// if the shadow is GUARANTEED empty (i.e., there's NOTHING, not even
// a shadow, inside me).
if (getRange().getStart().getNext() == getRange().getEnd()) return;
- InstructionFactory fact = getFactory();
+ InstructionFactory fact = getFactory();
InstructionList handler = new InstructionList();
+ InstructionList rtExHandler = new InstructionList();
BcelVar exceptionVar = genTempVar(catchType);
- exceptionVar.appendStore(handler, fact);
- // ENH 42743 suggests that we don't soften runtime exceptions.
- // To implement that, would need to add instructions into the handler
- // stream here to test if exceptionVar is an instanceof RuntimeException,
- // and if it is, just re-throw it without softening.
- // (Not yet implemented obviously).
handler.append(fact.createInvoke(NameMangler.SOFT_EXCEPTION_TYPE, "<init>",
Type.VOID, new Type[] { Type.THROWABLE }, Constants.INVOKESPECIAL)); //??? special
- InstructionHandle handlerStart = handler.getStart();
- if (isFallsThrough()) {
+ // ENH 42737
+ exceptionVar.appendStore(rtExHandler, fact);
+ // aload_1
+ rtExHandler.append(exceptionVar.createLoad(fact));
+ // instanceof class java/lang/RuntimeException
+ rtExHandler.append(fact.createInstanceOf(new ObjectType("java.lang.RuntimeException")));
+ // ifeq go to new SOFT_EXCEPTION_TYPE instruction
+ rtExHandler.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFEQ,handler.getStart()));
+ // aload_1
+ rtExHandler.append(exceptionVar.createLoad(fact));
+ // athrow
+ rtExHandler.append(InstructionFactory.ATHROW);
+ InstructionHandle handlerStart = rtExHandler.getStart();
+ if (isFallsThrough()) {
InstructionHandle jumpTarget = range.getEnd();//handler.append(fact.NOP);
- handler.insert(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, jumpTarget));
+ rtExHandler.insert(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, jumpTarget));
- InstructionHandle protectedEnd = handler.getStart();
- range.insert(handler, Range.InsideAfter);
+ rtExHandler.append(handler);
+ InstructionHandle protectedEnd = rtExHandler.getStart();
+ range.insert(rtExHandler, Range.InsideAfter);
enclosingMethod.addExceptionHandler(range.getStart().getNext(), protectedEnd.getPrev(),
handlerStart, (ObjectType)BcelWorld.makeBcelType(catchType),
// high priority if our args are on the stack