"Unknown error" => "Ismeretlen hiba",
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "%s áthelyezése nem sikerült - már létezik másik fájl ezzel a névvel",
"Could not move %s" => "Nem sikerült %s áthelyezése",
+"Permission denied" => "Engedély megtagadva ",
"File name cannot be empty." => "A fájlnév nem lehet semmi.",
"\"%s\" is an invalid file name." => "\"%s\" érvénytelen, mint fájlnév.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Érvénytelen elnevezés. Ezek a karakterek nem használhatók: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' és '*'",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" => "Ο διαμοιρασμός μεταξύ διακομιστών δεν έχει ενεργοποιηθεί σε αυτόν το διακομιστή",
+"The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." => "Το όνομα σημείου προσάρτησης περιέχει μη έγκυρους χαρακτήρες.",
"Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" => "Μη έγκυρο ή μη έμπιστο πιστοποιητικό SSL",
"Couldn't add remote share" => "Αδυναμία προσθήκης απομακρυσμένου κοινόχρηστου φακέλου",
"Shared with you" => "Διαμοιρασμένο με εσάς",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" => "A kiszolgálók közötti megosztás nincs engedélyezve ezen a kiszolgálón",
+"The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." => "A csatlakozási pont neve érvénytelen karaktereket tartalmaz ",
"Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" => "Érvénytelen vagy nem megbízható az SSL tanúsítvány",
"Couldn't add remote share" => "A távoli megosztás nem hozható létre",
"Shared with you" => "Velem osztották meg",
"Deleted files" => "Sterge fisierele",
+"Restore" => "Restabilire",
"Error" => "Eroare",
"Name" => "Nume",
"Delete" => "Șterge"
"Could not revert: %s" => "Nu a putut reveni: %s",
-"Versions" => "Versiuni"
+"Versions" => "Versiuni",
+"More versions..." => "Mai multe versiuni...",
+"No other versions available" => "Nu există alte versiuni disponibile",
+"Restore" => "Restabilire"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));";
"Edit raw filter instead" => "Inkább közvetlenül megadom a szűrési kifejezést:",
"Raw LDAP filter" => "Az LDAP szűrőkifejezés",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." => "A szűrő meghatározza, hogy mely LDAP csoportok lesznek jogosultak %s elérésére.",
+"Test Filter" => "Test szűrő ",
"groups found" => "csoport van",
"Users login with this attribute:" => "A felhasználók ezzel az attribútummal jelentkeznek be:",
"LDAP Username:" => "LDAP felhasználónév:",
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Bejelentkezés nélküli eléréshez ne töltse ki a DN és Jelszó mezőket!",
"One Base DN per line" => "Soronként egy DN-gyökér",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "A Haladó fülre kattintva külön DN-gyökér állítható be a felhasználók és a csoportok számára",
+"Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" => "LDAP szűrők kézi beállitása (ajánlott a nagy könyvtáraknál)",
"Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" => "Korlátozzuk a %s szolgáltatás elérését azokra a felhasználókra, akik megfelelnek a következő feltételeknek:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." => "A szűrő meghatározza, hogy mely LDAP felhasználók lesznek jogosultak %s elérésére.",
"users found" => "felhasználó van",
+"Saving" => "Mentés",
"Back" => "Vissza",
"Continue" => "Folytatás",
"Expert" => "Profi",
"Confirm Deletion" => "Konfirmasi Penghapusan",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array(""),
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array(""),
+"Server" => "Server",
"Group Filter" => "saringan grup",
"Save" => "Simpan",
"Test Configuration" => "Uji Konfigurasi",
"Turned on maintenance mode" => "Hidupkan mode perawatan",
"Turned off maintenance mode" => "Matikan mode perawatan",
"Updated database" => "Basis data terbaru",
-"No image or file provided" => "Tidak ada gambar atau file yang disediakan",
-"Unknown filetype" => "Tipe berkas tak dikenal",
+"Checked database schema update" => "Pembaruan skema basis data terperiksa",
+"Checked database schema update for apps" => "Pembaruan skema basis data terperiksa untuk aplikasi",
+"Updated \"%s\" to %s" => "Terbaru \"%s\" sampai %s",
+"Disabled incompatible apps: %s" => "Aplikasi tidak kompatibel yang dinonaktifkan: %s",
+"No image or file provided" => "Tidak ada gambar atau berkas yang disediakan",
+"Unknown filetype" => "Tipe berkas tidak dikenal",
"Invalid image" => "Gambar tidak sah",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" => "Tidak ada gambar profil sementara yang tersedia, coba lagi",
"No crop data provided" => "Tidak ada data krop tersedia",
"File" => "Berkas",
"Folder" => "Folder",
"Image" => "gambar",
+"Audio" => "Audio",
"Saving..." => "Menyimpan...",
-"Reset password" => "Atur ulang sandi",
+"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." => "Tidak dapat mengirim email setel ulang. Silakan hubungi administrator Anda.",
+"The link to reset your password has been sent to your email. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." => "Sebuah tautan untuk setel ulang sandi Anda telah dikirim ke email Anda. Jika Anda tidak menerima dalam jangka waktu yang wajar, periksa folder spam/sampah Anda.<br>Jika tidak ada, tanyakan pada administrator Anda.",
+"Your files are encrypted. If you haven't enabled the recovery key, there will be no way to get your data back after your password is reset.<br />If you are not sure what to do, please contact your administrator before you continue. <br />Do you really want to continue?" => "Berkas-berkas Anda terenkripsi. Jika Anda tidak mengaktifkan kunci pemulihan, tidak ada cara lain untuk mendapatkan data Anda kembali setelah sandi di setel ulang.<br />Jika Anda tidak yakin dengan apa yang akan Anda dilakukan, mohon hubungi administrator Anda sebelum melanjutkan. <br />Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?",
+"I know what I'm doing" => "Saya tahu apa yang saya lakukan",
+"Reset password" => "Setel ulang sandi",
+"Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." => "Sandi tidak dapat diubah. Silakan hubungi administrator Anda",
"No" => "Tidak",
"Yes" => "Ya",
"Choose" => "Pilih",
"Good password" => "Sandi baik",
"Strong password" => "Sandi kuat",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Web server Anda belum dikonfigurasikan dengan baik untuk mengizinkan sinkronisasi berkas karena tampaknya antarmuka WebDAV rusak.",
+"Error occurred while checking server setup" => "Kesalahan tidak terduga saat memeriksa setelan server",
"Shared" => "Dibagikan",
+"Shared with {recipients}" => "Dibagikan dengan {recipients}",
"Share" => "Bagikan",
"Error" => "Galat",
"Error while sharing" => "Galat ketika membagikan",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Dibagikan dengan anda oleh {owner}",
"Share with user or group …" => "Bagikan dengan pengguna atau grup ...",
"Share link" => "Bagikan tautan",
+"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Tautan publik akan kadaluarsa tidak lebih dari {days} hari setelah ini dibuat",
"Password protect" => "Lindungi dengan sandi",
+"Choose a password for the public link" => "Tetapkan sandi untuk tautan publik",
"Allow Public Upload" => "Izinkan Unggahan Publik",
"Email link to person" => "Emailkan tautan ini ke orang",
"Send" => "Kirim",
"Set expiration date" => "Atur tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Expiration date" => "Tanggal kedaluwarsa",
+"Adding user..." => "Menambahkan pengguna...",
"group" => "grup",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Berbagi ulang tidak diizinkan",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Dibagikan dalam {item} dengan {user}",
"Unshare" => "Batalkan berbagi",
"notify by email" => "notifikasi via email",
+"can share" => "dapat berbagi",
"can edit" => "dapat sunting",
"access control" => "kontrol akses",
"create" => "buat",
"Enter new" => "Masukkan baru",
"Delete" => "Hapus",
"Add" => "Tambah",
-"Edit tags" => "Sunting tag",
+"Edit tags" => "Sunting label",
"Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "Galat memuat templat dialog: {error}",
-"No tags selected for deletion." => "Tidak ada tag yang terpilih untuk dihapus.",
+"No tags selected for deletion." => "Tidak ada label yang dipilih untuk dihapus.",
+"Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." => "Memperbarui {productName} ke versi {version}, ini memerlukan waktu.",
"Please reload the page." => "Silakan muat ulang halaman.",
+"The update was unsuccessful." => "Pembaruan tidak berhasil",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "Pembaruan sukses. Anda akan diarahkan ulang ke ownCloud.",
-"%s password reset" => "%s sandi diatur ulang",
+"Couldn't reset password because the token is invalid" => "Tidak dapat menyetel ulang sandi karena token tidak sah",
+"Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." => "Tidak dapat menyetel ulang email. Mohon pastikan nama pengguna Anda benar.",
+"Couldn't send reset email because there is no email address for this username. Please contact your administrator." => "Tidak dapat menyetel ulang email karena tidak ada alamat email untuk nama pengguna ini. Silakan hubungi Administrator Anda.",
+"%s password reset" => "%s sandi disetel ulang",
"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Gunakan tautan berikut untuk menyetel ulang sandi Anda: {link}",
"You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "Anda akan menerima tautan penyetelan ulang sandi lewat Email.",
"Username" => "Nama pengguna",
"Yes, I really want to reset my password now" => "Ya, Saya sungguh ingin mengatur ulang sandi saya sekarang",
"Reset" => "Atur Ulang",
"New password" => "Sandi baru",
+"New Password" => "Sandi Baru",
"Mac OS X is not supported and %s will not work properly on this platform. Use it at your own risk! " => "Mac OS X tidak didukung dan %s tidak akan bekerja dengan baik pada platform ini. Gunakan dengan resiko Anda sendiri!",
"For the best results, please consider using a GNU/Linux server instead." => "Untuk hasil terbaik, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan server GNU/Linux sebagai gantinya. ",
"Personal" => "Pribadi",
"Error favoriting" => "Galat saat memberikan sebagai favorit",
"Error unfavoriting" => "Galat saat menghapus sebagai favorit",
"Access forbidden" => "Akses ditolak",
+"File not found" => "Berkas tidak ditemukan",
+"The specified document has not been found on the server." => "Dokumen yang diminta tidak tersedia pada server.",
+"You can click here to return to %s." => "Anda dapat klik disini unutk kembali ke %s.",
"Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" => "Hai,\n\nhanya supaya anda tahu bahwa %s membagikan %s dengan anda.\nLihat: %s\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." => "Pembagian akan berakhir pada %s.",
"Cheers!" => "Horee!",
+"Internal Server Error" => "Kesalahan Server Internal",
+"The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request." => "Server mengalami kesalahan internal dan tidak dapat menyelesaikan permintaan Anda.",
+"Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report." => "Silahkan hubungi administrator server jika kesalahan ini muncul kembali berulang kali, harap sertakan rincian teknis di bawah ini dalam laporan Anda.",
+"More details can be found in the server log." => "Rincian lebih lengkap dapat ditemukan di log server.",
+"Technical details" => "Rincian teknis",
+"Remote Address: %s" => "Alamat remote: %s",
+"Request ID: %s" => "ID Permintaan: %s",
+"Code: %s" => "Kode: %s",
+"Message: %s" => "Pesan: %s",
+"File: %s" => "Berkas: %s",
+"Line: %s" => "Baris: %s",
+"Trace" => "Jejak",
"Security Warning" => "Peringatan Keamanan",
"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Versi PHP Anda rentan terhadap serangan NULL Byte (CVE-2006-7243)",
"Please update your PHP installation to use %s securely." => "Silakan perbarui instalasi PHP anda untuk menggunakan %s dengan aman.",
"Storage & database" => "Penyimpanan & Basis data",
"Data folder" => "Folder data",
"Configure the database" => "Konfigurasikan basis data",
+"Only %s is available." => "Hanya %s yang tersedia",
"Database user" => "Pengguna basis data",
"Database password" => "Sandi basis data",
"Database name" => "Nama basis data",
"Database tablespace" => "Tablespace basis data",
"Database host" => "Host basis data",
+"SQLite will be used as database. For larger installations we recommend to change this." => "SQLite akan digunakan sebagai basis data. Untuk instalasi yang lebih besar, kami merekomendasikan untuk mengubah setelan ini.",
"Finish setup" => "Selesaikan instalasi",
"Finishing …" => "Menyelesaikan ...",
+"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">enable JavaScript</a> and reload the page." => "Aplikasi ini memerlukan JavaScript untuk beroperasi dengan benar. Mohon <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">aktifkan JavaScript</a> dan muat ulang halaman.",
"%s is available. Get more information on how to update." => "%s tersedia. Dapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara memperbarui.",
"Log out" => "Keluar",
"Server side authentication failed!" => "Otentikasi dari sisi server gagal!",
"Please contact your administrator." => "Silahkan hubungi administrator anda.",
+"Forgot your password? Reset it!" => "Lupa sandi Anda? Setel ulang!",
"remember" => "selalu masuk",
"Log in" => "Masuk",
"Alternative Logins" => "Cara Alternatif untuk Masuk",
+"Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you.<br><a href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>" => "Hai,<br><br>hanya memberi tahu jika %s membagikan <strong>%s</strong> dengan Anda.<br><a href=\"%s\">Lihat!</a><br><br>",
"This ownCloud instance is currently in single user mode." => "ownCloud ini sedang dalam mode pengguna tunggal.",
"This means only administrators can use the instance." => "Ini berarti hanya administrator yang dapat menggunakan ownCloud.",
"Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." => "Hubungi administrator sistem anda jika pesan ini terus muncul atau muncul tiba-tiba.",
-"Thank you for your patience." => "Terima kasih atas kesabaran anda."
+"Thank you for your patience." => "Terima kasih atas kesabaran anda.",
+"You are accessing the server from an untrusted domain." => "Anda mengakses server dari domain yang tidak terpercaya.",
+"Add \"%s\" as trusted domain" => "tambahkan \"%s\" sebagai domain terpercaya",
+"%s will be updated to version %s." => "%s akan diperbarui ke versi %s.",
+"The following apps will be disabled:" => "Aplikasi berikut akan dinonaktifkan:",
+"The theme %s has been disabled." => "Tema %s telah dinonaktfkan.",
+"Please make sure that the database, the config folder and the data folder have been backed up before proceeding." => "Pastikan bahwa basis data, folder konfig, dan folder data telah dicadangkan sebelum melanjutkan.",
+"Start update" => "Jalankan pembaruan"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgid "See %s"
msgstr ""
-#: base.php:209 private/util.php:457
+#: base.php:209 private/util.php:461
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the "
"config directory%s."
msgstr ""
-#: base.php:587
+#: base.php:594
msgid "Sample configuration detected"
msgstr ""
-#: base.php:588
+#: base.php:595
msgid ""
"It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can "
"break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation "
"before performing changes on config.php"
msgstr ""
-#: private/app.php:408
+#: private/app.php:410
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
-#: private/app.php:421
+#: private/app.php:423
msgid "Personal"
msgstr ""
-#: private/app.php:432
+#: private/app.php:434
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: private/app.php:444
+#: private/app.php:446
msgid "Users"
msgstr ""
-#: private/app.php:457
+#: private/app.php:459
msgid "Admin"
msgstr ""
-#: private/app.php:863 private/app.php:974
+#: private/app.php:865 private/app.php:976
msgid "Recommended"
msgstr ""
-#: private/app.php:1156
+#: private/app.php:1158
#, php-format
msgid ""
"App \\\"%s\\\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this "
"version of ownCloud."
msgstr ""
-#: private/app.php:1168
+#: private/app.php:1170
msgid "No app name specified"
msgstr ""
msgid "The username is already being used"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:442
+#: private/util.php:446
msgid "No database drivers (sqlite, mysql, or postgresql) installed."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:449
+#: private/util.php:453
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Permissions can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to "
"the root directory%s."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:456
+#: private/util.php:460
msgid "Cannot write into \"config\" directory"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:470
+#: private/util.php:474
msgid "Cannot write into \"apps\" directory"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:471
+#: private/util.php:475
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the apps "
"directory%s or disabling the appstore in the config file."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:486
+#: private/util.php:490
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot create \"data\" directory (%s)"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:487
+#: private/util.php:491
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This can usually be fixed by <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">giving the "
"webserver write access to the root directory</a>."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:504
+#: private/util.php:508
#, php-format
msgid "Setting locale to %s failed"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:507
+#: private/util.php:511
msgid ""
"Please install one of these locales on your system and restart your "
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:536
+#: private/util.php:540
msgid "Please ask your server administrator to install the module."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:556
+#: private/util.php:560
#, php-format
msgid "PHP module %s not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:564
+#: private/util.php:568
#, php-format
msgid "PHP %s or higher is required."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:565
+#: private/util.php:569
msgid ""
"Please ask your server administrator to update PHP to the latest version. "
"Your PHP version is no longer supported by ownCloud and the PHP community."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:576
+#: private/util.php:580
msgid ""
"PHP Safe Mode is enabled. ownCloud requires that it is disabled to work "
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:577
+#: private/util.php:581
msgid ""
"PHP Safe Mode is a deprecated and mostly useless setting that should be "
"disabled. Please ask your server administrator to disable it in php.ini or "
"in your webserver config."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:584
+#: private/util.php:588
msgid ""
"Magic Quotes is enabled. ownCloud requires that it is disabled to work "
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:585
+#: private/util.php:589
msgid ""
"Magic Quotes is a deprecated and mostly useless setting that should be "
"disabled. Please ask your server administrator to disable it in php.ini or "
"in your webserver config."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:599
+#: private/util.php:603
msgid "PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:600
+#: private/util.php:604
msgid "Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:630
+#: private/util.php:634
msgid "PostgreSQL >= 9 required"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:631
+#: private/util.php:635
msgid "Please upgrade your database version"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:638
+#: private/util.php:642
msgid "Error occurred while checking PostgreSQL version"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:639
+#: private/util.php:643
msgid ""
"Please make sure you have PostgreSQL >= 9 or check the logs for more "
"information about the error"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:704
+#: private/util.php:708
msgid ""
"Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed "
"by other users."
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:713
+#: private/util.php:717
#, php-format
msgid "Data directory (%s) is readable by other users"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:734
+#: private/util.php:738
#, php-format
msgid "Data directory (%s) is invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: private/util.php:735
+#: private/util.php:739
msgid ""
"Please check that the data directory contains a file \".ocdata\" in its root."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
-#: app.php:408
+#: app.php:410
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:421
+#: app.php:423
msgid "Personal"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:432
+#: app.php:434
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:444
+#: app.php:446
msgid "Users"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:457
+#: app.php:459
msgid "Admin"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:863 app.php:974
+#: app.php:865 app.php:976
msgid "Recommended"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:1156
+#: app.php:1158
#, php-format
msgid ""
"App \\\"%s\\\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this "
"version of ownCloud."
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:1168
+#: app.php:1170
msgid "No app name specified"
msgstr ""
msgid "The username is already being used"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:442
+#: util.php:446
msgid "No database drivers (sqlite, mysql, or postgresql) installed."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:449
+#: util.php:453
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Permissions can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to "
"the root directory%s."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:456
+#: util.php:460
msgid "Cannot write into \"config\" directory"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:457
+#: util.php:461
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the "
"config directory%s."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:470
+#: util.php:474
msgid "Cannot write into \"apps\" directory"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:471
+#: util.php:475
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the apps "
"directory%s or disabling the appstore in the config file."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:486
+#: util.php:490
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot create \"data\" directory (%s)"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:487
+#: util.php:491
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This can usually be fixed by <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">giving the "
"webserver write access to the root directory</a>."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:504
+#: util.php:508
#, php-format
msgid "Setting locale to %s failed"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:507
+#: util.php:511
msgid ""
"Please install one of these locales on your system and restart your "
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:536
+#: util.php:540
msgid "Please ask your server administrator to install the module."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:556
+#: util.php:560
#, php-format
msgid "PHP module %s not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:564
+#: util.php:568
#, php-format
msgid "PHP %s or higher is required."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:565
+#: util.php:569
msgid ""
"Please ask your server administrator to update PHP to the latest version. "
"Your PHP version is no longer supported by ownCloud and the PHP community."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:576
+#: util.php:580
msgid ""
"PHP Safe Mode is enabled. ownCloud requires that it is disabled to work "
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:577
+#: util.php:581
msgid ""
"PHP Safe Mode is a deprecated and mostly useless setting that should be "
"disabled. Please ask your server administrator to disable it in php.ini or "
"in your webserver config."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:584
+#: util.php:588
msgid ""
"Magic Quotes is enabled. ownCloud requires that it is disabled to work "
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:585
+#: util.php:589
msgid ""
"Magic Quotes is a deprecated and mostly useless setting that should be "
"disabled. Please ask your server administrator to disable it in php.ini or "
"in your webserver config."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:599
+#: util.php:603
msgid "PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:600
+#: util.php:604
msgid "Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:630
+#: util.php:634
msgid "PostgreSQL >= 9 required"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:631
+#: util.php:635
msgid "Please upgrade your database version"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:638
+#: util.php:642
msgid "Error occurred while checking PostgreSQL version"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:639
+#: util.php:643
msgid ""
"Please make sure you have PostgreSQL >= 9 or check the logs for more "
"information about the error"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:704
+#: util.php:708
msgid ""
"Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed "
"by other users."
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:713
+#: util.php:717
#, php-format
msgid "Data directory (%s) is readable by other users"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:734
+#: util.php:738
#, php-format
msgid "Data directory (%s) is invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: util.php:735
+#: util.php:739
msgid ""
"Please check that the data directory contains a file \".ocdata\" in its root."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
#: js/personal.js:333 js/personal.js:334 js/users/users.js:75
-#: templates/personal.php:179 templates/personal.php:180
+#: templates/personal.php:195 templates/personal.php:196
#: templates/users/part.grouplist.php:46 templates/users/part.userlist.php:108
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
msgid "__language_name__"
msgstr ""
+#: personal.php:107
+msgid "Personal Info"
+msgstr ""
+#: personal.php:132 templates/personal.php:173
+msgid "SSL root certificates"
+msgstr ""
+#: personal.php:134 templates/admin.php:357 templates/personal.php:214
+msgid "Encryption"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/admin.php:13
msgid "Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Send mode"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/admin.php:357 templates/personal.php:198
-msgid "Encryption"
-msgstr ""
#: templates/admin.php:372
msgid "From address"
msgstr ""
msgid "Less"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/admin.php:463 templates/personal.php:247
+#: templates/admin.php:463 templates/personal.php:263
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/admin.php:467 templates/personal.php:250
+#: templates/admin.php:467 templates/personal.php:266
msgid ""
"Developed by the <a href=\"http://ownCloud.org/contact\" target=\"_blank"
"\">ownCloud community</a>, the <a href=\"https://github.com/owncloud\" "
msgid "Commercial Support"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:11
+#: templates/personal.php:25
msgid "Get the apps to sync your files"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:24
+#: templates/personal.php:38
msgid ""
"If you want to support the project\n"
"\t\t<a href=\"https://owncloud.org/contribute\"\n"
"\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\">spread the word</a>!"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:34
+#: templates/personal.php:48
msgid "Show First Run Wizard again"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:43
+#: templates/personal.php:57
#, php-format
msgid "You have used <strong>%s</strong> of the available <strong>%s</strong>"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:54 templates/users/part.createuser.php:8
+#: templates/personal.php:68 templates/users/part.createuser.php:8
#: templates/users/part.userlist.php:9
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:55
+#: templates/personal.php:69
msgid "Your password was changed"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:56
+#: templates/personal.php:70
msgid "Unable to change your password"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:58
+#: templates/personal.php:72
msgid "Current password"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:61
+#: templates/personal.php:75
msgid "New password"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:65
+#: templates/personal.php:79
msgid "Change password"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:77 templates/users/part.userlist.php:8
+#: templates/personal.php:91 templates/users/part.userlist.php:8
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:92
+#: templates/personal.php:106
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:94
+#: templates/personal.php:108
msgid "Your email address"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:97
+#: templates/personal.php:111
msgid ""
"Fill in an email address to enable password recovery and receive "
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:105
+#: templates/personal.php:119
msgid "Profile picture"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:110
+#: templates/personal.php:124
msgid "Upload new"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:112
+#: templates/personal.php:126
msgid "Select new from Files"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:113
+#: templates/personal.php:127
msgid "Remove image"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:114
+#: templates/personal.php:128
msgid "Either png or jpg. Ideally square but you will be able to crop it."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:116
+#: templates/personal.php:130
msgid "Your avatar is provided by your original account."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:120
+#: templates/personal.php:134
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:121
+#: templates/personal.php:135
msgid "Choose as profile image"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:127 templates/personal.php:128
+#: templates/personal.php:141 templates/personal.php:142
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:147
+#: templates/personal.php:161
msgid "Help translate"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:157
-msgid "SSL root certificates"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:160
+#: templates/personal.php:176
msgid "Common Name"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:161
+#: templates/personal.php:177
msgid "Valid until"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:162
+#: templates/personal.php:178
msgid "Issued By"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:171
+#: templates/personal.php:187
#, php-format
msgid "Valid until %s"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:190
+#: templates/personal.php:206
msgid "Import Root Certificate"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:204
+#: templates/personal.php:220
msgid "The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:210
+#: templates/personal.php:226
msgid "Log-in password"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:215
+#: templates/personal.php:231
msgid "Decrypt all Files"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:225
+#: templates/personal.php:241
msgid ""
"Your encryption keys are moved to a backup location. If something went wrong "
"you can restore the keys. Only delete them permanently if you are sure that "
"all files are decrypted correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:229
+#: templates/personal.php:245
msgid "Restore Encryption Keys"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/personal.php:233
+#: templates/personal.php:249
msgid "Delete Encryption Keys"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-22 01:54-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-10-23 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Settings" => "Beállítások",
"Users" => "Felhasználók",
"Admin" => "Adminsztráció",
+"Recommended" => "Ajánlott",
"App \\\"%s\\\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud." => " \\\"%s\\\" alkalmazás nem telepíthető, mert nem kompatibilis az ownCloud jelen változatával.",
"No app name specified" => "Nincs az alkalmazás név megadva.",
"Unknown filetype" => "Ismeretlen file tipús",
"PostgreSQL username and/or password not valid" => "A PostgreSQL felhasználói név és/vagy jelszó érvénytelen",
"Set an admin username." => "Állítson be egy felhasználói nevet az adminisztrációhoz.",
"Set an admin password." => "Állítson be egy jelszót az adminisztrációhoz.",
+"Can't create or write into the data directory %s" => "Nem sikerült létrehozni vagy irni a \"data\" könyvtárba %s",
"%s shared »%s« with you" => "%s megosztotta Önnel ezt: »%s«",
"Sharing %s failed, because the file does not exist" => "%s megosztása sikertelen, mert a fájl nem létezik",
"You are not allowed to share %s" => "Önnek nincs jogosultsága %s megosztására",
+"Cannot write into \"config\" directory!" => "Nu se poate scrie în folderul \"config\"!",
+"See %s" => "Vezi %s",
"Help" => "Ajutor",
"Personal" => "Personal",
"Settings" => "Setări",
"Users" => "Utilizatori",
"Admin" => "Admin",
+"Recommended" => "Recomandat",
+"No app name specified" => "Niciun nume de aplicație specificat",
"Unknown filetype" => "Tip fișier necunoscut",
"Invalid image" => "Imagine invalidă",
"web services under your control" => "servicii web controlate de tine",
"Authentication error" => "Eroare la autentificare",
"Token expired. Please reload page." => "Token expirat. Te rugăm să reîncarci pagina.",
"Unknown user" => "Utilizator necunoscut",
+"%s enter the database name." => "%s introduceți numele bazei de date",
"MS SQL username and/or password not valid: %s" => "Nume utilizator și/sau parolă MS SQL greșită: %s",
"MySQL/MariaDB username and/or password not valid" => "Nume utilizator și/sau parolă MySQL/MariaDB greșită",
"DB Error: \"%s\"" => "Eroare Bază de Date: \"%s\"",
"Drop this user from MySQL/MariaDB" => "Șterge acest utilizator din MySQL/MariaDB",
"MySQL/MariaDB user '%s'@'%%' already exists" => "Utilizatorul MySQL/MariaDB '%s'@'%%' deja există.",
"Drop this user from MySQL/MariaDB." => "Șterge acest utilizator din MySQL/MariaDB.",
+"Oracle connection could not be established" => "Conexiunea Oracle nu a putut fi stabilită",
"PostgreSQL username and/or password not valid" => "Nume utilizator și/sau parolă PostgreSQL greșită",
"Set an admin username." => "Setează un nume de administrator.",
"Set an admin password." => "Setează o parolă de administrator.",
"%s shared »%s« with you" => "%s Partajat »%s« cu tine de",
+"You are not allowed to share %s" => "Nu există permisiunea de partajare %s",
+"Share type %s is not valid for %s" => "Tipul partajării %s nu este valid pentru %s",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Cloud nu a gasit categoria \"%s\"",
"seconds ago" => "secunde în urmă",
"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","","acum %n minute"),
"last year" => "ultimul an",
"years ago" => "ani în urmă",
"A valid username must be provided" => "Trebuie să furnizaţi un nume de utilizator valid",
-"A valid password must be provided" => "Trebuie să furnizaţi o parolă validă"
+"A valid password must be provided" => "Trebuie să furnizaţi o parolă validă",
+"The username is already being used" => "Numele de utilizator este deja folosit",
+"Cannot write into \"config\" directory" => "Nu se poate scrie în folderul \"config\"",
+"Cannot write into \"apps\" directory" => "Nu se poate scrie în folderul \"apps\""
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));";
"A valid password must be provided" => "يجب ادخال كلمة مرور صحيحة",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "تحذير: المجلد الرئيسي لـ المستخدم \"{user}\" موجود مسبقا",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"Encryption" => "التشفير",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "كل شيء (مشاكل فادحة, اخطاء , تحذيرات , معلومات , تصحيح الاخطاء)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "معلومات , تحذيرات , اخطاء , مشاكل فادحة ",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "تحذيرات , اخطاء , مشاكل فادحة ",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "يرجى الاتصال بـ %s عن طريق HTTPS لتفعيل او تعطيل SSL enforcement.",
"Email Server" => "خادم البريد الالكتروني",
"Send mode" => "وضعية الإرسال",
-"Encryption" => "التشفير",
"Authentication method" => "أسلوب التطابق",
"Server address" => "عنوان الخادم",
"Port" => "المنفذ",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Tien d'apurrise una contraseña válida",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Avisu: el direutoriu d'aniciu pal usuariu \"{user}\" yá esiste.",
"__language_name__" => "Asturianu",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificaos raíz SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Cifráu",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Too (Información, Avisos, Fallos, debug y problemes fatales)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Información, Avisos, Fallos y problemes fatales",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Avisos, fallos y problemes fatales",
"Email Server" => "Sirvidor de corréu-e",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Esto úsase pa unviar notificaciones.",
"Send mode" => "Mou d'unviu",
-"Encryption" => "Cifráu",
"From address" => "Dende la direición",
"mail" => "corréu",
"Authentication method" => "Métodu d'autenticación",
"Choose as profile image" => "Esbillar como imaxe de perfil",
"Language" => "Llingua",
"Help translate" => "Ayúdanos nes traducciones",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificaos raíz SSL",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importar certificáu raíz",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "L'aplicación de cifráu yá nun ta activada, descifra tolos ficheros",
"Log-in password" => "Contraseña d'accesu",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Düzgün şifrə daxil edilməlidir",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Xəbərdarlıq: \"{user}\" istfadəçisi üçün ev qovluğu artıq mövcuddur.",
"__language_name__" => "__AZ_Azerbaijan__",
+"Encryption" => "Şifrələnmə",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Hər şey(ən pis hadisələr, səhvlər, xəbərdarlıqlar, məlmat, araşdırma səhvləri)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Məlmat, xəbərdarlıqlar, səhvlər və ən pis hadisələr",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Xəbərdarlıqlar, səhvlər və ən pis hadisələr",
"Your PHP version is outdated" => "Sizin PHP versiyası köhnəlib",
"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8" => "PHP simvol tipi UTF-8 deyil",
"Send mode" => "Göndərmə rejimi",
-"Encryption" => "Şifrələnmə",
"Authentication method" => "Qeydiyyat metodikası",
"More" => "Yenə",
"by" => "onunla",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Валидна парола трябва да бъде зададена.",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Предупреждение: Личната директория на потребителя \"{user}\" вече съществува.",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root сертификати",
+"Encryption" => "Криптиране",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Всичко (фатални проблеми, грешки, предупреждения, информация, дебъгване)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Информация, предупреждения, грешки и фатални проблеми",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Предупреждения, грешки и фатални проблеми",
"Email Server" => "Имейл Сървър",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Това се използва за изпращане на уведомления.",
"Send mode" => "Режим на изпращане",
-"Encryption" => "Криптиране",
"From address" => "От адрес",
"mail" => "поща",
"Authentication method" => "Метод за отризиране",
"Choose as profile image" => "Избери като аватар",
"Language" => "Език",
"Help translate" => "Помогни с превода",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root сертификати",
"Common Name" => "Познато Име",
"Valid until" => "Валиден до",
"Issued By" => "Издаден От",
"Group Admin" => "গোষ্ঠী প্রশাসক",
"never" => "কখনোই নয়",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL রুট সনদপত্র",
+"Encryption" => "সংকেতায়ন",
"None" => "কোনটিই নয়",
"Login" => "প্রবেশ",
"Security Warning" => "নিরাপত্তাজনিত সতর্কতা",
"Security" => "নিরাপত্তা",
"Email Server" => "ইমেইল সার্ভার",
"Send mode" => "পাঠানো মোড",
-"Encryption" => "সংকেতায়ন",
"From address" => "হইতে ঠিকানা",
"mail" => "মেইল",
"Server address" => "সার্ভার ঠিকানা",
"Cancel" => "বাতির",
"Language" => "ভাষা",
"Help translate" => "অনুবাদ করতে সহায়তা করুন",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL রুট সনদপত্র",
"Import Root Certificate" => "রুট সনদপত্রটি আমদানি করুন",
"Login Name" => "প্রবেশ",
"Create" => "তৈরী কর",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Heu de facilitar una contrasenya vàlida",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Avís: la carpeta Home per l'usuari \"{user}\" ja existeix",
"__language_name__" => "Català",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificats SSL root",
+"Encryption" => "Xifrat",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Tot (problemes fatals, errors, avisos, informació, depuració)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informació, avisos, errors i problemes fatals",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Avisos, errors i problemes fatals",
"Email Server" => "Servidor de correu",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "S'usa per enviar notificacions.",
"Send mode" => "Mode d'enviament",
-"Encryption" => "Xifrat",
"From address" => "Des de l'adreça",
"mail" => "correu electrònic",
"Authentication method" => "Mètode d'autenticació",
"Choose as profile image" => "Selecciona com a imatge de perfil",
"Language" => "Idioma",
"Help translate" => "Ajudeu-nos amb la traducció",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificats SSL root",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importa certificat root",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "L'aplicació d'encriptació ja no està activada, desencripteu tots els vostres fitxers",
"Log-in password" => "Contrasenya d'accés",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Musíte zadat platné heslo",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Varování: Osobní složka uživatele \"{user}\" již existuje.",
"__language_name__" => "Česky",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Kořenové certifikáty SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Šifrování",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Vše (fatální problémy, chyby, varování, informační, ladící)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informace, varování, chyby a fatální problémy",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Varování, chyby a fatální problémy",
"Email Server" => "E-mailový server",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Toto se používá pro odesílání upozornění.",
"Send mode" => "Mód odesílání",
-"Encryption" => "Šifrování",
"From address" => "Adresa odesílatele",
"mail" => "e-mail",
"Authentication method" => "Metoda ověření",
"Choose as profile image" => "Vybrat jako profilový obrázek",
"Language" => "Jazyk",
"Help translate" => "Pomoci s překladem",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Kořenové certifikáty SSL",
"Common Name" => "Common Name",
"Valid until" => "Platný do",
"Issued By" => "Vydal",
"Groups" => "Grwpiau",
"undo" => "dadwneud",
"never" => "byth",
+"Encryption" => "Amgryptiad",
"None" => "Dim",
"Login" => "Mewngofnodi",
"Security Warning" => "Rhybudd Diogelwch",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Gwiriwch y <a href='%s'>canllawiau gosod</a> eto.",
-"Encryption" => "Amgryptiad",
"by" => "gan",
"Password" => "Cyfrinair",
"New password" => "Cyfrinair newydd",
"A valid password must be provided" => "En gyldig adgangskode skal angives",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Advarsel: Hjemmemappen for bruger \"{user}\" findes allerede",
"__language_name__" => "Dansk",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-rodcertifikater",
+"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Alt (alvorlige fejl, fejl, advarsler, info, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, advarsler, fejl og alvorlige fejl",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Advarsler, fejl og alvorlige fejl",
"Email Server" => "E-mailserver",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Dette anvendes til udsendelse af notifikationer.",
"Send mode" => "Tilstand for afsendelse",
-"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"From address" => "Fra adresse",
"mail" => "mail",
"Authentication method" => "Godkendelsesmetode",
"Choose as profile image" => "Vælg som profilbillede",
"Language" => "Sprog",
"Help translate" => "Hjælp med oversættelsen",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-rodcertifikater",
"Common Name" => "Almindeligt navn",
"Valid until" => "Gyldig indtil",
"Issued By" => "Udstedt af",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Es muss ein gültiges Passwort angegeben werden",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Warnung: Das Benutzerverzeichnis für den Benutzer \"{user}\" existiert bereits",
"__language_name__" => "Deutsch (Persönlich)",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-Root-Zertifikate",
+"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Alles (fatale Probleme, Fehler, Warnungen, Infos, Debug-Meldungen)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Infos, Warnungen, Fehler und fatale Probleme",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Warnungen, Fehler und fatale Probleme",
"Email Server" => "E-Mail-Server",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Dies wird zum Senden von Benachrichtigungen verwendet.",
"Send mode" => "Sende-Modus",
-"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"From address" => "Absender-Adresse",
"mail" => "Mail",
"Authentication method" => "Authentifizierungsmethode",
"Choose as profile image" => "Als Profilbild wählen",
"Language" => "Sprache",
"Help translate" => "Hilf bei der Übersetzung",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-Root-Zertifikate",
"Common Name" => "Zuname",
"Valid until" => "Gültig bis",
"Issued By" => "Ausgestellt von:",
"Error creating user" => "Beim Erstellen des Benutzers ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Es muss ein gültiges Passwort angegeben werden",
"__language_name__" => "Deutsch (Schweiz)",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-Root-Zertifikate",
+"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"Login" => "Anmelden",
"Security Warning" => "Sicherheitshinweis",
"Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your webserver in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the webserver document root." => "Ihr Datenverzeichnis und Ihre Dateien sind möglicher Weise aus dem Internet erreichbar. Die .htaccess-Datei funktioniert nicht. Wir raten Ihnen dringend, dass Sie Ihren Webserver dahingehend konfigurieren, dass Ihr Datenverzeichnis nicht länger aus dem Internet erreichbar ist, oder Sie verschieben das Datenverzeichnis ausserhalb des Wurzelverzeichnisses des Webservers.",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "HTTPS erzwingen",
"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection." => "Zwingt die Clients, sich über eine verschlüsselte Verbindung zu %s zu verbinden.",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "Bitte verbinden Sie sich zu Ihrem %s über HTTPS um die SSL-Erzwingung zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren.",
-"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"Server address" => "Adresse des Servers",
"Port" => "Port",
"Log" => "Log",
"Cancel" => "Abbrechen",
"Language" => "Sprache",
"Help translate" => "Helfen Sie bei der Übersetzung",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-Root-Zertifikate",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Root-Zertifikate importieren",
"Log-in password" => "Login-Passwort",
"Decrypt all Files" => "Alle Dateien entschlüsseln",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Es muss ein gültiges Passwort angegeben werden",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Warnung: Das Benutzerverzeichnis für den Benutzer \"{user}\" existiert bereits",
"__language_name__" => "Deutsch (Förmlich: Sie)",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-Root-Zertifikate",
+"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Alles (fatale Probleme, Fehler, Warnungen, Infos, Fehlerdiagnose)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Infos, Warnungen, Fehler und fatale Probleme",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Warnungen, Fehler und fatale Probleme",
"Email Server" => "E-Mail-Server",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Dies wird für das Senden von Benachrichtigungen verwendet.",
"Send mode" => "Sendemodus",
-"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"From address" => "Absender-Adresse",
"mail" => "Mail",
"Authentication method" => "Legitimierungsmethode",
"Choose as profile image" => "Als Profilbild wählen",
"Language" => "Sprache",
"Help translate" => "Helfen Sie bei der Übersetzung",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-Root-Zertifikate",
"Common Name" => "Zuname",
"Valid until" => "Gültig bis",
"Issued By" => "Ausgestellt von:",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Πρέπει να δοθεί έγκυρο συνθηματικό",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Προειδοποίηση: Ο μητρικός κατάλογος του χρήστη \"{user}\" υπάρχει ήδη",
"__language_name__" => "__όνομα_γλώσσας__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Πιστοποιητικά SSL root",
+"Encryption" => "Κρυπτογράφηση",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Όλα (καίρια ζητήματα, σφάλματα, προειδοποιήσεις, πληροφορίες, αποσφαλμάτωση)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Πληροφορίες, προειδοποιήσεις, σφάλματα και καίρια ζητήματα",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Προειδοποιήσεις, σφάλματα και καίρια ζητήματα",
"Email Server" => "Διακομιστής Email",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Χρησιμοποιείται για αποστολή ειδοποιήσεων.",
"Send mode" => "Κατάσταση αποστολής",
-"Encryption" => "Κρυπτογράφηση",
"From address" => "Από τη διεύθυνση",
"mail" => "ταχυδρομείο",
"Authentication method" => "Μέθοδος πιστοποίησης",
"Choose as profile image" => "Επιλογή εικόνας προφίλ",
"Language" => "Γλώσσα",
"Help translate" => "Βοηθήστε στη μετάφραση",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Πιστοποιητικά SSL root",
"Common Name" => "Κοινό Όνομα",
"Valid until" => "Έγκυρο έως",
"Issued By" => "Έκδόθηκε από",
"A valid password must be provided" => "A valid password must be provided",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists",
"__language_name__" => "English (British English)",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root certificates",
+"Encryption" => "Encryption",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Warnings, errors and fatal issues",
"Email Server" => "Email Server",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "This is used for sending out notifications.",
"Send mode" => "Send mode",
-"Encryption" => "Encryption",
"From address" => "From address",
"mail" => "mail",
"Authentication method" => "Authentication method",
"Choose as profile image" => "Choose as profile image",
"Language" => "Language",
"Help translate" => "Help translate",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root certificates",
"Common Name" => "Common Name",
"Valid until" => "Valid until",
"Issued By" => "Issued By",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Valida pasvorto devas proviziĝi",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Averto: hejmdosierujo por la uzanto “{user”} jam ekzistas",
"__language_name__" => "Esperanto",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Radikaj SSL-atestoj",
+"Encryption" => "Ĉifrado",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Ĉio (fatalaĵoj, eraroj, avertoj, informoj, sencimigaj mesaĝoj)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informoj, avertoj, eraroj kaj fatalaĵoj",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Avertoj, eraroj kaj fatalaĵoj",
"Security" => "Sekuro",
"Email Server" => "Retpoŝtoservilo",
"Send mode" => "Sendi pli",
-"Encryption" => "Ĉifrado",
"From address" => "El adreso",
"mail" => "retpoŝto",
"Authentication method" => "Aŭtentiga metodo",
"Choose as profile image" => "Elekti kiel profilan bildon",
"Language" => "Lingvo",
"Help translate" => "Helpu traduki",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Radikaj SSL-atestoj",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Enporti radikan ateston",
"Log-in password" => "Ensaluta pasvorto",
"Decrypt all Files" => "Malĉifri ĉiujn dosierojn",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Se debe proporcionar una contraseña válida",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Atención: el directorio de inicio para el usuario \"{user}\" ya existe.",
"__language_name__" => "Castellano",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados raíz SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Todo (Información, Avisos, Errores, debug y problemas fatales)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Información, Avisos, Errores y problemas fatales",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Advertencias, errores y problemas fatales",
"Email Server" => "Servidor de correo electrónico",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Esto se usa para enviar notificaciones.",
"Send mode" => "Modo de envío",
-"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"From address" => "Desde la dirección",
"mail" => "correo electrónico",
"Authentication method" => "Método de autenticación",
"Choose as profile image" => "Seleccionar como imagen de perfil",
"Language" => "Idioma",
"Help translate" => "Ayúdanos a traducir",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados raíz SSL",
"Common Name" => "Nombre común",
"Valid until" => "Válido hasta",
"Issued By" => "Emitido por",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Debe ingresar una contraseña válida",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Advertencia: El directorio Home del usuario \"{user}\" ya existe",
"__language_name__" => "Castellano (Argentina)",
+"SSL root certificates" => "certificados SSL raíz",
+"Encryption" => "Encriptación",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Todo (notificaciones fatales, errores, advertencias, info, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, advertencias, errores y notificaciones fatales",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Advertencias, errores y notificaciones fatales",
"Email Server" => "Servidor de correo electrónico",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Esto es usado para enviar notificaciones.",
"Send mode" => "Modo de envio",
-"Encryption" => "Encriptación",
"From address" => "Dirección remitente",
"Authentication method" => "Método de autenticación",
"Authentication required" => "Autentificación requerida",
"Choose as profile image" => "Elegir como imagen de perfil",
"Language" => "Idioma",
"Help translate" => "Ayudanos a traducir",
-"SSL root certificates" => "certificados SSL raíz",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importar certificado raíz",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "La aplicación de encriptación ya no está habilidata, por favor desencripte todos sus archivos.",
"Log-in password" => "Clave de acceso",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Se debe proporcionar una contraseña válida",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Atención: el directorio de inicio para el usuario \"{user}\" ya existe.",
"__language_name__" => "Español (México)",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados raíz SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Todo (Información, Avisos, Errores, debug y problemas fatales)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Información, Avisos, Errores y problemas fatales",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Advertencias, errores y problemas fatales",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "Forzar HTTPS",
"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection." => "Forzar a los clientes a conectarse a %s por medio de una conexión cifrada.",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "Por favor, conéctese a su %s a través de HTTPS para habilitar o deshabilitar la aplicación de SSL.",
-"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"Server address" => "Dirección del servidor",
"Port" => "Puerto",
"Log" => "Registro",
"Choose as profile image" => "Seleccionar como imagen de perfil",
"Language" => "Idioma",
"Help translate" => "Ayúdanos a traducir",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados raíz SSL",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importar certificado raíz",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "La aplicación de cifrado ya no está activada, descifre todos sus archivos",
"Log-in password" => "Contraseña de acceso",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Sisesta nõuetele vastav parool",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Hoiatus: kasutaja \"{user}\" kodukataloog on juba olemas",
"__language_name__" => "Eesti",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root sertifikaadid",
+"Encryption" => "Krüpteerimine",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Kõik (tõsised probleemid, veateated, hoiatused, info, veatuvastus)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, hoiatused, veateted ja tõsised probleemid",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Hoiatused, veateated ja tõsised probleemid",
"Email Server" => "Postiserver",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Seda kasutatakse teadete välja saatmiseks.",
"Send mode" => "Saatmise viis",
-"Encryption" => "Krüpteerimine",
"From address" => "Saatja aadress",
"mail" => "e-mail",
"Authentication method" => "Autentimise meetod",
"Choose as profile image" => "Vali profiilipildiks",
"Language" => "Keel",
"Help translate" => "Aita tõlkida",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root sertifikaadid",
"Common Name" => "Üldnimetus",
"Valid until" => "Kehtib kuni",
"Issued By" => "isas",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Baliozko pasahitza eman behar da",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Abisua: \"{user}\" erabiltzailearen Home karpeta dagoeneko exisititzen da",
"__language_name__" => "Euskara",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL erro ziurtagiriak",
+"Encryption" => "Enkriptazioa",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Dena (arazo larriak, erroreak, abisuak, informazioa, arazketa)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informazioa, abisuak, erroreak eta arazo larriak.",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Abisuak, erroreak eta arazo larriak",
"Email Server" => "Eposta zerbitzaria",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Hau jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko erabiltzen da.",
"Send mode" => "Bidaltzeko modua",
-"Encryption" => "Enkriptazioa",
"From address" => "Helbidetik",
"mail" => "posta",
"Authentication method" => "Autentifikazio metodoa",
"Choose as profile image" => "Profil irudi bezala aukeratu",
"Language" => "Hizkuntza",
"Help translate" => "Lagundu itzultzen",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL erro ziurtagiriak",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Inportatu erro ziurtagiria",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "Enkriptazio aplikazioa ez dago jada gaiturik, mesedez desenkriptatu zure fitxategi guztiak.",
"Log-in password" => "Saioa hasteko pasahitza",
"A valid password must be provided" => "رمز عبور صحیح باید وارد شود",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "اخطار: پوشهی خانه برای کاربر \"{user}\" در حال حاضر وجود دارد",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "گواهی های اصلی SSL ",
+"Encryption" => "رمزگذاری",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "همه موارد (مشکلات مهلک، خطاها، اخطارها، اطلاعات، خطایابی)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "اطلاعات، اخطارها، خطاها، مشکلات اساسی",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "اخطارها، خطاها، مشکلات مهلک",
"Email Server" => "سرور ایمیل",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "این برای ارسال هشدار ها استفاده می شود",
"Send mode" => "حالت ارسال",
-"Encryption" => "رمزگذاری",
"From address" => "آدرس فرستنده",
"mail" => "ایمیل",
"Authentication method" => "روش احراز هویت",
"Choose as profile image" => "یک تصویر پروفایل انتخاب کنید",
"Language" => "زبان",
"Help translate" => "به ترجمه آن کمک کنید",
-"SSL root certificates" => "گواهی های اصلی SSL ",
"Import Root Certificate" => "وارد کردن گواهی اصلی",
"Log-in password" => "رمز ورود",
"Decrypt all Files" => "تمام فایلها رمزگشایی شود",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Anna kelvollinen salasana",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Varoitus: käyttäjällä \"{user}\" on jo olemassa kotikansio",
"__language_name__" => "_kielen_nimi_",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-juurivarmenteet",
+"Encryption" => "Salaus",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Kaikki (vakavat ongelmat, virheet, varoitukset, tiedot, vianjäljitys)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Tiedot, varoitukset, virheet ja vakavat ongelmat",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Varoitukset, virheet ja vakavat ongelmat",
"Email Server" => "Sähköpostipalvelin",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Tätä käytetään ilmoitusten lähettämiseen.",
"Send mode" => "Lähetystila",
-"Encryption" => "Salaus",
"From address" => "Lähettäjän osoite",
"Authentication method" => "Tunnistautumistapa",
"Authentication required" => "Tunnistautuminen vaaditaan",
"Choose as profile image" => "Valitse profiilikuvaksi",
"Language" => "Kieli",
"Help translate" => "Auta kääntämisessä",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-juurivarmenteet",
"Valid until" => "Kelvollinen",
"Issued By" => " Myöntänyt",
"Valid until %s" => "Kelvollinen %s asti",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Un mot de passe valide doit être saisi",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Attention : Le dossier Home pour l'utilisateur \"{user}\" existe déjà",
"__language_name__" => "Français",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificats racine SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Chiffrement",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Tout (erreurs fatales, erreurs, avertissements, informations, debogage)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informations, avertissements, erreurs et erreurs fatales",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Avertissements, erreurs et erreurs fatales",
"Email Server" => "Serveur mail",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Ceci est utilisé pour l'envoi des notifications.",
"Send mode" => "Mode d'envoi",
-"Encryption" => "Chiffrement",
"From address" => "Adresse source",
"mail" => "courriel",
"Authentication method" => "Méthode d'authentification",
"Choose as profile image" => "Choisir en tant que photo de profil ",
"Language" => "Langue",
"Help translate" => "Aidez à traduire",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificats racine SSL",
"Common Name" => "Nom d'usage",
"Valid until" => "Valide jusqu'à",
"Issued By" => "Délivré par",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Debe fornecer un contrasinal",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Aviso: O directorio persoal para o usuario «{user}» xa existe",
"__language_name__" => "Galego",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados raíz SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Todo (problemas críticos, erros, avisos, información, depuración)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Información, avisos, erros e problemas críticos",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Avisos, erros e problemas críticos",
"Email Server" => "Servidor de correo",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Isto utilizase para o envío de notificacións.",
"Send mode" => "Modo de envío",
-"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"From address" => "Desde o enderezo",
"mail" => "correo",
"Authentication method" => "Método de autenticación",
"Choose as profile image" => "Escolla unha imaxe para o perfil",
"Language" => "Idioma",
"Help translate" => "Axude na tradución",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados raíz SSL",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importar o certificado raíz",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "A aplicación de cifrado non está activada, descifre todos os ficheiros",
"Log-in password" => "Contrasinal de acceso",
"Error creating user" => "יצירת המשתמש נכשלה",
"A valid password must be provided" => "יש לספק ססמה תקנית",
"__language_name__" => "עברית",
+"SSL root certificates" => "שורש אישורי אבטחת SSL ",
+"Encryption" => "הצפנה",
"None" => "כלום",
"Login" => "התחברות",
"Security Warning" => "אזהרת אבטחה",
"Allow resharing" => "לאפשר שיתוף מחדש",
"Security" => "אבטחה",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "לאלץ HTTPS",
-"Encryption" => "הצפנה",
"Server address" => "כתובת שרת",
"Port" => "פורט",
"Credentials" => "פרטי גישה",
"Cancel" => "ביטול",
"Language" => "פה",
"Help translate" => "עזרה בתרגום",
-"SSL root certificates" => "שורש אישורי אבטחת SSL ",
"Import Root Certificate" => "ייבוא אישור אבטחת שורש",
"Login Name" => "שם כניסה",
"Create" => "יצירה",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Nužno je navesti valjanu lozinku",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Upozorenje: Osnovni direktorij za korisnika \"{user}\" već postoji",
"__language_name__" => "__jezik_naziv___",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL Root certifikati",
+"Encryption" => "Šifriranje",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Sve (kobni problemi, pogreške, upozorenja, ispravljanje pogrešaka)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informacije, upozorenja, pogreške i kobni problemi",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Upozorenja, pogreške i kobni problemi",
"Email Server" => "Poslužitelj e-pošte",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Ovo se koristi za slanje notifikacija.",
"Send mode" => "Način rada za slanje",
-"Encryption" => "Šifriranje",
"From address" => "S adrese",
"mail" => "pošta",
"Authentication method" => "Postupak autentikacije",
"Choose as profile image" => "Odaberite kao sliku profila",
"Language" => "Jezik",
"Help translate" => "Pomozite prevesti",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL Root certifikati",
"Common Name" => "Common Name",
"Valid until" => "Valid until",
"Issued By" => "Issued By",
"Enabled" => "Bekapcsolva",
+"Recommended" => "Ajánlott",
"Authentication error" => "Azonosítási hiba",
"Your full name has been changed." => "Az Ön teljes nevét módosítottuk.",
"Unable to change full name" => "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a teljes nevét",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Érvényes jelszót kell megadnia",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Figyelmeztetés: A felhasználó \"{user}\" kezdő könyvtára már létezik",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL tanúsítványok",
+"Encryption" => "Titkosítás",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Minden (végzetes hibák, hibák, figyelmeztetések, információk, hibakeresési üzenetek)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Információk, figyelmeztetések, hibák és végzetes hibák",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Figyelmeztetések, hibák és végzetes hibák",
"Email Server" => "E-mail kiszolgáló",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Ezt használjuk a jelentések kiküldésére.",
"Send mode" => "Küldési mód",
-"Encryption" => "Titkosítás",
"From address" => "A feladó címe",
"mail" => "mail",
"Authentication method" => "A felhasználóazonosítás módszere",
"Choose as profile image" => "Válasszuk ki profilképnek",
"Language" => "Nyelv",
"Help translate" => "Segítsen a fordításban!",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL tanúsítványok",
"Import Root Certificate" => "SSL tanúsítványok importálása",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "A titkosító alkalmazás a továbbiakban nincs engedélyezve, kérem állítsa vissza az állományait titkostásmentes állapotba!",
"Log-in password" => "Bejelentkezési jelszó",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Tuliskan sandi yang valid",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Peringatan: Direktori home untuk pengguna \"{user}\" sudah ada",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Sertifikat root SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Enkripsi",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Semuanya (Masalah fatal, galat, peringatan, info, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, peringatan, galat dan masalah fatal",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Peringatan, galat dan masalah fatal",
"Email Server" => "Server Email",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Ini digunakan untuk mengirim notifikasi keluar.",
"Send mode" => "Modus kirim",
-"Encryption" => "Enkripsi",
"From address" => "Dari alamat",
"Authentication method" => "Metode otentikasi",
"Authentication required" => "Diperlukan otentikasi",
"Choose as profile image" => "Pilih sebagai gambar profil",
"Language" => "Bahasa",
"Help translate" => "Bantu menerjemahkan",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Sertifikat root SSL",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Impor Sertifikat Root",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "Aplikasi enkripsi tidak lagi diaktifkan, silahkan mendekripsi semua file Anda",
"Log-in password" => "Sandi masuk",
"Group Admin" => "Hópstjóri",
"never" => "aldrei",
"__language_name__" => "__nafn_tungumáls__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL rótar skilríki",
+"Encryption" => "Dulkóðun",
"None" => "Ekkert",
"Security Warning" => "Öryggis aðvörun",
-"Encryption" => "Dulkóðun",
"Server address" => "Host nafn netþjóns",
"More" => "Meira",
"Less" => "Minna",
"Cancel" => "Hætta við",
"Language" => "Tungumál",
"Help translate" => "Hjálpa við þýðingu",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL rótar skilríki",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Flytja inn rótar skilríki",
"Create" => "Búa til",
"Unlimited" => "Ótakmarkað",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Deve essere fornita una password valida",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Avviso: la cartella home dell'utente \"{user}\" esiste già",
"__language_name__" => "Italiano",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificati SSL radice",
+"Encryption" => "Cifratura",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Tutto (problemi gravi, errori, avvisi, informazioni, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informazioni, avvisi, errori e problemi gravi",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Avvisi, errori e problemi gravi",
"Email Server" => "Server di posta",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Viene utilizzato per inviare le notifiche.",
"Send mode" => "Modalità di invio",
-"Encryption" => "Cifratura",
"From address" => "Indirizzo mittente",
"mail" => "posta",
"Authentication method" => "Metodo di autenticazione",
"Choose as profile image" => "Scegli come immagine del profilo",
"Language" => "Lingua",
"Help translate" => "Migliora la traduzione",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificati SSL radice",
"Common Name" => "Nome comune",
"Valid until" => "Valido fino al",
"Issued By" => "Emesso da",
"A valid password must be provided" => "有効なパスワードを指定する必要があります",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "警告: ユーザー \"{user}\" のホームディレクトリはすでに存在します",
"__language_name__" => "Japanese (日本語)",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSLルート証明書",
+"Encryption" => "暗号化",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "すべて (致命的な問題、エラー、警告、情報、デバッグ)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "情報、警告、エラー、致命的な問題",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "警告、エラー、致命的な問題",
"Email Server" => "メールサーバー",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "これは通知の送信に使われます。",
"Send mode" => "送信モード",
-"Encryption" => "暗号化",
"From address" => "送信元アドレス",
"mail" => "メール",
"Authentication method" => "認証方法",
"Choose as profile image" => "プロファイル画像として選択",
"Language" => "言語",
"Help translate" => "翻訳に協力する",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSLルート証明書",
"Common Name" => "コモンネーム",
"Valid until" => "有効期限",
"Issued By" => "発行元",
"Error creating user" => "შეცდომა მომხმარებლის შექმნისას",
"A valid password must be provided" => "უნდა მიუთითოთ არსებული პაროლი",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root სერთიფიკატები",
+"Encryption" => "ენკრიპცია",
"None" => "არა",
"Login" => "ლოგინი",
"Security Warning" => "უსაფრთხოების გაფრთხილება",
"Allow resharing" => "გადაზიარების დაშვება",
"Security" => "უსაფრთხოება",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "HTTPS–ის ჩართვა",
-"Encryption" => "ენკრიპცია",
"Server address" => "სერვერის მისამართი",
"Port" => "პორტი",
"Credentials" => "იუზერ/პაროლი",
"Cancel" => "უარყოფა",
"Language" => "ენა",
"Help translate" => "თარგმნის დახმარება",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root სერთიფიკატები",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Root სერთიფიკატის იმპორტირება",
"Login Name" => "მომხმარებლის სახელი",
"Create" => "შექმნა",
"Error creating user" => "មានកំហុសក្នុងការបង្កើតអ្នកប្រើ",
"A valid password must be provided" => "ត្រូវផ្ដល់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ឲ្យបានត្រឹមត្រូវ",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"Encryption" => "កូដនីយកម្ម",
"None" => "គ្មាន",
"Login" => "ចូល",
"SSL" => "SSL",
"Security" => "សុវត្ថិភាព",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "បង្ខំ HTTPS",
"Email Server" => "ម៉ាស៊ីនបម្រើអ៊ីមែល",
-"Encryption" => "កូដនីយកម្ម",
"From address" => "ពីអាសយដ្ឋាន",
"Server address" => "អាសយដ្ឋានម៉ាស៊ីនបម្រើ",
"Port" => "ច្រក",
"A valid password must be provided" => "올바른 암호를 입력해야 함",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "경고: 사용자 \"{user}\"의 홈 디렉터리가 이미 존재합니다",
"__language_name__" => "한국어",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL 루트 인증서",
+"Encryption" => "암호화",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "모두 (치명적 문제, 오류, 경고, 정보, 디버그)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "정보, 경고, 오류, 치명적 문제",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "경고, 오류, 치명적 문제",
"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection." => "클라이언트가 %s에 연결할 때 암호화 연결을 강제로 사용합니다.",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "SSL 강제 설정을 변경하려면 %s에 HTTPS로 연결해야 합니다.",
"Email Server" => "전자우편 서버",
-"Encryption" => "암호화",
"From address" => "보낸 이 주소",
"Authentication method" => "인증 방법",
"Authentication required" => "인증 필요함",
"Choose as profile image" => "프로필 이미지로 사용",
"Language" => "언어",
"Help translate" => "번역 돕기",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL 루트 인증서",
"Import Root Certificate" => "루트 인증서 가져오기",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "암호화 앱이 비활성화되었습니다. 모든 파일을 복호화해야 합니다.",
"Log-in password" => "로그인 암호",
"Invalid request" => "داواکارى نادروستە",
"Enable" => "چالاککردن",
+"Encryption" => "نهێنیکردن",
"None" => "هیچ",
"Login" => "چوونەژوورەوە",
-"Encryption" => "نهێنیکردن",
"Server address" => "ناونیشانی ڕاژه",
"by" => "لهلایهن",
"Password" => "وشەی تێپەربو",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Slaptažodis turi būti tinkamas",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Įspėjimas: Vartotojo \"{user}\" namų aplankas jau egzistuoja",
"__language_name__" => "Lietuvių",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL sertifikatas",
+"Encryption" => "Šifravimas",
"Fatal issues only" => "Tik kritinės problemos",
"None" => "Nieko",
"Login" => "Prisijungti",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "Reikalauti HTTPS",
"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection." => "Verčia klientus jungtis prie %s per šifruotą ryšį.",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "Prašome prisijungti prie savo %s per HTTPS, kad įjungti ar išjungti SSL reikalavimą.",
-"Encryption" => "Šifravimas",
"Server address" => "Serverio adresas",
"Port" => "Prievadas",
"Log" => "Žurnalas",
"Choose as profile image" => "Pasirinkite profilio paveiksliuką",
"Language" => "Kalba",
"Help translate" => "Padėkite išversti",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL sertifikatas",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Įkelti pagrindinį sertifikatą",
"Log-in password" => "Prisijungimo slaptažodis",
"Decrypt all Files" => "Iššifruoti visus failus",
"Error creating user" => "Kļūda, veidojot lietotāju",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Jānorāda derīga parole",
"__language_name__" => "__valodas_nosaukums__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL saknes sertifikāti",
+"Encryption" => "Šifrēšana",
"None" => "Nav",
"Login" => "Ierakstīties",
"Security Warning" => "Brīdinājums par drošību",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "Uzspiest HTTPS",
"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection." => "Uzspiest klientiem pieslēgties pie %s caur šifrētu savienojumu.",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "Lūdzu slēdzieties pie %s caur HTTPS lai iespējotu vai atspējotu SSL izpildīšanu",
-"Encryption" => "Šifrēšana",
"Server address" => "Servera adrese",
"Port" => "Ports",
"Credentials" => "Akreditācijas dati",
"Cancel" => "Atcelt",
"Language" => "Valoda",
"Help translate" => "Palīdzi tulkot",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL saknes sertifikāti",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importēt saknes sertifikātus",
"Log-in password" => "Pieslēgšanās parole",
"Decrypt all Files" => "Atšifrēt visus failus",
"Error creating user" => "Грешка при креирање на корисникот",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Мора да се обезбеди валидна лозинка",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root сертификати",
+"Encryption" => "Енкрипција",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Информации, предупредувања, грешки и фатални работи",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Предупредувања, грешки и фатални работи",
"Errors and fatal issues" => "Грешки и фатални работи",
"Email Server" => "Сервер за електронска пошта",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Ова се користи за испраќање на известувања.",
"Send mode" => "Мод на испраќање",
-"Encryption" => "Енкрипција",
"From address" => "Од адреса",
"mail" => "Електронска пошта",
"Authentication method" => "Метод на автентификација",
"Choose as profile image" => "Одбери фотографија за профилот",
"Language" => "Јазик",
"Help translate" => "Помогни во преводот",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root сертификати",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Увези",
"Log-in password" => "Лозинка за најавување",
"Decrypt all Files" => "Дешифрирај ги сите датотеки",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Oppgi et gyldig passord",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Advarsel: Hjemmemappe for bruker \"{user}\" eksisterer allerede",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL rotsertifikater",
+"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Alt (fatale problemer, feil, advarsler, info, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, advarsler, feil og fatale problemer",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Advarsler, feil og fatale problemer",
"Email Server" => "E-postserver",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Dette brukes for utsending av varsler.",
"Send mode" => "Sendemåte",
-"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"From address" => "Fra adresse",
"mail" => "e-post",
"Authentication method" => "Autentiseringsmetode",
"Choose as profile image" => "Velg som profilbilde",
"Language" => "Språk",
"Help translate" => "Bidra til oversettelsen",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL rotsertifikater",
"Common Name" => "Vanlig navn",
"Valid until" => "Gyldig til",
"Issued By" => "Utstedt av",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Er moet een geldig wachtwoord worden opgegeven",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Waarschuwing: Home directory voor gebruiker \"{user}\" bestaat al",
"__language_name__" => "Nederlands",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root certificaten",
+"Encryption" => "Versleuteling",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Alles (fatale problemen, fouten, waarschuwingen, info, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, waarschuwingen, fouten en fatale problemen",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Waarschuwingen, fouten en fatale problemen",
"Email Server" => "E-mailserver",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Dit wordt gestuurd voor het verzenden van meldingen.",
"Send mode" => "Verstuurmodus",
-"Encryption" => "Versleuteling",
"From address" => "Afzenderadres",
"mail" => "e-mail",
"Authentication method" => "Authenticatiemethode",
"Choose as profile image" => "Kies als profielafbeelding",
"Language" => "Taal",
"Help translate" => "Help met vertalen",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root certificaten",
"Common Name" => "Common Name",
"Valid until" => "Geldig tot",
"Issued By" => "Uitgegeven door",
"Error creating user" => "Feil ved oppretting av brukar",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Du må oppgje eit gyldig passord",
"__language_name__" => "Nynorsk",
+"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"Login" => "Logg inn",
"Security Warning" => "Tryggleiksåtvaring",
"Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your webserver in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the webserver document root." => "Datamappa og filene dine er sannsynlegvis leselege frå nettet. Fila .htaccess fungerer ikkje. Me rår deg sterkt til å konfigurera vevtenaren din sånn at datamappa di ikkje lenger er tilgjengeleg; alternativt kan du flytta datamappa ut av dokumentrot til vevtenaren.",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "Krev HTTPS",
"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection." => "Tvingar klientar til å kopla til %s med ei kryptert tilkopling.",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "Ver venleg å kopla til %s med HTTPS (eller skru av SSL-kravet).",
-"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"Server address" => "Tenaradresse",
"Log" => "Logg",
"Log level" => "Log nivå",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Należy podać prawidłowe hasło",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Ostrzeżenie: Katalog domowy dla użytkownika \"{user}\" już istnieje",
"__language_name__" => "polski",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Główny certyfikat SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Szyfrowanie",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Wszystko (Informacje, ostrzeżenia, błędy i poważne problemy, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informacje, ostrzeżenia, błędy i poważne problemy",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Ostrzeżenia, błędy i poważne problemy",
"Email Server" => "Serwer pocztowy",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "To jest używane do wysyłania powiadomień",
"Send mode" => "Tryb wysyłki",
-"Encryption" => "Szyfrowanie",
"From address" => "Z adresu",
"mail" => "mail",
"Authentication method" => "Metoda autentykacji",
"Choose as profile image" => "Wybierz zdjęcie profilu",
"Language" => "Język",
"Help translate" => "Pomóż w tłumaczeniu",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Główny certyfikat SSL",
"Common Name" => "Nazwa CN",
"Valid until" => "Ważny do",
"Issued By" => "Wydany przez",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Forneça uma senha válida",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Aviso: O diretório home para o usuário \"{user}\" já existe",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados SSL raíz",
+"Encryption" => "Criptografia",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Tudo (questões fatais, erros, avisos, informações, depuração)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informações, avisos, erros e problemas fatais",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Avisos, erros e problemas fatais",
"Email Server" => "Servidor de Email",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Isto é usado para o envio de notificações.",
"Send mode" => "Modo enviar",
-"Encryption" => "Criptografia",
"From address" => "Do Endereço",
"mail" => "email",
"Authentication method" => "Método de autenticação",
"Choose as profile image" => "Escolha como imagem para o perfil",
"Language" => "Idioma",
"Help translate" => "Ajude a traduzir",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados SSL raíz",
"Common Name" => "Nome",
"Valid until" => "Válido até",
"Issued By" => "Emitido Por",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Uma password válida deve ser fornecida",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Atenção: a pasta pessoal do utilizador \"{user}\" já existe",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados SSL de raiz",
+"Encryption" => "Encriptação",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Tudo (problemas fatais, erros, avisos, informação, depuração)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Informação, avisos, erros e problemas fatais",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Avisos, erros e problemas fatais",
"Email Server" => "Servidor de email",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Isto é utilizado para enviar notificações",
"Send mode" => "Modo de envio",
-"Encryption" => "Encriptação",
"From address" => "Do endereço",
"mail" => "Correio",
"Authentication method" => "Método de autenticação",
"Choose as profile image" => "Escolha uma fotografia de perfil",
"Language" => "Idioma",
"Help translate" => "Ajude a traduzir",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificados SSL de raiz",
"Common Name" => "Nome Comum",
"Valid until" => "Válido até",
"Issued By" => "Emitido Por",
"Enabled" => "Activat",
+"Recommended" => "Recomandat",
"Authentication error" => "Eroare la autentificare",
"Your full name has been changed." => "Numele tău complet a fost schimbat.",
"Unable to change full name" => "Nu s-a puput schimba numele complet",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Trebuie să furnizaţi o parolă validă",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Avertizare: Dosarul Acasă pentru utilizatorul \"{user}\" deja există",
"__language_name__" => "_language_name_",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Certificate SSL root",
+"Encryption" => "Încriptare",
"None" => "Niciuna",
"Login" => "Autentificare",
"SSL" => "SSL",
"Security" => "Securitate",
"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection." => "Forțează clienții să se conecteze la %s folosind o conexiune sigură",
"Send mode" => "Modul de expediere",
-"Encryption" => "Încriptare",
"Authentication method" => "Modul de autentificare",
"Server address" => "Adresa server-ului",
"Port" => "Portul",
"Choose as profile image" => "Alege drept imagine de profil",
"Language" => "Limba",
"Help translate" => "Ajută la traducere",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Certificate SSL root",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importă certificat root",
"Log-in password" => "Parolă",
"Decrypt all Files" => "Decriptează toate fișierele",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Укажите валидный пароль",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Предупреждение: домашняя папка пользователя \"{user}\" уже существует",
"__language_name__" => "Русский ",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Корневые сертификаты SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Шифрование",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Все (критические проблемы, ошибки, предупреждения, информационные, отладочные)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Информационные, предупреждения, ошибки и критические проблемы",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Предупреждения, ошибки и критические проблемы",
"Email Server" => "Почтовый сервер",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Используется для отправки уведомлений.",
"Send mode" => "Отправить сообщение",
-"Encryption" => "Шифрование",
"From address" => "Адрес отправителя",
"mail" => "почта",
"Authentication method" => "Метод проверки подлинности",
"Choose as profile image" => "Установить как аватар",
"Language" => "Язык",
"Help translate" => "Помочь с переводом",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Корневые сертификаты SSL",
"Common Name" => "Общее Имя",
"Valid until" => "Действительно до",
"Issued By" => "Выдан",
"undo" => "නිෂ්ප්රභ කරන්න",
"Group Admin" => "කාණ්ඩ පරිපාලක",
"never" => "කවදාවත්",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL මූල සහතිකයන්",
+"Encryption" => "ගුප්ත කේතනය",
"None" => "කිසිවක් නැත",
"Login" => "ප්රවිශ්ටය",
"Security Warning" => "ආරක්ෂක නිවේදනයක්",
"Sharing" => "හුවමාරු කිරීම",
"Allow resharing" => "යළි යළිත් හුවමාරුවට අවසර දෙමි",
-"Encryption" => "ගුප්ත කේතනය",
"Server address" => "සේවාදායකයේ ලිපිනය",
"Port" => "තොට",
"Log" => "ලඝුව",
"Cancel" => "එපා",
"Language" => "භාෂාව",
"Help translate" => "පරිවර්ථන සහය",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL මූල සහතිකයන්",
"Import Root Certificate" => "මූල සහතිකය ආයාත කරන්න",
"Login Name" => "ප්රවිශ්ටය",
"Create" => "තනන්න",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Musíte zadať platné heslo",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Upozornenie: Domovský priečinok používateľa \"{user}\" už existuje",
"__language_name__" => "Slovensky",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Koreňové SSL certifikáty",
+"Encryption" => "Šifrovanie",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Všetko (fatálne problémy, chyby, upozornenia, info, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, upozornenia, chyby a fatálne problémy",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Upozornenia, chyby a fatálne problémy",
"Email Server" => "Email server",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Používa sa na odosielanie upozornení.",
"Send mode" => "Mód odosielania",
-"Encryption" => "Šifrovanie",
"From address" => "Z adresy",
"mail" => "email",
"Authentication method" => "Autentifikačná metóda",
"Choose as profile image" => "Vybrať ako avatara",
"Language" => "Jazyk",
"Help translate" => "Pomôcť s prekladom",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Koreňové SSL certifikáty",
"Common Name" => "Bežný názov",
"Valid until" => "Platný do",
"Issued By" => "Vydal",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Navedeno mora biti veljavno geslo",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Opozorilo: osebna mapa uporabnika \"{user}\" že obstaja",
"__language_name__" => "Slovenščina",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Korenska potrdila SSL",
+"Encryption" => "Šifriranje",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Vse (podrobnosti, opozorila, hrošče, napake in usodne dogodke)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Podrobnosti, opozorila, napake in usodne dogodke",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Opozorila, napake in usodne dogodke",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "Za nastavljanje šifriranja SSL je treba vzpostaviti povezavo z mestom %s preko protokola HTTPS.",
"Email Server" => "Poštni strežnik",
"Send mode" => "Način pošiljanja",
-"Encryption" => "Šifriranje",
"Authentication method" => "Način overitve",
"Authentication required" => "Zahtevana je overitev",
"Server address" => "Naslov strežnika",
"Choose as profile image" => "Izberi kot sliko profila",
"Language" => "Jezik",
"Help translate" => "Sodelujte pri prevajanju",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Korenska potrdila SSL",
"Common Name" => "Splošno ime",
"Valid until" => "Veljavno do",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Uvozi korensko potrdilo",
"Error creating user" => "Gabim gjatë krijimit të përdoruesit",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Duhet të jepni një fjalëkalim te vlefshëm",
"__language_name__" => "Shqip",
+"Encryption" => "Kodifikimi",
"None" => "Asgjë",
"Login" => "Hyr",
"Security Warning" => "Njoftim për sigurinë",
"Security" => "Siguria",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "Detyro HTTPS",
"Send mode" => "Mënyra e dërgimit",
-"Encryption" => "Kodifikimi",
"From address" => "Nga adresa",
"mail" => "postë",
"Server address" => "Adresa e serverit",
"Error creating user" => "Грешка при прављењу корисника",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Морате унети исправну лозинку",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"Encryption" => "Шифровање",
"None" => "Ништа",
"Login" => "Пријави ме",
"Security Warning" => "Сигурносно упозорење",
"Allow resharing" => "Дозволи поновно дељење",
"Security" => "Безбедност",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "Наметни HTTPS",
-"Encryption" => "Шифровање",
"Server address" => "Адреса сервера",
"Port" => "Порт",
"Log" => "Бележење",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Ett giltigt lösenord måste anges",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Varning: Hem katalogen för varje användare \"{användare}\" finns redan",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL rotcertifikat",
+"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Allting (allvarliga fel, fel, varningar, info, debug)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Info, varningar och allvarliga fel",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Varningar, fel och allvarliga fel",
"Email Server" => "E-postserver",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Detta används för att skicka ut notifieringar.",
"Send mode" => "Sändningsläge",
-"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"From address" => "Från adress",
"mail" => "mail",
"Authentication method" => "Autentiseringsmetod",
"Choose as profile image" => "Välj som profilbild",
"Language" => "Språk",
"Help translate" => "Hjälp att översätta",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL rotcertifikat",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importera rotcertifikat",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "Krypteringsapplikationen är inte längre aktiverad, vänligen dekryptera alla dina filer",
"Log-in password" => "Inloggningslösenord",
"Group Admin" => "குழு நிர்வாகி",
"never" => "ஒருபோதும்",
"__language_name__" => "_மொழி_பெயர்_",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL வேர் சான்றிதழ்கள்",
+"Encryption" => "மறைக்குறியீடு",
"None" => "ஒன்றுமில்லை",
"Login" => "புகுபதிகை",
"Security Warning" => "பாதுகாப்பு எச்சரிக்கை",
-"Encryption" => "மறைக்குறியீடு",
"Server address" => "சேவையக முகவரி",
"Port" => "துறை ",
"Credentials" => "சான்று ஆவணங்கள்",
"Cancel" => "இரத்து செய்க",
"Language" => "மொழி",
"Help translate" => "மொழிபெயர்க்க உதவி",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL வேர் சான்றிதழ்கள்",
"Import Root Certificate" => "வேர் சான்றிதழை இறக்குமதி செய்க",
"Login Name" => "புகுபதிகை",
"Create" => "உருவாக்குக",
"Group Admin" => "ผู้ดูแลกลุ่ม",
"never" => "ไม่ต้องเลย",
"__language_name__" => "ภาษาไทย",
+"SSL root certificates" => "ใบรับรองความปลอดภัยด้วยระบบ SSL จาก Root",
+"Encryption" => "การเข้ารหัส",
"None" => "ไม่มี",
"Login" => "เข้าสู่ระบบ",
"Security Warning" => "คำเตือนเกี่ยวกับความปลอดภัย",
"Sharing" => "การแชร์ข้อมูล",
"Allow apps to use the Share API" => "อนุญาตให้แอปฯสามารถใช้ API สำหรับแชร์ข้อมูลได้",
"Allow resharing" => "อนุญาตให้แชร์ข้อมูลซ้ำใหม่ได้",
-"Encryption" => "การเข้ารหัส",
"Server address" => "ที่อยู่เซิร์ฟเวอร์",
"Port" => "พอร์ต",
"Credentials" => "ข้อมูลส่วนตัวสำหรับเข้าระบบ",
"Cancel" => "ยกเลิก",
"Language" => "ภาษา",
"Help translate" => "ช่วยกันแปล",
-"SSL root certificates" => "ใบรับรองความปลอดภัยด้วยระบบ SSL จาก Root",
"Import Root Certificate" => "นำเข้าข้อมูลใบรับรองความปลอดภัยจาก Root",
"Login Name" => "ชื่อที่ใช้สำหรับเข้าสู่ระบบ",
"Create" => "สร้าง",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Geçerli bir parola mutlaka sağlanmalı",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Uyarı: \"{user}\" kullanıcısı için zaten bir Ev dizini mevcut",
"__language_name__" => "Türkçe",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL kök sertifikaları",
+"Encryption" => "Şifreleme",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Her şey (Ciddi sorunlar, hatalar, uyarılar, bilgi, hata ayıklama)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Bilgi, uyarılar, hatalar ve ciddi sorunlar",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Uyarılar, hatalar ve ciddi sorunlar",
"Email Server" => "E-Posta Sunucusu",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Bu, bildirimler gönderilirken kullanılır.",
"Send mode" => "Gönderme kipi",
-"Encryption" => "Şifreleme",
"From address" => "Kimden adresi",
"mail" => "posta",
"Authentication method" => "Kimlik doğrulama yöntemi",
"Choose as profile image" => "Profil resmi olarak seç",
"Language" => "Dil",
"Help translate" => "Çevirilere yardım edin",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL kök sertifikaları",
"Common Name" => "Ortak Ad",
"Valid until" => "Geçerlilik",
"Issued By" => "Veren",
"Error creating user" => "ئىشلەتكۈچى قۇرۇۋاتقاندا خاتالىق كۆرۈلدى",
"A valid password must be provided" => "چوقۇم ئىناۋەتلىك ئىم تەمىنلەش كېرەك",
"__language_name__" => "ئۇيغۇرچە",
+"Encryption" => "شىفىرلاش",
"None" => "يوق",
"Login" => "تىزىمغا كىرىڭ",
"Security Warning" => "بىخەتەرلىك ئاگاھلاندۇرۇش",
"Module 'fileinfo' missing" => "بۆلەك «ھۆججەت ئۇچۇرى» يوقالغان",
"Sharing" => "ھەمبەھىر",
"Security" => "بىخەتەرلىك",
-"Encryption" => "شىفىرلاش",
"Server address" => "مۇلازىمېتىر ئادرىسى",
"Port" => "ئېغىز",
"Log" => "خاتىرە",
"A valid password must be provided" => "Потрібно задати вірний пароль",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "Попередження: домашня тека користувача \"{user}\" вже існує",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL корневі сертифікати",
+"Encryption" => "Шифрування",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "Усі (критичні проблеми, помилки, попередження, інформаційні, налагодження)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Інформаційні, попередження, помилки та критичні проблеми",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "Попередження, помилки та критичні проблеми",
"Email Server" => "Сервер електронної пошти",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "Використовується для відсилання повідомлень.",
"Send mode" => "Надіслати повідомлення",
-"Encryption" => "Шифрування",
"From address" => "Адреса відправника",
"mail" => "пошта",
"Authentication method" => "Метод перевірки автентифікації",
"Choose as profile image" => "Обрати зображенням облікового запису",
"Language" => "Мова",
"Help translate" => "Допомогти з перекладом",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL корневі сертифікати",
"Common Name" => "Ім'я:",
"Valid until" => "Дійсно до",
"Issued By" => "Виданий",
"Group Admin" => "Nhóm quản trị",
"never" => "không thay đổi",
"__language_name__" => "__Ngôn ngữ___",
+"SSL root certificates" => "Chứng chỉ SSL root",
+"Encryption" => "Mã hóa",
"None" => "Không gì cả",
"Login" => "Đăng nhập",
"Security Warning" => "Cảnh bảo bảo mật",
"Sharing" => "Chia sẻ",
"Allow apps to use the Share API" => "Cho phép các ứng dụng sử dụng chia sẻ API",
"Allow resharing" => "Cho phép chia sẻ lại",
-"Encryption" => "Mã hóa",
"Server address" => "Địa chỉ máy chủ",
"Port" => "Cổng",
"Credentials" => "Giấy chứng nhận",
"Choose as profile image" => "Chọn hình ảnh như hồ sơ cá nhân",
"Language" => "Ngôn ngữ",
"Help translate" => "Hỗ trợ dịch thuật",
-"SSL root certificates" => "Chứng chỉ SSL root",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Nhập Root Certificate",
"Login Name" => "Tên đăng nhập",
"Create" => "Tạo",
"A valid password must be provided" => "必须提供合法的密码",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "警告:用户 \"{user}\" 的家目录已存在",
"__language_name__" => "简体中文",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL根证书",
+"Encryption" => "加密",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "所有(灾难性问题,错误,警告,信息,调试)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "信息,警告,错误和灾难性问题",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "警告,错误和灾难性问题",
"Email Server" => "电子邮件服务器",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "这被用于发送通知。",
"Send mode" => "发送模式",
-"Encryption" => "加密",
"From address" => "来自地址",
"mail" => "邮件",
"Authentication method" => "认证方法",
"Choose as profile image" => "用作头像",
"Language" => "语言",
"Help translate" => "帮助翻译",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL根证书",
"Common Name" => "通用名称",
"Valid until" => "有效期至",
"Issued By" => "授权由",
"Updated" => "已更新",
"Delete" => "刪除",
"Groups" => "群組",
+"Encryption" => "加密",
"None" => "空",
"Login" => "登入",
"SSL" => "SSL",
"TLS" => "TLS",
-"Encryption" => "加密",
"Port" => "連接埠",
"More" => "更多",
"Password" => "密碼",
"A valid password must be provided" => "一定要提供一個有效的密碼",
"Warning: Home directory for user \"{user}\" already exists" => "警告:使用者 {user} 的家目錄已經存在",
"__language_name__" => "__language_name__",
+"SSL root certificates" => "SSL 根憑證",
+"Encryption" => "加密",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" => "全部(嚴重問題,錯誤,警告,資訊,除錯)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "資訊,警告,錯誤和嚴重問題",
"Warnings, errors and fatal issues" => "警告,錯誤和嚴重問題",
"Email Server" => "郵件伺服器",
"This is used for sending out notifications." => "這是使用於寄送通知。",
"Send mode" => "寄送模式",
-"Encryption" => "加密",
"From address" => "寄件地址",
"Authentication method" => "驗證方式",
"Authentication required" => "必須驗證",
"Choose as profile image" => "設定為大頭貼",
"Language" => "語言",
"Help translate" => "幫助翻譯",
-"SSL root certificates" => "SSL 根憑證",
"Import Root Certificate" => "匯入根憑證",
"The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" => "加密的軟體不能長時間啟用,請解密所有您的檔案",
"Log-in password" => "登入密碼",