local function dns_cb(_, _, results, err)
if err and (err ~= 'requested record is not found' and
err ~= 'no records with this name') then
- rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'error looking up %s: %s', dns_name, err)
+ rspamd_logger.warnx(task, 'error looking up %s: %s', dns_name, err)
lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'DNS RESPONSE: label=%1 results=%2 err=%3 list=%4',
dns_name, results, err, rule.backend.config.list)
-- Now split tokens to list of values
- if results then
- local values = {}
- -- Format: key1=num1;key2=num2...keyn=numn
- fun.each(function(e)
- local vals = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(e, "=")
- if vals and #vals == 2 then
- local nv = tonumber(vals[2])
- if nv then
- values[vals[1]] = nv
- end
- end
+ if results and results[1] then
+ -- Format: num_messages;sc1;sc2...scn
+ local dns_tokens = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(results[1], ";")
+ -- Convert all to numbers excluding any possible non-numbers
+ dns_tokens = fun.totable(fun.filter(function(e)
+ return type(e) == 'number'
- lua_util.rspamd_str_split(results[1], ";"))
- continuation_cb(nil, dns_name, values)
+ fun.map(function(e)
+ local n = tonumber(e)
+ if n then return n end
+ return "BAD"
+ end, dns_tokens)))
+ if #dns_tokens < 2 then
+ rspamd_logger.warnx(task, 'cannot parse response for reputation token %s: %s',
+ dns_name, results[1])
+ continuation_cb(results, dns_name, nil)
+ else
+ local cnt = table.remove(dns_tokens, 1)
+ continuation_cb(nil, dns_name, { cnt, dns_tokens })
+ end
+ rspamd_logger.messagex(task, 'invalid response for reputation token %s: %s',
+ dns_name, results[1])
continuation_cb(results, dns_name, nil)