--- /dev/null
+/* ====================================================================
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.xwpf.model;
+import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument;
+import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFFooter;
+import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFHeader;
+import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFParagraph;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTP;
+import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTPPr;
+import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSectPr;
+import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.STHdrFtr;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotEquals;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
+public class TestMultiSectionHeaders {
+ @Test
+ void testAddHeadersForTwoDistinctSections() throws IOException {
+ String header1Text = "Header 1 Text";
+ String header2Text = "Header 2 Text";
+ XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument();
+ // Add first body/section paragraph
+ XWPFParagraph par1 = doc.createParagraph();
+ CTP ctp1 = par1.getCTP();
+ ctp1.addNewR().addNewT().setStringValue("Text for first body paragraph");
+ CTPPr ppr1 = null;
+ if (!ctp1.isSetPPr()) {
+ ctp1.addNewPPr();
+ }
+ ppr1 = ctp1.getPPr();
+ CTSectPr sec1 = null;
+ if (!ppr1.isSetSectPr()) {
+ ppr1.addNewSectPr();
+ }
+ sec1 = ppr1.getSectPr();
+ // Create paragraph of the first header
+ CTP parCTP = CTP.Factory.newInstance();
+ parCTP.addNewR().addNewT().setStringValue(header1Text);
+ XWPFParagraph headerPar1 = new XWPFParagraph(parCTP, doc);
+ XWPFParagraph[] headerPars1 = { headerPar1 };
+ XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy pol1 = new XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy(doc, sec1);
+ XWPFHeader header1 = pol1.createHeader(STHdrFtr.DEFAULT, headerPars1);
+ // Add second body/section paragraph
+ XWPFParagraph par2 = doc.createParagraph();
+ CTP ctp2 = par2.getCTP();
+ ctp2.addNewR().addNewT().setStringValue("Text for second body paragraph");
+ CTPPr ppr2 = null;
+ if (!ctp2.isSetPPr()) {
+ ctp2.addNewPPr();
+ }
+ ppr2 = ctp2.getPPr();
+ CTSectPr sec2 = null;
+ if (!ppr2.isSetSectPr()) {
+ ppr2.addNewSectPr();
+ }
+ sec2 = ppr2.getSectPr();
+ // Create paragraph of the second header
+ CTP parCTP2 = CTP.Factory.newInstance();
+ parCTP2.addNewR().addNewT().setStringValue(header2Text);
+ XWPFParagraph headerPar2 = new XWPFParagraph(parCTP2, doc);
+ XWPFParagraph[] headerPars2 = { headerPar2 };
+ XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy pol2 = new XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy(doc, sec2);
+ XWPFHeader header2 = pol2.createHeader(STHdrFtr.DEFAULT, headerPars2);
+ // Validate the headers are not null
+ assertNotNull(header1.getListParagraph().get(0));
+ assertNotNull(header2.getListParagraph().get(0));
+ // Validate the headers are not equal
+ assertNotEquals(header1, header2);
+ String textFromHeader1 = header1.getListParagraph().get(0).getCTP().getRArray()[0].getTArray()[0]
+ .getStringValue();
+ // Validate the text is equal to the text we assigned
+ assertEquals(header1Text, textFromHeader1);
+ String textFromHeader2 = header2.getListParagraph().get(0).getCTP().getRArray()[0].getTArray()[0]
+ .getStringValue();
+ // Validate the text is equal to the text we assigned
+ assertEquals(header2Text, textFromHeader2);
+ // Validate the headers text are not equal
+ assertNotEquals(header1Text, header2Text);
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testAddFootersForTwoDistinctSections() throws IOException {
+ String footer1Text = "Footer 1 Text";
+ String footer2Text = "Footer 2 Text";
+ XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument();
+ // Add first body/section paragraph
+ XWPFParagraph par1 = doc.createParagraph();
+ CTP ctp1 = par1.getCTP();
+ ctp1.addNewR().addNewT().setStringValue("Text for first body paragraph");
+ CTPPr ppr1 = null;
+ if (!ctp1.isSetPPr()) {
+ ctp1.addNewPPr();
+ }
+ ppr1 = ctp1.getPPr();
+ CTSectPr sec1 = null;
+ if (!ppr1.isSetSectPr()) {
+ ppr1.addNewSectPr();
+ }
+ sec1 = ppr1.getSectPr();
+ // Create paragraph of the first footer
+ CTP parCTP = CTP.Factory.newInstance();
+ parCTP.addNewR().addNewT().setStringValue(footer1Text);
+ XWPFParagraph footerPar1 = new XWPFParagraph(parCTP, doc);
+ XWPFParagraph[] footerPars1 = { footerPar1 };
+ XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy pol1 = new XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy(doc, sec1);
+ XWPFFooter footer1 = pol1.createFooter(STHdrFtr.DEFAULT, footerPars1);
+ // Add second body/section paragraph
+ XWPFParagraph par2 = doc.createParagraph();
+ CTP ctp2 = par2.getCTP();
+ ctp2.addNewR().addNewT().setStringValue("Text for second body paragraph");
+ CTPPr ppr2 = null;
+ if (!ctp2.isSetPPr()) {
+ ctp2.addNewPPr();
+ }
+ ppr2 = ctp2.getPPr();
+ CTSectPr sec2 = null;
+ if (!ppr2.isSetSectPr()) {
+ ppr2.addNewSectPr();
+ }
+ sec2 = ppr2.getSectPr();
+ // Create paragraph of the second footer
+ CTP parCTP2 = CTP.Factory.newInstance();
+ parCTP2.addNewR().addNewT().setStringValue(footer2Text);
+ XWPFParagraph footerPar2 = new XWPFParagraph(parCTP2, doc);
+ XWPFParagraph[] footerPars2 = { footerPar2 };
+ XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy pol2 = new XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy(doc, sec2);
+ XWPFFooter footer2 = pol2.createFooter(STHdrFtr.DEFAULT, footerPars2);
+ // Validate the footers are not null
+ assertNotNull(footer1.getListParagraph().get(0));
+ assertNotNull(footer2.getListParagraph().get(0));
+ // Validate the footers are not equal, as objects
+ assertNotEquals(footer1, footer2);
+ String textFromHeader1 = footer1.getListParagraph().get(0).getCTP().getRArray()[0].getTArray()[0]
+ .getStringValue();
+ // Validate the text is equal to the text we assigned
+ assertEquals(footer1Text, textFromHeader1);
+ String textFromHeader2 = footer2.getListParagraph().get(0).getCTP().getRArray()[0].getTArray()[0]
+ .getStringValue();
+ // Validate the text is equal to the text we assigned
+ assertEquals(footer2Text, textFromHeader2);
+ // Validate the footers text are not equal
+ assertNotEquals(footer1Text, footer2Text);
+ }