def reorder_links(name, url, method = :post)
- link_to('',
+ link_to(l(:label_sort_highest),
url.merge({"#{name}[move_to]" => 'highest'}), :method => method,
:title => l(:label_sort_highest), :class => 'icon-only icon-move-top') +
- link_to('',
+ link_to(l(:label_sort_higher),
url.merge({"#{name}[move_to]" => 'higher'}), :method => method,
:title => l(:label_sort_higher), :class => 'icon-only icon-move-up') +
- link_to('',
+ link_to(l(:label_sort_lower),
url.merge({"#{name}[move_to]" => 'lower'}), :method => method,
:title => l(:label_sort_lower), :class => 'icon-only icon-move-down') +
- link_to('',
+ link_to(l(:label_sort_lowest),
url.merge({"#{name}[move_to]" => 'lowest'}), :method => method,
:title => l(:label_sort_lowest), :class => 'icon-only icon-move-bottom')
@current_section += 1
if @current_section > 1
- link_to('', options[:edit_section_links].merge(:section => @current_section),
+ link_to(l(:button_edit_section), options[:edit_section_links].merge(:section => @current_section),
:class => 'icon-only icon-edit'),
:class => "contextual heading-#{level}",
:title => l(:button_edit_section),
# Returns a link to enable or disable notifications for the address
def toggle_email_address_notify_link(address)
if address.notify?
- link_to '',
+ link_to l(:label_disable_notifications),
user_email_address_path(address.user, address, :notify => '0'),
:method => :put, :remote => true,
:title => l(:label_disable_notifications),
- :class => 'icon icon-email'
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-email'
- link_to '',
+ link_to l(:label_enable_notifications),
user_email_address_path(address.user, address, :notify => '1'),
:method => :put, :remote => true,
:title => l(:label_enable_notifications),
- :class => 'icon icon-email-disabled'
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-email-disabled'
# Link to the attachment if it has not been removed
value = link_to_attachment(atta, :download => true, :only_path => options[:only_path])
if options[:only_path] != false && atta.is_text?
- value += link_to('',
+ value += link_to(l(:button_view),
{ :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'show',
:id => atta, :filename => atta.filename },
- :class => 'icon icon-magnifier')
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-magnifier',
+ :title => l(:button_view))
value = content_tag("i", h(value)) if value
editable = User.current.logged? && (User.current.allowed_to?(:edit_issue_notes, issue.project) || (journal.user == User.current && User.current.allowed_to?(:edit_own_issue_notes, issue.project)))
links = []
if !journal.notes.blank?
- links << link_to('',
+ links << link_to(l(:button_quote),
quoted_issue_path(issue, :journal_id => journal),
:remote => true,
:method => 'post',
:title => l(:button_quote),
:class => 'icon-only icon-comment'
) if options[:reply_links]
- links << link_to('',
+ links << link_to(l(:button_edit),
:remote => true,
:method => 'get',
:title => l(:button_edit),
:class => 'icon-only icon-edit'
) if editable
- links << link_to('',
+ links << link_to(l(:button_delete),
journal_path(journal, :notes => ""),
:remote => true,
:method => 'put', :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
:object_id => object.id,
:user_id => user}
s << ' '
- s << link_to('', url,
+ s << link_to(l(:button_delete), url,
:remote => true, :method => 'delete',
:class => "delete icon-only icon-del",
:title => l(:button_delete))
<div class="attachments">
<div class="contextual">
- <%= link_to('',
+ <%= link_to(l(:label_edit_attachments),
:title => l(:label_edit_attachments),
:class => 'icon-only icon-edit'
<% for attachment in attachments %>
<p><%= link_to_attachment attachment, :class => 'icon icon-attachment', :download => true -%>
<% if attachment.is_text? %>
- <%= link_to '',
+ <%= link_to l(:button_view),
{ :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'show',
:id => attachment, :filename => attachment.filename },
- :class => 'icon icon-magnifier',
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-magnifier',
:title => l(:button_view) %>
<% end %>
<%= " - #{attachment.description}" unless attachment.description.blank? %>
<span class="size">(<%= number_to_human_size attachment.filesize %>)</span>
<% if options[:deletable] %>
- <%= link_to '', attachment_path(attachment),
+ <%= link_to l(:button_delete), attachment_path(attachment),
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
:method => :delete,
:class => 'delete icon-only icon-del',
<% if @issue.safe_attribute?('category_id') && @issue.project.issue_categories.any? %>
<p><%= f.select :category_id, (@issue.project.issue_categories.collect {|c| [c.name, c.id]}), :include_blank => true, :required => @issue.required_attribute?('category_id') %>
-<%= link_to('',
+<%= link_to(l(:label_issue_category_new),
:remote => true,
:method => 'get',
<% if @issue.safe_attribute?('fixed_version_id') && @issue.assignable_versions.any? %>
<p><%= f.select :fixed_version_id, version_options_for_select(@issue.assignable_versions, @issue.fixed_version), :include_blank => true, :required => @issue.required_attribute?('fixed_version_id') %>
-<%= link_to('',
+<%= link_to(l(:label_version_new),
:remote => true,
:method => 'get',
<td class="status"><%= other_issue.status.name %></td>
<td class="start_date"><%= format_date(other_issue.start_date) %></td>
<td class="due_date"><%= format_date(other_issue.due_date) %></td>
- <td class="buttons"><%= link_to('',
+ <td class="buttons"><%= link_to(l(:label_relation_delete),
:remote => true,
:method => :delete,
<td class="hours"><%= html_hours("%.2f" % entry.hours) %></td>
<td class="buttons">
<% if entry.editable_by?(@user) -%>
- <%= link_to '', {:controller => 'timelog', :action => 'edit', :id => entry},
+ <%= link_to l(:button_edit), {:controller => 'timelog', :action => 'edit', :id => entry},
:title => l(:button_edit),
:class => 'icon-only icon-edit' %>
- <%= link_to '', {:controller => 'timelog', :action => 'destroy', :id => entry},
+ <%= link_to l(:button_delete), {:controller => 'timelog', :action => 'destroy', :id => entry},
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :method => :delete,
:title => l(:button_delete),
:class => 'icon-only icon-del' %>
<% @comments.each do |comment| %>
<% next if comment.new_record? %>
<div class="contextual">
- <%= link_to_if_authorized '', {:controller => 'comments', :action => 'destroy', :id => @news, :comment_id => comment},
+ <%= link_to_if_authorized l(:button_delete), {:controller => 'comments', :action => 'destroy', :id => @news, :comment_id => comment},
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :method => :delete,
:title => l(:button_delete),
:class => 'icon-only icon-del' %>
<div class="splitcontentleft">
- <%= link_to '', project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'tracker'), :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in' %>
+ <%= link_to l(:label_details),
+ project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'tracker'),
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in',
+ :title => l(:label_details) %>
<%= render :partial => 'simple', :locals => { :data => @issues_by_tracker, :field_name => "tracker_id", :rows => @trackers } %>
<br />
- <%= link_to '', project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'priority'), :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in' %>
+ <%= link_to l(:label_details),
+ project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'priority'),
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in',
+ :title => l(:label_details) %>
<%= render :partial => 'simple', :locals => { :data => @issues_by_priority, :field_name => "priority_id", :rows => @priorities } %>
<br />
- <%= link_to '', project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'assigned_to'), :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in' %>
+ <%= link_to l(:label_details),
+ project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'assigned_to'),
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in',
+ :title => l(:label_details) %>
<%= render :partial => 'simple', :locals => { :data => @issues_by_assigned_to, :field_name => "assigned_to_id", :rows => @assignees } %>
<br />
- <%= link_to '', project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'author'), :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in' %>
+ <%= link_to l(:label_details),
+ project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'author'),
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in',
+ :title => l(:label_details) %>
<%= render :partial => 'simple', :locals => { :data => @issues_by_author, :field_name => "author_id", :rows => @authors } %>
<br />
<div class="splitcontentright">
- <%= link_to '', project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'version'), :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in' %>
+ <%= link_to l(:label_details),
+ project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'version'),
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in',
+ :title => l(:label_details) %>
<%= render :partial => 'simple', :locals => { :data => @issues_by_version, :field_name => "fixed_version_id", :rows => @versions } %>
<br />
<% if @project.children.any? %>
- <%= link_to '', project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'subproject'), :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in' %>
+ <%= link_to l(:label_details),
+ project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'subproject'),
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in',
+ :title => l(:label_details) %>
<%= render :partial => 'simple', :locals => { :data => @issues_by_subproject, :field_name => "project_id", :rows => @subprojects } %>
<br />
<% end %>
- <%= link_to '', project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'category'), :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in' %>
+ <%= link_to l(:label_details),
+ project_issues_report_details_path(@project, :detail => 'category'),
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-zoom-in',
+ :title => l(:label_details) %>
<%= render :partial => 'simple', :locals => { :data => @issues_by_category, :field_name => "category_id", :rows => @categories } %>
<br />
<% @changeset.issues.visible.each do |issue| %>
<li id="<%= "related-issue-#{issue.id}" %>"><%= link_to_issue issue %>
- <%= link_to('',
+ <%= link_to(l(:label_relation_delete),
{:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'remove_related_issue',
:id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param,
:rev => @changeset.identifier, :issue_id => issue},
) %>
<td class="buttons">
- <%= link_to('', '#',
- :class => 'delete-commit-keywords icon-only icon-del') %>
+ <%= link_to(l(:button_delete), '#',
+ :class => 'delete-commit-keywords icon-only icon-del',
+ :title => l(:button_delete)) %>
<% end %>
<td class="buttons">
- <%= link_to('', '#',
- :class => 'add-commit-keywords icon-only icon-add') %>
+ <%= link_to(l(:button_add), '#',
+ :class => 'add-commit-keywords icon-only icon-add',
+ :title => l(:button_add)) %>
<%= raw @query.inline_columns.map {|column| "<td class=\"#{column.css_classes}\">#{column_content(column, entry)}</td>"}.join %>
<td class="buttons">
<% if entry.editable_by?(User.current) -%>
- <%= link_to '', edit_time_entry_path(entry),
+ <%= link_to l(:button_edit), edit_time_entry_path(entry),
:title => l(:button_edit),
- :class => 'icon icon-edit' %>
- <%= link_to '', time_entry_path(entry),
+ :class => 'icon-only icon-edit' %>
+ <%= link_to l(:button_delete), time_entry_path(entry),
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
:method => :delete,
:title => l(:button_delete),
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 16px;
+a.icon-only {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ font-size: 8px;
+a.icon-only::after {
+ content: " ";
.icon-add { background-image: url(../images/add.png); }
.icon-edit { background-image: url(../images/edit.png); }
# heading that contains inline code
assert_match Regexp.new('<div class="contextual heading-2" title="Edit this section" id="section-4">' +
- '<a class="icon-only icon-edit" href="/projects/1/wiki/Test/edit\?section=4"></a></div>' +
+ '<a class="icon-only icon-edit" href="/projects/1/wiki/Test/edit\?section=4">Edit this section</a></div>' +
'<a name="Subtitle-with-inline-code"></a>' +
'<h2 >Subtitle with <code>inline code</code><a href="#Subtitle-with-inline-code" class="wiki-anchor">¶</a></h2>'),
# last heading
assert_match Regexp.new('<div class="contextual heading-2" title="Edit this section" id="section-5">' +
- '<a class="icon-only icon-edit" href="/projects/1/wiki/Test/edit\?section=5"></a></div>' +
+ '<a class="icon-only icon-edit" href="/projects/1/wiki/Test/edit\?section=5">Edit this section</a></div>' +
'<a name="Subtitle-after-pre-tag"></a>' +
'<h2 >Subtitle after pre tag<a href="#Subtitle-after-pre-tag" class="wiki-anchor">¶</a></h2>'),