-<div class="code-issue" data-issue-key="<%= issue.key -%>" data-issue-component="<%= issue.componentKey() -%>" data-issue-rule="<%= u issue.ruleKey().toString() -%>">
- <div class="code-issue-name">
- <div style="float: right">
+<div id="issue-<%= u issue.key -%>" class="code-issue code-issue-collapsed" data-issue-key="<%= issue.key -%>" data-issue-component="<%= issue.componentKey() -%>" data-issue-rule="<%= u issue.ruleKey().toString() -%>">
+ <div class="code-issue-name code-issue-toggle">
+ <div class="code-issue-name-rule">
+ <i class="icon-severity-<%= issue.severity.downcase -%>"></i>
+ <span class="rulename">
+ <%= h !issue.message.blank? ? Api::Utils.split_newlines(issue.message).join('<br/>') : @issue_results.rule(issue).getName() -%>
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="code-issue-permalink">
<a href="#" onclick="return openIssuePopup(this)" class="issue-permalink"><img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/new-window-16.gif"></a>
+ </div>
- <i class="icon-severity-<%= issue.severity.downcase -%>"></i>
- <a href="#" onclick="return toggleIssueRule(this)" class="rulename issue-rule-link"><%= h @issue_results.rule(issue).getName() -%></a>
- <% if issue.resolution %>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <span><%= message("issue.resolution.#{issue.resolution}") -%></span>
- <% else %>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <span><%= message("issue.status.#{issue.status}") -%></span>
- <% end %>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <%= message('issue.updated') -%> <a href="#" onclick="return toggleIssueChangelog(this)" class="gray issue-changelog-link"
- id="toggle-issue-changelog"><%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(Api::Utils.java_to_ruby_datetime(issue.updateDate())) -%></a>
- <% if issue.reporter %>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <span><%= message('issue.reported_by') -%> <%= @issue_results.user(issue.reporter).name -%></span>
+ <ul class="code-issue-actions code-issue-list">
+ <% if current_user %>
+ <li><a href='#' onclick="return issueForm('comment', this)" class="link-action spacer-right" autofocus><%= message('issue.comment.formlink') -%></a></li>
<% end %>
- <% if issue.authorLogin %>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <span><%= message('issue.authorLogin') -%> <%= issue.authorLogin -%></span>
- <% end %>
- <% if issue.technicalDebt %>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <%= message('issue.technical_debt') -%> <a href="#" onclick="return toggleTechnicalDebt(this)" class="gray issue-technicaldebt-link"
- id="toggle-issue-technicaldebt"><%= Internal.technical_debt.format(issue.technicalDebt) -%></a>
+ <li>
+ <i class="icon-status-<%= issue.status.downcase -%>"></i><%= message("issue.status.#{issue.status}") -%> <%= '(' + message("issue.resolution.#{issue.resolution}") + ')' if issue.resolution -%>
+ </li>
+ <% if current_user %>
+ <% transitions = Internal.issues.listTransitions(issue).to_a
+ if !transitions.empty? && transitions.first
+ first_transition = transitions.first %>
+ <li>
+ <!-- Display only the first transition -->
+ <a href="#" onclick="return doIssueTransition(this, '<%= first_transition.key -%>')" class="link-action issue-transition spacer-left">
+ <%= message("issue.transition.#{first_transition.key}") -%></a>
+ <!-- Display remaining transitions -->
+ <% if transitions.size > 1 %>
+ <div class="dropdown">
+ <a href="#" class="link-action link-more" onclick="showDropdownMenuOnElement($j(this).next('.dropdown-menu')); return false;"/></a>
+ <ul style="display: none" class="dropdown-menu">
+ <% transitions[1..-1].each do |transition| %>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#" onclick="return doIssueTransition(this, '<%= transition.key -%>')" class="link-action spacer-right"><%= message("issue.transition.#{transition.key}") -%></a>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
<% end %>
- </div>
- <div class="issue-rule rule-desc" style="display: none"></div>
- <div class="issue-changelog" id="issue-changelog" style="display: none"></div>
- <div class="issue-technicaldebt" id="issue-technicaldebt" style="display: none"></div>
- <% unless issue.message.blank? %>
- <div class="code-issue-msg">
- <%= Api::Utils.split_newlines(h(issue.message)).join('<br/>') -%>
- </div>
- <% end %>
- <%
- issue.comments.each do |comment|
- comment_html_id = "comment-#{comment.key}-#{rand(100)}"
- %>
- <div class="code-issue-comment" id="<%= comment_html_id -%>" data-comment-key="<%= comment.key -%>">
- <h4>
- <%= image_tag('reviews/comment.png') -%> <b><%= @issue_results.user(comment.userLogin()).name() -%></b>
- (<%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(Api::Utils.java_to_ruby_datetime(comment.createdAt)) -%>)
- <% if current_user && current_user.login==comment.userLogin %>
- <%= image_tag 'sep12.png' -%>
- <a class="link-action" href="#" onclick="return formEditIssueComment(this)"><%= message('edit') -%></a>
- <a class="link-action spacer-right" href="#" onclick="return deleteIssueComment(this, '<%= escape_javascript(message('issue.comment.delete_confirm_message')) -%>')"><%= message('delete') -%></a>
- <% end %>
- </h4>
- <%= Internal.text.markdownToHtml(comment.markdownText) -%>
- </div>
- <% end %>
- <% if current_user %>
- <div class="code-issue-actions">
- <a href='#' onclick="return issueForm('comment', this)" class="link-action spacer-right" autofocus><%= message('issue.comment.formlink') -%></a>
- <% unless issue.resolution %>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <span class="spacer-right">
+ <% unless issue.resolution %>
+ <li>
<% if issue.assignee %>
- <a href='#' onclick="return issueForm('assign', this)" class="link-action"><%= message('assigned_to') -%></a> <%= h @issue_results.user(issue.assignee).name -%>
- <% else %>
+ <% if current_user %>
+ <a href='#' onclick="return issueForm('assign', this)" class="link-action"><%= message('assigned_to') -%></a> <%= h @issue_results.user(issue.assignee).name -%>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= message('assigned_to') -%> <strong><%= h @issue_results.user(issue.assignee).name -%></strong>
+ <% end %>
+ <% elsif current_user %>
<a href='#' onclick="return issueForm('assign', this)" class="link-action"><%= message('issue.assign.formlink') -%></a>
<% if issue.assignee != current_user.login %>
[<a href="#" onclick="return assignIssueToMe(this)" class="link-action"><%= message('issue.assign.to_me') -%></a>]
<% end %>
<% end %>
- </span>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <span class="spacer-right">
- <% if issue.actionPlanKey %>
- <a href="#" onclick="return issueForm('plan', this)" class="link-action"><%= message('issue.planned_for') -%></a> <%= h(@issue_results.actionPlan(issue).name()) -%>
- <% else %>
- <a href="#" onclick="return issueForm('plan', this)" class="link-action"><%= message('issue.do_plan') -%></a>
- <% end %>
- </span>
- <% end %>
- <%
- transitions = Internal.issues.listTransitions(issue).to_a
- # Display only the first transition
- if !transitions.empty? && transitions.first
- first_transition = transitions.first
- %>
- <img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/>
- <a href="#" onclick="return doIssueTransition(this, '<%= first_transition.key -%>')" class="link-action spacer-right"><%= message("issue.transition.#{first_transition.key}") -%></a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <% if issue.actionPlanKey %>
+ <% if current_user %>
+ <a href="#" onclick="return issueForm('plan', this)" class="link-action"><%= message('issue.planned_for') -%></a> <%= h(@issue_results.actionPlan(issue).name()) -%>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= message('issue.planned_for') -%> <strong><%= h(@issue_results.actionPlan(issue).name()) -%></strong>
+ <% end %>
+ <% elsif current_user %>
+ <a href="#" onclick="return issueForm('plan', this)" class="link-action"><%= message('issue.do_plan') -%></a>
<% end %>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if current_user %>
+ <% plugin_actions = Internal.issues.listActions(issue)
+ if !issue.resolution || !plugin_actions.empty? %>
+ <li>
+ <div class="dropdown">
+ <a href="#" class="link-action link-more" onclick="showDropdownMenuOnElement($j(this).next('.dropdown-menu')); return false;"><%= message('more_actions') -%></a>
+ <ul style="display: none" class="dropdown-menu">
+ <% if Java::OrgSonarServerUser::UserSession.get().hasProjectPermission('issueadmin', issue.projectKey) %>
+ <% unless issue.resolution %>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#" onclick="return issueForm('severity', this)" class="link-action spacer-right"><%= message("issue.set_severity") -%></a>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
- <%
- plugin_actions = Internal.issues.listActions(issue)
- shouldDisplayDropDown = transitions.size > 1 || !issue.resolution || !plugin_actions.empty?
- if shouldDisplayDropDown
- %>
- <div class="dropdown">
- <a href="#" class="link-action link-more" onclick="showDropdownMenuOnElement($j(this).next('.dropdown-menu')); return false;"><%= message('more_actions') -%></a>
- <ul style="display: none" class="dropdown-menu">
- <% if Java::OrgSonarServerUser::UserSession.get().hasProjectPermission('issueadmin', issue.projectKey) %>
- <% unless issue.resolution %>
+ <% # Display actions defined by plugins
+ plugin_actions.each do |action| %>
- <a href="#" onclick="return issueForm('severity', this)" class="link-action spacer-right"><%= message("issue.set_severity") -%></a>
+ <a href="#" onclick="return doPluginIssueAction(this, '<%= action.key -%>')" class="link-action spacer-right"><%= message("issue.action.#{action.key}.formlink") -%></a>
<% end %>
- <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if issue.technicalDebt %>
+ <li><%= message('issue.debt') -%> <%= Internal.technical_debt.format(issue.technicalDebt) -%></li>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if issue.authorLogin %>
+ <li><%= message('issue.authorLogin') -%> <%= issue.authorLogin -%></li>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if issue.reporter %>
+ <li><%= message('issue.reported_by') -%> <%= @issue_results.user(issue.reporter).name -%></li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="code-issue-form hidden"></div>
- <% # Display remaining transitions
- if transitions.size > 1
- transitions[1..-1].each do |transition| %>
- <li>
- <a href="#" onclick="return doIssueTransition(this, '<%= transition.key -%>')" class="link-action spacer-right"><%= message("issue.transition.#{transition.key}") -%></a>
- </li>
- <% end
- end %>
+ <div class="code-issue-details">
+ <ul class="tabs">
+ <li>
+ <a href="#tab-issue-rule"><%= message('rule') -%></a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#tab-issue-changelog"><%= message('changelog') -%></a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
- <% # Display actions defined by plugins
- plugin_actions.each do |action| %>
- <li>
- <a href="#" onclick="return doPluginIssueAction(this, '<%= action.key -%>')" class="link-action spacer-right"><%= message("issue.action.#{action.key}.formlink") -%></a>
- </li>
- <% end %>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <% end %>
+ <div id="tab-issue-rule">
+ <%= image_tag 'loading.gif', :class => 'rule-loading hidden' -%>
+ <div class="issue-rule rule-desc"></div>
- <div class="code-issue-form hidden"></div>
- <% elsif issue.assignee || issue.actionPlanKey %>
- <div class="code-issue-actions">
- <% if issue.assignee %>
- <span class="gray"><%= message('assigned_to') -%> <%= h @issue_results.user(issue.assignee).name -%></span>
- <% end %>
- <% if issue.actionPlanKey %>
- <% if issue.assignee %><img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/sep12.png"/> <% end %>
- <span class="gray"><%= message('issue.planned_for') -%> <%= h(@issue_results.actionPlan(issue).name()) -%></span>
- <% end %>
+ <div id="tab-issue-changelog">
+ <%= image_tag 'loading.gif', :class => 'changelog-loading hidden' -%>
+ <table class="issue-changelog spaced">
+ </table>
- <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="code-issue-comments">
+ <% issue.comments.each do |comment|
+ comment_html_id = "comment-#{comment.key}-#{rand(100)}" %>
+ <div class="code-issue-comment" id="<%= comment_html_id -%>" data-comment-key="<%= comment.key -%>">
+ <h4>
+ <%= image_tag('reviews/comment.png') -%> <b><%= @issue_results.user(comment.userLogin()).name() -%></b>
+ (<%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(Api::Utils.java_to_ruby_datetime(comment.createdAt)) -%>)
+ <% if current_user && current_user.login==comment.userLogin %>
+ <%= image_tag 'sep12.png' -%>
+ <a class="link-action" href="#" onclick="return formEditIssueComment(this)"><%= message('edit') -%></a>
+ <a class="link-action spacer-right" href="#" onclick="return deleteIssueComment(this, '<%= escape_javascript(message('issue.comment.delete_confirm_message')) -%>')"><%= message('delete') -%></a>
+ <% end %>
+ </h4>
+ <%= Internal.text.markdownToHtml(comment.markdownText) -%>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ $j('#issue-<%= u issue.key -%> .code-issue-details').tabs();
+ $j('#issue-<%= u issue.key -%> .code-issue-toggle').click(function() {
+ toggleIssueCollapsed(this);
+ });
return false;
-function toggleIssueRule(elt) {
+function toggleIssueCollapsed(elt) {
var issueElt = $j(elt).closest('[data-issue-rule]');
- var ruleElt = issueElt.find('.issue-rule');
- if (ruleElt.is(':visible')) {
- ruleElt.slideUp('fast');
- } else {
- issueElt.find('.issue-changelog').slideUp('fast');
- issueElt.find('.issue-technicaldebt').slideUp('fast');
+ issueElt.toggleClass('code-issue-collapsed');
+ if (!issueElt.hasClass('code-issue-collapsed')) {
+ // Load rule desc
+ // Display loading images and hide existing content
+ var ruleLoading = issueElt.find('.rule-loading');
+ ruleLoading.removeClass('hidden');
+ var ruleElt = issueElt.find('.issue-rule');
+ ruleElt.addClass('hidden');
var ruleKey = issueElt.attr('data-issue-rule');
$j.get(baseUrl + "/issue/rule/" + ruleKey, function (html) {
- ruleElt.slideDown('fast');
// re-enable the links opening modal popups
+ }).always(function () {
+ ruleLoading.addClass('hidden');
+ ruleElt.removeClass('hidden');
- }
- return false;
-function toggleIssueChangelog(elt) {
- var issueElt = $j(elt).closest('[data-issue-key]');
- var changelogElt = issueElt.find('.issue-changelog');
- if (changelogElt.is(':visible')) {
- changelogElt.slideUp('fast');
- } else {
- issueElt.find('.issue-rule').slideUp('fast');
- issueElt.find('.issue-technicaldebt').slideUp('fast');
+ // Load changelog
+ // Display loading images and hide existing content
+ var cangelogLoading = issueElt.find('.changelog-loading');
+ cangelogLoading.removeClass('hidden');
+ var changelogElt = issueElt.find('.issue-changelog');
+ changelogElt.addClass('hidden');
var issueKey = issueElt.attr('data-issue-key');
$j.get(baseUrl + "/issue/changelog/" + issueKey, function (html) {
- changelogElt.slideDown('fast');
- });
- }
- return false;
-function toggleTechnicalDebt(elt) {
- var issueElt = $j(elt).closest('[data-issue-key]');
- var debtElt = issueElt.find('.issue-technicaldebt');
- if (debtElt.is(':visible')) {
- debtElt.slideUp('fast');
- } else {
- issueElt.find('.issue-changelog').slideUp('fast');
- issueElt.find('.issue-rule').slideUp('fast');
- var issueKey = issueElt.attr('data-issue-key');
- $j.get(baseUrl + "/issue/technicaldebt/" + issueKey, function (html) {
- debtElt.html(html);
- debtElt.slideDown('fast');
+ }).always(function () {
+ cangelogLoading.addClass('hidden');
+ changelogElt.removeClass('hidden');
return false;
-function openIssueRulePopup(elt) {
- var issueElt = $j(elt).closest('[data-issue-rule]');
- var ruleKey = issueElt.attr('data-issue-rule');
- openPopup(baseUrl + "/rules/show/" + ruleKey + "?layout=false", 'rule');
- return false;
function openIssuePopup(elt) {
var issueElt = $j(elt).closest('[data-issue-key]');
var issueKey = issueElt.attr('data-issue-key');