<release version="1.1.10" date="TBD">
+ <action dev="jahlborn" type="update">
+ Move project to maven2 and change project groupId to
+ com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.
+ </action>
<release version="1.1.9" date="2007-07-12">
<action dev="jahlborn" type="fix" issue="1675522">
Probably because you're missing a jar that Jackcess depends on from your
classpath. Take a look at the <a href="dependencies.html">dependencies list</a>. The first 3 are required for both building and running
and can be found either at the <a href="">
- Jakarta Commons</a> or the <a href="">Ibiblio
+ Apache Commons</a> or the <a href="">Ibiblio
Maven Repository</a>. The others are only required for building, in which
case, Maven will find them for you.