These are as follows:
- htc: HTML Component File
- pyc: Compiled Python Script
- pyo: Optimized Compiled Python Module
- pyw: Python Script To Be Executed With Suppressed Terminal Window
- pyz: Python Zip Application
- pyzw: Python Zip Application
- vhd: Virtual Hard Disk
- vhdx: Virtual Hard Disk Extended
- wsf: Windows Script File
Note that the Python file types remain unscored in archives, so
distribution of these in source tarballs and the like is not affected by
this commit.
hlp = 4,
hpj = 4,
hta = 4,
+ htc = 4,
inf = 4,
its = 4,
jnlp = 4,
psd1 = 4,
psdm1 = 4,
pst = 4,
+ pyc = 4,
+ pyo = 4,
+ pyw = 4,
+ pyz = 4,
+ pyzw = 4,
reg = 4,
scf = 4,
scr = 4,
theme = 4,
url = 4,
vbp = 4,
+ vhd = 4,
+ vhdx = 4,
vsmacros = 4,
vsw = 4,
webpnp = 4,
website = 4,
ws = 4,
+ wsf = 4,
xbap = 4,
xll = 4,
xnk = 4,