local N = 'phishing'
local symbol = 'PHISHED_URL'
+local phishing_feed_exclusion_symbol = 'PHISHED_EXCLUDED'
local generic_service_symbol = 'PHISHED_GENERIC_SERVICE'
local openphish_symbol = 'PHISHED_OPENPHISH'
local phishtank_symbol = 'PHISHED_PHISHTANK'
local phishing_exceptions_maps = {}
local anchor_exceptions_maps = {}
local strict_domains_maps = {}
+local phishing_feed_exclusion_map = nil
local generic_service_map = nil
local openphish_map = 'https://www.openphish.com/feed.txt'
local phishtank_suffix = 'phishtank.rspamd.com'
local openphish_premium = false
-- Published via DNS
local phishtank_enabled = false
+local phishing_feed_exclusion_hash
local generic_service_hash
local openphish_hash
+local phishing_feed_exclusion_data = {}
local generic_service_data = {}
local openphish_data = {}
+local function is_host_excluded(exclusion_map, host)
+ if exclusion_map and host then
+ local excluded = exclusion_map[host]
+ if excluded then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+ end
local function phishing_cb(task)
- local function check_phishing_map(map, url, phish_symbol)
+ local function check_phishing_map(map, exclusion_map, url, phish_symbol, excl_symbol)
local host = url:get_host()
+ local excl_host = is_host_excluded(exclusion_map, host)
+ if excl_host then
+ task:insert_result(excl_symbol, 0.0, host)
+ return
+ end
if host then
local elt = map[host]
local found_path = false
- local function check_phishing_dns(dns_suffix, url, phish_symbol)
+ local function check_phishing_dns(dns_suffix, exclusion_map, url, phish_symbol, excl_symbol)
local function compose_dns_query(elts)
local cr = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash"
local h = cr.create()
local path = url:get_path()
local query = url:get_query()
+ local excl_host = is_host_excluded(exclusion_map, host)
+ if excl_host then
+ task:insert_result(excl_symbol, 0.0, host)
+ return
+ end
if host and path then
local function host_host_path_cb(_, _, results, err)
if not err and results then
-- to emulate continue
local url = url_iter
if generic_service_hash then
- check_phishing_map(generic_service_data, url, generic_service_symbol)
+ check_phishing_map(generic_service_data, phishing_feed_exclusion_data, url, generic_service_symbol, phishing_feed_exclusion_symbol)
if openphish_hash then
- check_phishing_map(openphish_data, url, openphish_symbol)
+ check_phishing_map(openphish_data, phishing_feed_exclusion_data, url, openphish_symbol, phishing_feed_exclusion_symbol)
if phishtank_enabled then
- check_phishing_dns(phishtank_suffix, url, phishtank_symbol)
+ check_phishing_dns(phishtank_suffix, phishing_feed_exclusion_data, url, phishtank_symbol, phishing_feed_exclusion_symbol)
if url:is_phished() then
return false
+local function phishing_feed_exclusion_plain_cb(string)
+ local nelts = 0
+ local new_data = {}
+ local rspamd_mempool = require "rspamd_mempool"
+ local pool = rspamd_mempool.create()
+ local function phishing_feed_exclusion_elt_parser(cap)
+ if insert_url_from_string(pool, new_data, cap, nil) then
+ nelts = nelts + 1
+ end
+ end
+ rspamd_str_split_fun(string, '\n', phishing_feed_exclusion_elt_parser)
+ phishing_feed_exclusion_data = new_data
+ rspamd_logger.infox(phishing_feed_exclusion_hash, "parsed %s elements from phishing feed exclusions",
+ nelts)
+ pool:destroy()
local function generic_service_plain_cb(string)
local nelts = 0
local new_data = {}
-- To exclude from domains for dmarc verified messages
rspamd_config:register_dependency(symbol, 'DMARC_CHECK')
+ if opts['phishing_feed_exclusion_symbol'] then
+ phishing_feed_exclusion_symbol = opts['phishing_feed_exclusion_symbol']
+ end
+ if opts['phishing_feed_exclusion_map'] then
+ phishing_feed_exclusion_map = opts['phishing_feed_exclusion_map']
+ end
+ if opts['phishing_feed_exclusion_enabled'] then
+ phishing_feed_exclusion_hash = rspamd_config:add_map({
+ type = 'callback',
+ url = phishing_feed_exclusion_map,
+ callback = phishing_feed_exclusion_plain_cb,
+ description = 'Phishing feed exclusions'
+ })
+ end
if opts['generic_service_symbol'] then
generic_service_symbol = opts['generic_service_symbol']
name = generic_service_symbol,
+ rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ type = 'virtual',
+ parent = id,
+ name = phishing_feed_exclusion_symbol,
+ })
type = 'virtual',
parent = id,