confirmValue("Converts decimal -54 to hexadecimal, 2 is ignored","-54", "2", "FFFFFFFFCA");
confirmValue("places is optionnal","-54", "FFFFFFFFCA");
+ confirmValue("Converts normal decimal number to hexadecimal", "100", "64");
+ String maxInt = Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ assertEquals("2147483647", maxInt);
+ confirmValue("Converts INT_MAX to hexadecimal", maxInt, "7FFFFFFF");
+ String minInt = Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
+ assertEquals("-2147483648", minInt);
+ confirmValue("Converts INT_MIN to hexadecimal", minInt, "FF80000000");
+ String maxIntPlusOne = Long.toString(((long)Integer.MAX_VALUE)+1);
+ assertEquals("2147483648", maxIntPlusOne);
+ confirmValue("Converts INT_MAX + 1 to hexadecimal", maxIntPlusOne, "80000000");
+ String maxLong = Long.toString(549755813887l);
+ assertEquals("549755813887", maxLong);
+ confirmValue("Converts the max supported value to hexadecimal", maxLong, "7FFFFFFFFF");
+ String minLong = Long.toString(-549755813888l);
+ assertEquals("-549755813888", minLong);
+ confirmValue("Converts the min supported value to hexadecimal", minLong, "FF80000000");
public void testErrors() {