* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-import { InputSearch } from 'design-system';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import {
+ InputSearch,
+ LargeCenteredLayout,
+ PageContentFontWrapper,
+ themeBorder,
+ themeColor,
+} from 'design-system';
import { keyBy } from 'lodash';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet-async';
import { getValue } from '../../../api/settings';
import withCurrentUserContext from '../../../app/components/current-user/withCurrentUserContext';
import A11ySkipTarget from '../../../components/a11y/A11ySkipTarget';
-import ScreenPositionHelper from '../../../components/common/ScreenPositionHelper';
import ListFooter from '../../../components/controls/ListFooter';
import Suggestions from '../../../components/embed-docs-modal/Suggestions';
import { Location, Router, withRouter } from '../../../components/hoc/withRouter';
-import BackIcon from '../../../components/icons/BackIcon';
import '../../../components/search-navigator.css';
import { isDatePicker, isInput, isShortcut } from '../../../helpers/keyboardEventHelpers';
import { KeyboardKeys } from '../../../helpers/keycodes';
rules: Rule[];
export class CodingRulesApp extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
mounted = false;
<meta content="noindex" name="robots" />
- <div className="layout-page" id="coding-rules-page">
- <ScreenPositionHelper className="layout-page-side-outer">
- {({ top }) => (
- <nav aria-label={translate('filters')} className="layout-page-side" style={{ top }}>
- <div className="layout-page-side-inner">
- <div className="layout-page-filters">
- <A11ySkipTarget
- anchor="rules_filters"
- label={translate('coding_rules.skip_to_filters')}
- weight={10}
- />
- <FiltersHeader displayReset={this.isFiltered()} onReset={this.handleReset} />
- <FacetsList
- facets={this.state.facets}
- onFacetToggle={this.handleFacetToggle}
- onFilterChange={this.handleFilterChange}
- openFacets={this.state.openFacets}
- query={query}
+ <LargeCenteredLayout id="coding-rules-page">
+ <PageContentFontWrapper className="sw-body-sm">
+ <div className="sw-grid sw-gap-x-12 sw-gap-y-6 sw-grid-cols-12 sw-w-full">
+ <StyledContentWrapper
+ as="nav"
+ className="sw-col-span-3 sw-p-4 sw-overflow-y-auto"
+ aria-label={translate('filters')}
+ style={{
+ height: `calc(100vh - ${LAYOUT_GLOBAL_NAV_HEIGHT + LAYOUT_FOOTER_HEIGHT}px)`,
+ }}
+ >
+ <div>
+ <A11ySkipTarget
+ anchor="rules_filters"
+ label={translate('coding_rules.skip_to_filters')}
+ weight={10}
+ />
+ <FiltersHeader displayReset={this.isFiltered()} onReset={this.handleReset} />
+ <FacetsList
+ facets={this.state.facets}
+ onFacetToggle={this.handleFacetToggle}
+ onFilterChange={this.handleFilterChange}
+ openFacets={this.state.openFacets}
+ query={query}
+ referencedProfiles={this.state.referencedProfiles}
+ referencedRepositories={this.state.referencedRepositories}
+ selectedProfile={this.getSelectedProfile()}
+ />
+ </div>
+ </StyledContentWrapper>
+ <main className="sw-col-span-9">
+ {!openRule && (
+ <div>
+ <A11ySkipTarget anchor="rules_main" />
+ <div className="sw-flex sw-justify-between sw-py-4">
+ <InputSearch
+ className="sw-min-w-abs-250 sw-max-w-abs-350 sw-mr-4"
+ id="coding-rules-search"
+ minLength={2}
+ onChange={this.handleSearch}
+ placeholder={translate('search.search_for_rules')}
+ value={query.searchQuery ?? ''}
+ size="auto"
+ />
+ {this.renderBulkButton()}
+ {!usingPermalink && (
+ <PageActions paging={paging} selectedIndex={selectedIndex} />
+ )}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ )}
+ <div
+ className="sw-overflow-y-auto"
+ style={{
+ height: `calc(100vh - ${LAYOUT_GLOBAL_NAV_HEIGHT + LAYOUT_FOOTER_HEIGHT}px - ${
+ }px)`,
+ }}
+ >
+ {openRule ? (
+ <RuleDetails
+ allowCustomRules
+ canWrite={this.state.canWrite}
+ canDeactivateInherited={this.state.canDeactivateInherited}
+ onActivate={this.handleRuleActivate}
+ onDeactivate={this.handleRuleDeactivate}
+ onDelete={this.handleRuleDelete}
+ ruleKey={openRule.key}
- </div>
- </div>
- </nav>
- )}
- </ScreenPositionHelper>
- <main className="layout-page-main">
- <div className="layout-page-header-panel layout-page-main-header">
- <div className="layout-page-header-panel-inner layout-page-main-header-inner">
- <div className="layout-page-main-inner">
- <A11ySkipTarget anchor="rules_main" />
- <div className="display-flex-space-between">
- <InputSearch
- className="sw-min-w-abs-250 sw-max-w-abs-350 sw-mr-4"
- id="coding-rules-search"
- minLength={2}
- onChange={this.handleSearch}
- placeholder={translate('search.search_for_rules')}
- value={query.searchQuery ?? ''}
- size="auto"
- />
- {openRule ? (
- <a
- className="js-back display-inline-flex-center link-no-underline"
- href="#"
- onClick={this.handleBack}
- >
- <BackIcon className="spacer-right" />
- {usingPermalink
- ? translate('coding_rules.see_all')
- : translate('coding_rules.return_to_list')}
- </a>
- ) : (
- this.renderBulkButton()
- )}
- {!usingPermalink && (
- <PageActions paging={paging} selectedIndex={selectedIndex} />
- )}
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div className="layout-page-main-inner">
- {openRule ? (
- <RuleDetails
- allowCustomRules
- canWrite={this.state.canWrite}
- canDeactivateInherited={this.state.canDeactivateInherited}
- onActivate={this.handleRuleActivate}
- onDeactivate={this.handleRuleDeactivate}
- onDelete={this.handleRuleDelete}
- referencedProfiles={this.state.referencedProfiles}
- referencedRepositories={this.state.referencedRepositories}
- ruleKey={openRule.key}
- selectedProfile={this.getSelectedProfile()}
- />
- ) : (
- <>
- <ul aria-label={translate('list_of_rules')}>
- {rules.map((rule) => (
- <RuleListItem
- activation={this.getRuleActivation(rule.key)}
- isLoggedIn={isLoggedIn(this.props.currentUser)}
- canDeactivateInherited={this.state.canDeactivateInherited}
- key={rule.key}
- onActivate={this.handleRuleActivate}
- onDeactivate={this.handleRuleDeactivate}
- onOpen={this.handleRuleOpen}
- rule={rule}
- selected={rule.key === selected}
- selectedProfile={this.getSelectedProfile()}
- />
- ))}
- </ul>
- {paging !== undefined && (
- <ListFooter
- count={rules.length}
- loadMore={this.fetchMoreRules}
- ready={!this.state.loading}
- total={paging.total}
- useMIUIButtons
- />
+ ) : (
+ <>
+ <ul aria-label={translate('list_of_rules')}>
+ {rules.map((rule) => (
+ <RuleListItem
+ activation={this.getRuleActivation(rule.key)}
+ isLoggedIn={isLoggedIn(this.props.currentUser)}
+ canDeactivateInherited={this.state.canDeactivateInherited}
+ key={rule.key}
+ onActivate={this.handleRuleActivate}
+ onDeactivate={this.handleRuleDeactivate}
+ onOpen={this.handleRuleOpen}
+ rule={rule}
+ selected={rule.key === selected}
+ selectedProfile={this.getSelectedProfile()}
+ />
+ ))}
+ </ul>
+ {paging !== undefined && (
+ <ListFooter
+ className="sw-mb-4"
+ count={rules.length}
+ loadMore={this.fetchMoreRules}
+ ready={!this.state.loading}
+ total={paging.total}
+ useMIUIButtons
+ />
+ )}
+ </>
- </>
- )}
+ </div>
+ </main>
- </main>
- </div>
+ </PageContentFontWrapper>
+ </LargeCenteredLayout>
export default withRouter(withCurrentUserContext(CodingRulesApp));
+const StyledContentWrapper = styled.div`
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ background-color: ${themeColor('filterbar')};
+ border: ${themeBorder('default', 'filterbarBorder')};
+ border-bottom: none;
+ overflow-x: hidden;