Starting Xvnc without having any VNC functionality is pretty much
pointless. So terminate when that happens, making the situation easier
to detect for startup scripts.
+int vncExtensionIsActive(int scrIdx)
+ return (desktop[scrIdx] != NULL);
void vncCallReadBlockHandlers(fd_set * fds, struct timeval ** timeout)
for (int scr = 0; scr < vncGetScreenCount(); scr++)
extern int vncInetdSock;
void vncExtensionInit(void);
+int vncExtensionIsActive(int scrIdx);
void vncCallReadBlockHandlers(fd_set * fds, struct timeval ** timeout);
void vncCallReadWakeupHandlers(fd_set * fds, int nfds);
void InitInput(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0;i < screenInfo.numScreens;i++) {
+ if (!vncExtensionIsActive(i))
+ FatalError("failed to activate VNC extension for one or more screens");
+ }
mieqInit ();