-Attributes of note for setting up an incremental test:
+To understand what's happening in this test would require
+looking at the source directory to see which files are tagged
+"20" and "30". But before walking through that, there's a
+variation of incremental building for AJDE. (The AJDE wrapper
+around the <code>ajc</code> compiler can also be driven by the
+test harness.)
+In AJDE, incremental tests also involve the notion of "fresh builds",
+i.e., when the test reuses the same compiler and build configuration
+but rebuilds from scratch. In that case, there is still the
+question of whether source files should be updated; if not,
+the tag can have the special value "same". For example, if
+the last example had two more lines:
+ ...
+ <inc-compile tag="30"/>
+ <run class="Main"/>
+ <inc-compile fresh="true" tag="same"/>
+ <run class="Main"/>
+ </ajc-test>
+The test would complete by completely rebuilding the same files
+and then running the main class. This option has no effect on
+the normal (ajc) compiler, and requires specifying
+<code>-ajdeCompiler</code> to the harness or compile step
+as an argument.
+To recap the attributes of note for setting up incremental tests:
<li><code>compile</code> <code>staging="true"</code>:
Incremental tests require staging, which copies the
will not do its additional checking it on input options.
<li><code>inc-compile</code> <code>tag="{##}"</code>:
-The tag is a suffix identifying
+The required tag attribute is a suffix identifying
files in the test source directory specifying how the sources should
be changed before that incremental compilation step.
If there is a prefixing suffix "delete", then the file is deleted;
otherwise, the file is copied (with the effect either of updating
an existing file or adding a new file).
+If the tag is "same", then no files are changed.
+<li><code>inc-compile</code> <code>fresh="true"</code>:
+With the AJDE compiler, you can rebuild the current build
+configuration in its entirety. (By contrast, doing another
+<compile> task would re-initialize the AJDE compiler.)
+This option is ignored unless <code>-ajdeCompiler</code>
+is passed to the harness on the command line or to the
+immediately preceding <compile> task in the options.
-Thus, to understand what's happening in an incremental test
-requires comparing the tags with the files specified in
-the test source directory.
-For example, here is a directory layout for the test above:
+Now, to get back to the question of
+what exactly is happening in an incremental test. To do so,
+compare the tags with the files specified in
+the test source directory; the tagged files are the updates
+for that particular step. (By convention the tags are numeric
+and in order, but they need not be.)
+For example, here are some sources for the test above:
{some dir}
-The result will be one compile and two re-compiles:
+Comparing this with the test specification, you can see
+the harness will run one compile and two re-compiles:
<li>Initially compile <code>Main.java</code> and <code>DeleteMe.java</code>