public static final String REFERENCE_TO_NON_ANNOTATION_TYPE = "referenceToNonAnnotationType";
public static final String BINDING_NON_RUNTIME_RETENTION_ANNOTATION = "bindingNonRuntimeRetentionAnnotation";
+ public static final String INCORRECT_TARGET_FOR_DECLARE_ANNOTATION = "incorrectTargetForDeclareAnnotation";
public static String format(String key) {
return bundle.getString(key);
cantDecpOnAnnotationToImplInterface=can''t use declare parents to make annotation type {0} implement an interface
cantDecpOnAnnotationToExtendClass=can''t use declare parents to alter supertype of annotation type {0}
cantDecpToMakeAnnotationSupertype=can''t use declare parents to make ''java.lang.annotation.Annotation'' the parent of type {0}
+incorrectTargetForDeclareAnnotation={0} is not a valid target for annotation {1}, this annotation can only be applied to these element types {2}
referenceToNonAnnotationType=Type referred to is not an annotation type: {0}
bindingNonRuntimeRetentionAnnotation=Annotation type {0} does not have runtime retention