tracker_id=?", self.logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project.id), @issue.tracker.id]).collect{ |w| w.new_status }) if self.logged_in_user
+ @status_options = @issue.status.find_new_statuses_allowed_to(logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project), @issue.tracker) if logged_in_user
@custom_values = @issue.custom_values.find(:all, :include => :custom_field)
@journals_count = @issue.journals.count
@journals = @issue.journals.find(:all, :include => [:user, :details], :limit => 15, :order => "#{Journal.table_name}.created_on desc")
def add_note
unless params[:notes].empty?
journal = @issue.init_journal(self.logged_in_user, params[:notes])
- #@history = @issue.histories.build(params[:history])
- #@history.author_id = self.logged_in_user.id if self.logged_in_user
- #@history.status = @issue.status
if @issue.save
flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update)
Mailer.deliver_issue_edit(journal) if Permission.find_by_controller_and_action(params[:controller], params[:action]).mail_enabled?
def change_status
- #@history = @issue.histories.build(params[:history])
- @status_options = ([@issue.status] + @issue.status.workflows.find(:all, :order => 'position', :include => :new_status, :conditions => ["role_id=? and tracker_id=?", self.logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project.id), @issue.tracker.id]).collect{ |w| w.new_status }) if self.logged_in_user
+ @status_options = @issue.status.find_new_statuses_allowed_to(logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project), @issue.tracker) if logged_in_user
@new_status = IssueStatus.find(params[:new_status_id])
if params[:confirm]
- #@history.author_id = self.logged_in_user.id if self.logged_in_user
- #@issue.status = @history.status
- #@issue.fixed_version_id = (params[:issue][:fixed_version_id])
- #@issue.assigned_to_id = (params[:issue][:assigned_to_id])
- #@issue.done_ratio = (params[:issue][:done_ratio])
- #@issue.lock_version = (params[:issue][:lock_version])
journal = @issue.init_journal(self.logged_in_user, params[:notes])
@issue.status = @new_status
if @issue.update_attributes(params[:issue])
default_status = IssueStatus.default
@issue = Issue.new(:project => @project, :tracker => @tracker, :status => default_status)
- @allowed_statuses = [default_status] + default_status.workflows.find(:all, :order => 'position', :include => :new_status, :conditions => ["role_id=? and tracker_id=?", self.logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project.id), @issue.tracker.id]).collect{ |w| w.new_status }
+ @allowed_statuses = default_status.find_new_statuses_allowed_to(logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project), @issue.tracker) if logged_in_user
if request.get?
@issue.start_date = Date.today
@custom_values = @project.custom_fields_for_issues(@tracker).collect { |x| CustomValue.new(:custom_field => x, :customized => @issue) }
redirect_to :action => 'list_issues', :id => @project and return unless @issues
@projects = []
# find projects to which the user is allowed to move the issue
- @logged_in_user.memberships.each {|m| @projects << m.project if Permission.allowed_to_role("projects/move_issues", m.role_id)}
+ @logged_in_user.memberships.each {|m| @projects << m.project if Permission.allowed_to_role("projects/move_issues", m.role)}
# issue can be moved to any tracker
@trackers = Tracker.find(:all)
if request.post? and params[:new_project_id] and params[:new_tracker_id]
return true
# check if user is authorized
- if @logged_in_user and (@logged_in_user.admin? or Permission.allowed_to_role( "%s/%s" % [ controller, action ], @logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project.id) ) )
+ if @logged_in_user and (@logged_in_user.admin? or Permission.allowed_to_role( "%s/%s" % [ controller, action ], @logged_in_user.role_for_project(@project) ) )
return true
return false
# Returns an array of all statuses the given role can switch to
+ # Uses association cache when called more than one time
def new_statuses_allowed_to(role, tracker)
- statuses = []
- for workflow in self.workflows
- statuses << workflow.new_status if workflow.role_id == role.id and workflow.tracker_id == tracker.id
- end unless role.nil? or tracker.nil?
- statuses
+ new_statuses = [self] + workflows.select {|w| w.role_id == role.id && w.tracker_id == tracker.id}.collect{|w| w.new_status}
+ new_statuses.sort{|x, y| x.position <=> y.position }
+ end
+ # Same thing as above but uses a database query
+ # More efficient than the previous method if called just once
+ def find_new_statuses_allowed_to(role, tracker)
+ new_statuses = [self] + workflows.find(:all,
+ :include => :new_status,
+ :conditions => ["role_id=? and tracker_id=?", role.id, tracker.id]).collect{ |w| w.new_status }
+ new_statuses.sort{|x, y| x.position <=> y.position }
find(:all, :include => :roles).each {|p| perms.store "#{p.controller}/#{p.action}", p.roles.collect {|r| r.id } }
- allowed_to_public(action) or (@@cached_perms_for_roles[action] and @@cached_perms_for_roles[action].include? role)
+ allowed_to_public(action) or (role && @@cached_perms_for_roles[action] && @@cached_perms_for_roles[action].include?(role.id))
def self.allowed_to_role_expired
User.hash_password(clear_password) == self.hashed_password
- def role_for_project(project_id)
- @role_for_projects ||=
- begin
- roles = {}
- self.memberships.each { |m| roles.store m.project_id, m.role_id }
- roles
- end
- @role_for_projects[project_id]
+ def role_for_project(project)
+ memberships.detect {|m| m.project_id == project.id}
def pref