+ /**
+ * Check that the push refspec is read from config.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testPushWithRefSpecFromConfig() throws Exception {
+ Git git = new Git(db);
+ Git git2 = new Git(createBareRepository());
+ final StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig();
+ RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig(config, "test");
+ URIish uri = new URIish(git2.getRepository().getDirectory().toURI()
+ .toURL());
+ remoteConfig.addURI(uri);
+ remoteConfig.addPushRefSpec(new RefSpec("HEAD:refs/heads/newbranch"));
+ remoteConfig.update(config);
+ config.save();
+ writeTrashFile("f", "content of f");
+ git.add().addFilepattern("f").call();
+ RevCommit commit = git.commit().setMessage("adding f").call();
+ assertEquals(null, git2.getRepository().resolve("refs/heads/master"));
+ git.push().setRemote("test").call();
+ assertEquals(commit.getId(),
+ git2.getRepository().resolve("refs/heads/newbranch"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check that only HEAD is pushed if no refspec is given.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testPushWithoutPushRefSpec() throws Exception {
+ Git git = new Git(db);
+ Git git2 = new Git(createBareRepository());
+ final StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig();
+ RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig(config, "test");
+ URIish uri = new URIish(git2.getRepository().getDirectory().toURI()
+ .toURL());
+ remoteConfig.addURI(uri);
+ remoteConfig.addFetchRefSpec(new RefSpec(
+ "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"));
+ remoteConfig.update(config);
+ config.save();
+ writeTrashFile("f", "content of f");
+ git.add().addFilepattern("f").call();
+ RevCommit commit = git.commit().setMessage("adding f").call();
+ git.checkout().setName("not-pushed").setCreateBranch(true).call();
+ git.checkout().setName("branchtopush").setCreateBranch(true).call();
+ assertEquals(null,
+ git2.getRepository().resolve("refs/heads/branchtopush"));
+ assertEquals(null, git2.getRepository()
+ .resolve("refs/heads/not-pushed"));
+ assertEquals(null, git2.getRepository().resolve("refs/heads/master"));
+ git.push().setRemote("test").call();
+ assertEquals(commit.getId(),
+ git2.getRepository().resolve("refs/heads/branchtopush"));
+ assertEquals(null, git2.getRepository()
+ .resolve("refs/heads/not-pushed"));
+ assertEquals(null, git2.getRepository().resolve("refs/heads/master"));
+ }