branchNotFound=branch ''{0}'' not found.
cacheTreePathInfo="{0}": {1} entries, {2} children
cannotBeRenamed={0} cannot be renamed
-cannotChekoutNoHeadsAdvertisedByRemote=cannot checkout; no HEAD advertised by remote
cannotCombineSquashWithNoff=You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff.
cannotCreateCommand=Cannot create command {0}
cannotCreateOutputStream=cannot create output stream
cannotDeleteTheBranchWhichYouAreCurrentlyOn=Cannot delete the branch ''{0}'' which you are currently on.
cannotGuessLocalNameFrom=cannot guess local name from {0}
cannotLock=Cannot lock {0}
-cannotMergeDetachedHead=Cannot merge into detached HEAD
cannotReadBecause=cannot read {0}: {1}
cannotReadPackageInformation=Cannot read package information.
cannotRenameDetachedHEAD=Cannot rename detached HEAD
exporting=Exporting {0}
failedToCommitIndex=failed to commit index
failedToLockIndex=failed to lock index
-failedToLockTag=Failed to lock tag {0}: {1}
fatalError=fatal: {0}
fatalThisProgramWillDestroyTheRepository=fatal: This program will destroy the repository\nfatal:\nfatal:\nfatal: {0}\nfatal:\nfatal: To continue, add {1} to the command line\nfatal:
fetchingSubmodule=Fetching submodule {0}
noGitRepositoryConfigured=No Git repository configured.
noNamesFound=No names found, cannot describe anything.
noSuchFile=no such file: {0}
-noSuchRemoteRef=no such remote ref: ''{0}''
noSystemConsoleAvailable=No System.console available
noTREESectionInIndex=no 'TREE' section in index
nonFastForward=non-fast forward
/***/ public String cacheTreePathInfo;
/***/ public String configFileNotFound;
/***/ public String cannotBeRenamed;
- /***/ public String cannotChekoutNoHeadsAdvertisedByRemote;
/***/ public String cannotCombineSquashWithNoff;
/***/ public String cannotCreateCommand;
/***/ public String cannotCreateOutputStream;
/***/ public String cannotDeleteTheBranchWhichYouAreCurrentlyOn;
/***/ public String cannotGuessLocalNameFrom;
/***/ public String cannotLock;
- /***/ public String cannotMergeDetachedHead;
/***/ public String cannotReadBecause;
/***/ public String cannotReadPackageInformation;
/***/ public String cannotRenameDetachedHEAD;
/***/ public String exporting;
/***/ public String failedToCommitIndex;
/***/ public String failedToLockIndex;
- /***/ public String failedToLockTag;
/***/ public String fatalError;
/***/ public String fatalThisProgramWillDestroyTheRepository;
/***/ public String fetchingSubmodule;
/***/ public String noGitRepositoryConfigured;
/***/ public String noNamesFound;
/***/ public String noSuchFile;
- /***/ public String noSuchRemoteRef;
/***/ public String noTREESectionInIndex;
/***/ public String nonFastForward;
/***/ public String noSystemConsoleAvailable;