runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- image: mysql:8.0
+ # the bitnami mysql image has more options than the official one, it's easier to customize
+ image: bitnami/mysql:8.0
- "3306:3306"
+ options: >-
+ --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/bitnami/mysql/data
image: elasticsearch:7.5.0
- name: run migration tests
run: make test-mysql-migration
- name: run tests
- run: make integration-test-coverage
+ # run: make integration-test-coverage (at the moment, no coverage is really handled)
+ run: make test-mysql
TAGS: bindata
- ""
func MainTest(m *testing.M) {
- log.RegisterEventWriter("test", testlogger.NewTestLoggerWriter)
+ testlogger.Init()
giteaRoot := base.SetupGiteaRoot()
if giteaRoot == "" {
- fmt.Println("Environment variable $GITEA_ROOT not set")
- os.Exit(1)
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Environment variable $GITEA_ROOT not set\n")
giteaBinary := "gitea"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
setting.AppPath = filepath.Join(giteaRoot, giteaBinary)
if _, err := os.Stat(setting.AppPath); err != nil {
- fmt.Printf("Could not find gitea binary at %s\n", setting.AppPath)
- os.Exit(1)
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Could not find gitea binary at %s\n", setting.AppPath)
giteaConf := os.Getenv("GITEA_CONF")
tmpDataPath, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "data")
if err != nil {
- fmt.Printf("Unable to create temporary data path %v\n", err)
- os.Exit(1)
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Unable to create temporary data path %v\n", err)
setting.CustomPath = filepath.Join(setting.AppWorkPath, "custom")
if err = git.InitFull(context.Background()); err != nil {
- fmt.Printf("Unable to InitFull: %v\n", err)
- os.Exit(1)
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Unable to InitFull: %v\n", err)
colors []ColorAttribute
+var _ fmt.Formatter = (*ColoredValue)(nil)
func (c *ColoredValue) Format(f fmt.State, verb rune) {
_, _ = f.Write(ColorBytes(c.colors...))
s := fmt.Sprintf(fmt.FormatString(f, verb), c.v)
_, _ = f.Write(resetBytes)
+func (c *ColoredValue) Value() any {
+ return c.v
func NewColoredValue(v any, color ...ColorAttribute) *ColoredValue {
return &ColoredValue{v: v, colors: color}
func init() {
- unhandledItemRequeueDuration.Store(int64(5 * time.Second))
+ unhandledItemRequeueDuration.Store(int64(time.Second))
// workerGroup is a group of workers to work with a WorkerPoolQueue
// if none of the items were handled, it should back-off for a few seconds
// in this case the handler (eg: document indexer) may have encountered some errors/failures
if len(unhandled) == len(batch) && unhandledItemRequeueDuration.Load() != 0 {
+ if q.isFlushing.Load() {
+ return // do not requeue items when flushing, since all items failed, requeue them will continue failing.
+ }
log.Error("Queue %q failed to handle batch of %d items, backoff for a few seconds", q.GetName(), len(batch))
+ // TODO: ideally it shouldn't "sleep" here (blocks the worker, then blocks flush).
+ // It could debounce the requeue operation, and try to requeue the items in the future.
select {
case <-q.ctxRun.Done():
case <-time.After(time.Duration(unhandledItemRequeueDuration.Load())):
// doFlush flushes the queue: it tries to read all items from the queue and handles them.
// It is for testing purpose only. It's not designed to work for a cluster.
func (q *WorkerPoolQueue[T]) doFlush(wg *workerGroup[T], flush flushType) {
+ q.isFlushing.Store(true)
+ defer q.isFlushing.Store(false)
log.Debug("Queue %q starts flushing", q.GetName())
defer log.Debug("Queue %q finishes flushing", q.GetName())
emptyCounter := 0
for {
select {
+ case <-q.ctxRun.Done():
+ log.Debug("Queue %q is shutting down", q.GetName())
+ return
case data, dataOk := <-wg.popItemChan:
if !dataOk {
log.Error("Failed to pop item from queue %q (doFlush): %v", q.GetName(), err)
- case <-q.ctxRun.Done():
- log.Debug("Queue %q is shutting down", q.GetName())
- return
case <-time.After(20 * time.Millisecond):
// There is no reliable way to make sure all queue items are consumed by the Flush, there always might be some items stored in some buffers/temp variables.
// If we run Gitea in a cluster, we can even not guarantee all items are consumed in a deterministic instance.
var batchDispatchC <-chan time.Time = infiniteTimerC
for {
select {
+ case flush := <-q.flushChan:
+ // before flushing, it needs to try to dispatch the batch to worker first, in case there is no worker running
+ // after the flushing, there is at least one worker running, so "doFlush" could wait for workers to finish
+ // since we are already in a "flush" operation, so the dispatching function shouldn't read the flush chan.
+ q.doDispatchBatchToWorker(wg, skipFlushChan)
+ q.doFlush(wg, flush)
+ case <-q.ctxRun.Done():
+ log.Debug("Queue %q is shutting down", q.GetName())
+ return
case data, dataOk := <-wg.popItemChan:
if !dataOk {
case <-batchDispatchC:
batchDispatchC = infiniteTimerC
q.doDispatchBatchToWorker(wg, q.flushChan)
- case flush := <-q.flushChan:
- // before flushing, it needs to try to dispatch the batch to worker first, in case there is no worker running
- // after the flushing, there is at least one worker running, so "doFlush" could wait for workers to finish
- // since we are already in a "flush" operation, so the dispatching function shouldn't read the flush chan.
- q.doDispatchBatchToWorker(wg, skipFlushChan)
- q.doFlush(wg, flush)
case err := <-wg.popItemErr:
if !q.isCtxRunCanceled() {
log.Error("Failed to pop item from queue %q (doRun): %v", q.GetName(), err)
- case <-q.ctxRun.Done():
- log.Debug("Queue %q is shutting down", q.GetName())
- return
baseConfig *BaseConfig
baseQueue baseQueue
- batchChan chan []T
- flushChan chan flushType
+ batchChan chan []T
+ flushChan chan flushType
+ isFlushing atomic.Bool
batchLength int
workerNum int
var (
- prefix string
- SlowTest = 10 * time.Second
- SlowFlush = 5 * time.Second
+ prefix string
+ TestTimeout = 10 * time.Minute
+ TestSlowRun = 10 * time.Second
+ TestSlowFlush = 1 * time.Second
var WriterCloser = &testLoggerWriterCloser{}
+// Printf takes a format and args and prints the string to os.Stdout
+func Printf(format string, args ...any) {
+ if !log.CanColorStdout {
+ for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
+ if c, ok := args[i].(*log.ColoredValue); ok {
+ args[i] = c.Value()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, format, args...)
// PrintCurrentTest prints the current test to os.Stdout
func PrintCurrentTest(t testing.TB, skip func() {
- start := time.Now()
+ runStart := time.Now()
actualSkip := util.OptionalArg(skip) + 1
_, filename, line, _ := runtime.Caller(actualSkip)
- if log.CanColorStdout {
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "=== %s (%s:%d)\n", fmt.Formatter(log.NewColoredValue(t.Name())), strings.TrimPrefix(filename, prefix), line)
- } else {
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "=== %s (%s:%d)\n", t.Name(), strings.TrimPrefix(filename, prefix), line)
- }
+ Printf("=== %s (%s:%d)\n", log.NewColoredValue(t.Name()), strings.TrimPrefix(filename, prefix), line)
- return func() {
- took := time.Since(start)
- if took > SlowTest {
- if log.CanColorStdout {
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "+++ %s is a slow test (took %v)\n", fmt.Formatter(log.NewColoredValue(t.Name(), log.Bold, log.FgYellow)), fmt.Formatter(log.NewColoredValue(took, log.Bold, log.FgYellow)))
- } else {
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "+++ %s is a slow test (took %v)\n", t.Name(), took)
+ timeoutChecker := time.AfterFunc(TestTimeout, func() {
+ l := 128 * 1024
+ var stack []byte
+ for {
+ stack = make([]byte, l)
+ n := runtime.Stack(stack, true)
+ if n <= l {
+ stack = stack[:n]
+ break
+ l = n
- timer := time.AfterFunc(SlowFlush, func() {
- if log.CanColorStdout {
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "+++ %s ... still flushing after %v ...\n", fmt.Formatter(log.NewColoredValue(t.Name(), log.Bold, log.FgRed)), SlowFlush)
- } else {
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "+++ %s ... still flushing after %v ...\n", t.Name(), SlowFlush)
- }
+ Printf("!!! %s ... timeout: %v ... stacktrace:\n%s\n\n", log.NewColoredValue(t.Name(), log.Bold, log.FgRed), TestTimeout, string(stack))
+ })
+ return func() {
+ flushStart := time.Now()
+ slowFlushChecker := time.AfterFunc(TestSlowFlush, func() {
+ Printf("+++ %s ... still flushing after %v ...\n", log.NewColoredValue(t.Name(), log.Bold, log.FgRed), TestSlowFlush)
if err := queue.GetManager().FlushAll(context.Background(), -1); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Flushing queues failed with error %v", err)
- timer.Stop()
- flushTook := time.Since(start) - took
- if flushTook > SlowFlush {
- if log.CanColorStdout {
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "+++ %s had a slow clean-up flush (took %v)\n", fmt.Formatter(log.NewColoredValue(t.Name(), log.Bold, log.FgRed)), fmt.Formatter(log.NewColoredValue(flushTook, log.Bold, log.FgRed)))
- } else {
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "+++ %s had a slow clean-up flush (took %v)\n", t.Name(), flushTook)
- }
- }
- WriterCloser.popT()
- }
+ slowFlushChecker.Stop()
+ timeoutChecker.Stop()
-// Printf takes a format and args and prints the string to os.Stdout
-func Printf(format string, args ...any) {
- if log.CanColorStdout {
- for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
- args[i] = log.NewColoredValue(args[i])
+ runDuration := time.Since(runStart)
+ flushDuration := time.Since(flushStart)
+ if runDuration > TestSlowRun {
+ Printf("+++ %s is a slow test (run: %v, flush: %v)\n", log.NewColoredValue(t.Name(), log.Bold, log.FgYellow), runDuration, flushDuration)
+ WriterCloser.popT()
- _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\t"+format, args...)
// TestLogEventWriter is a logger which will write to the testing log
-// NewTestLoggerWriter creates a TestLogEventWriter as a log.LoggerProvider
-func NewTestLoggerWriter(name string, mode log.WriterMode) log.EventWriter {
+// newTestLoggerWriter creates a TestLogEventWriter as a log.LoggerProvider
+func newTestLoggerWriter(name string, mode log.WriterMode) log.EventWriter {
w := &TestLogEventWriter{}
w.EventWriterBaseImpl = log.NewEventWriterBase(name, "test-log-writer", mode)
w.OutputWriteCloser = WriterCloser
return w
-func init() {
+func Init() {
const relFilePath = "modules/testlogger/testlogger.go"
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
if !strings.HasSuffix(filename, relFilePath) {
panic("source code file path doesn't match expected: " + relFilePath)
prefix = strings.TrimSuffix(filename, relFilePath)
+ log.RegisterEventWriter("test", newTestLoggerWriter)
+ duration, err := time.ParseDuration(os.Getenv("GITEA_TEST_SLOW_RUN"))
+ if err == nil && duration > 0 {
+ TestSlowRun = duration
+ }
+ duration, err = time.ParseDuration(os.Getenv("GITEA_TEST_SLOW_FLUSH"))
+ if err == nil && duration > 0 {
+ TestSlowFlush = duration
+ }
+func Fatalf(format string, args ...any) {
+ Printf(format+"\n", args...)
+ os.Exit(1)
the default timeouts for declaring a slow test or a slow clean-up flush
may not be appropriate.
-You can either:
-* Within the test ini file set the following section:
-SLOW_TEST = 10s ; 10s is the default value
-SLOW_FLUSH = 5S ; 5s is the default value
-* Set the following environment variables:
+You can set the following environment variables:
-GITEA_SLOW_TEST_TIME="10s" GITEA_SLOW_FLUSH_TIME="5s" make test-sqlite
+GITEA_TEST_SLOW_RUN="10s" GITEA_TEST_SLOW_FLUSH="1s" make test-sqlite
t.Run("Partial Clone", doPartialGitClone(dstPath2, u))
- lfs := lfsCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, littleSize)[0]
+ lfs := lfsCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, testFileSizeSmall)[0]
reqLFS := NewRequest(t, "GET", "/api/v1/repos/user2/repo1/media/"+lfs)
respLFS := MakeRequestNilResponseRecorder(t, reqLFS, http.StatusOK)
- assert.Equal(t, littleSize, respLFS.Length)
+ assert.Equal(t, testFileSizeSmall, respLFS.Length)
package integration
import (
- "crypto/rand"
+ "io"
+ mathRand "math/rand/v2"
const (
- littleSize = 1024 // 1K
- bigSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024 // 128M
+ testFileSizeSmall = 10
+ testFileSizeLarge = 10 * 1024 * 1024 // 10M
func TestGitGeneral(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Partial Clone", doPartialGitClone(dstPath2, u))
- pushedFilesStandard := standardCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, littleSize, bigSize)
- pushedFilesLFS := lfsCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, littleSize, bigSize)
+ pushedFilesStandard := standardCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, testFileSizeSmall, testFileSizeLarge)
+ pushedFilesLFS := lfsCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, testFileSizeSmall, testFileSizeLarge)
rawTest(t, &httpContext, pushedFilesStandard[0], pushedFilesStandard[1], pushedFilesLFS[0], pushedFilesLFS[1])
mediaTest(t, &httpContext, pushedFilesStandard[0], pushedFilesStandard[1], pushedFilesLFS[0], pushedFilesLFS[1])
t.Run("Clone", doGitClone(dstPath, sshURL))
- pushedFilesStandard := standardCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, littleSize, bigSize)
- pushedFilesLFS := lfsCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, littleSize, bigSize)
+ pushedFilesStandard := standardCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, testFileSizeSmall, testFileSizeLarge)
+ pushedFilesLFS := lfsCommitAndPushTest(t, dstPath, testFileSizeSmall, testFileSizeLarge)
rawTest(t, &sshContext, pushedFilesStandard[0], pushedFilesStandard[1], pushedFilesLFS[0], pushedFilesLFS[1])
mediaTest(t, &sshContext, pushedFilesStandard[0], pushedFilesStandard[1], pushedFilesLFS[0], pushedFilesLFS[1])
// Request raw paths
req := NewRequest(t, "GET", path.Join("/", username, reponame, "/raw/branch/master/", little))
resp := session.MakeRequestNilResponseRecorder(t, req, http.StatusOK)
- assert.Equal(t, littleSize, resp.Length)
+ assert.Equal(t, testFileSizeSmall, resp.Length)
if setting.LFS.StartServer {
req = NewRequest(t, "GET", path.Join("/", username, reponame, "/raw/branch/master/", littleLFS))
resp := session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
- assert.NotEqual(t, littleSize, resp.Body.Len())
+ assert.NotEqual(t, testFileSizeSmall, resp.Body.Len())
assert.LessOrEqual(t, resp.Body.Len(), 1024)
- if resp.Body.Len() != littleSize && resp.Body.Len() <= 1024 {
+ if resp.Body.Len() != testFileSizeSmall && resp.Body.Len() <= 1024 {
assert.Contains(t, resp.Body.String(), lfs.MetaFileIdentifier)
if !testing.Short() {
req = NewRequest(t, "GET", path.Join("/", username, reponame, "/raw/branch/master/", big))
resp := session.MakeRequestNilResponseRecorder(t, req, http.StatusOK)
- assert.Equal(t, bigSize, resp.Length)
+ assert.Equal(t, testFileSizeLarge, resp.Length)
if setting.LFS.StartServer {
req = NewRequest(t, "GET", path.Join("/", username, reponame, "/raw/branch/master/", bigLFS))
resp := session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
- assert.NotEqual(t, bigSize, resp.Body.Len())
- if resp.Body.Len() != bigSize && resp.Body.Len() <= 1024 {
+ assert.NotEqual(t, testFileSizeLarge, resp.Body.Len())
+ if resp.Body.Len() != testFileSizeLarge && resp.Body.Len() <= 1024 {
assert.Contains(t, resp.Body.String(), lfs.MetaFileIdentifier)
// Request media paths
req := NewRequest(t, "GET", path.Join("/", username, reponame, "/media/branch/master/", little))
resp := session.MakeRequestNilResponseRecorder(t, req, http.StatusOK)
- assert.Equal(t, littleSize, resp.Length)
+ assert.Equal(t, testFileSizeSmall, resp.Length)
req = NewRequest(t, "GET", path.Join("/", username, reponame, "/media/branch/master/", littleLFS))
resp = session.MakeRequestNilResponseRecorder(t, req, http.StatusOK)
- assert.Equal(t, littleSize, resp.Length)
+ assert.Equal(t, testFileSizeSmall, resp.Length)
if !testing.Short() {
req = NewRequest(t, "GET", path.Join("/", username, reponame, "/media/branch/master/", big))
resp = session.MakeRequestNilResponseRecorder(t, req, http.StatusOK)
- assert.Equal(t, bigSize, resp.Length)
+ assert.Equal(t, testFileSizeLarge, resp.Length)
if setting.LFS.StartServer {
req = NewRequest(t, "GET", path.Join("/", username, reponame, "/media/branch/master/", bigLFS))
resp = session.MakeRequestNilResponseRecorder(t, req, http.StatusOK)
- assert.Equal(t, bigSize, resp.Length)
+ assert.Equal(t, testFileSizeLarge, resp.Length)
func generateCommitWithNewData(size int, repoPath, email, fullName, prefix string) (string, error) {
- // Generate random file
- bufSize := 4 * 1024
- if bufSize > size {
- bufSize = size
- }
- buffer := make([]byte, bufSize)
tmpFile, err := os.CreateTemp(repoPath, prefix)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer tmpFile.Close()
- written := 0
- for written < size {
- n := size - written
- if n > bufSize {
- n = bufSize
- }
- _, err := rand.Read(buffer[:n])
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- n, err = tmpFile.Write(buffer[:n])
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- written += n
+ var seed [32]byte
+ rander := mathRand.NewChaCha8(seed) // for testing only, no need to seed
+ _, err = io.CopyN(tmpFile, rander, int64(size))
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ _ = tmpFile.Close()
// Commit
// Now here we should explicitly allow lfs filters to run
// Try to push without permissions, which should fail
t.Run("TryPushWithoutPermissions", func(t *testing.T) {
- _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
+ _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
assert.NoError(t, err)
doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(dstPath, "origin", "protected")
// Normal push should work
t.Run("NormalPushWithPermissions", func(t *testing.T) {
- _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
+ _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
assert.NoError(t, err)
doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "protected")
t.Run("ForcePushWithoutForcePermissions", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("CreateDivergentHistory", func(t *testing.T) {
git.NewCommand(git.DefaultContext, "reset", "--hard", "HEAD~1").Run(&git.RunOpts{Dir: dstPath})
- _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-new")
+ _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-new")
assert.NoError(t, err)
doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(dstPath, "-f", "origin", "protected")
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("GenerateCommit", func(t *testing.T) {
- _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
+ _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("PushToUnprotectedBranch", doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "protected:unprotected-2"))
t.Run("ProtectProtectedBranchUnprotectedFilePaths", doProtectBranch(ctx, "protected", "", "", "unprotected-file-*"))
t.Run("GenerateCommit", func(t *testing.T) {
- _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "unprotected-file-")
+ _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "unprotected-file-")
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("PushUnprotectedFilesToProtectedBranch", doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "protected"))
t.Run("CheckoutMaster", doGitCheckoutBranch(dstPath, "master"))
t.Run("CreateBranchForced", doGitCreateBranch(dstPath, "toforce"))
t.Run("GenerateCommit", func(t *testing.T) {
- _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
+ _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("FailToForcePushToProtectedBranch", doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(dstPath, "-f", "origin", "toforce:protected"))
t.Run("CheckoutProtected", doGitCheckoutBranch(dstPath, "protected"))
t.Run("PullProtected", doGitPull(dstPath, "origin", "protected"))
t.Run("GenerateCommit", func(t *testing.T) {
- _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
+ _, err := generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("PushToUnprotectedBranch", doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "protected:unprotected3"))
doGitCreateBranch(dstPath, "test-agit-push")
// commit 1
- _, err = generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
+ _, err = generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-")
assert.NoError(t, err)
// push to create an agit pull request
assert.Equal(t, "test-description", pr.Issue.Content)
// commit 2
- _, err = generateCommitWithNewData(littleSize, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-2-")
+ _, err = generateCommitWithNewData(testFileSizeSmall, dstPath, "", "User Two", "branch-data-file-2-")
assert.NoError(t, err)
// push 2
- "time"
- ""
testWebRoutes = routers.NormalRoutes()
- // integration test settings...
- if setting.CfgProvider != nil {
- testingCfg := setting.CfgProvider.Section("integration-tests")
- testlogger.SlowTest = testingCfg.Key("SLOW_TEST").MustDuration(testlogger.SlowTest)
- testlogger.SlowFlush = testingCfg.Key("SLOW_FLUSH").MustDuration(testlogger.SlowFlush)
- }
- if os.Getenv("GITEA_SLOW_TEST_TIME") != "" {
- duration, err := time.ParseDuration(os.Getenv("GITEA_SLOW_TEST_TIME"))
- if err == nil {
- testlogger.SlowTest = duration
- }
- }
- if os.Getenv("GITEA_SLOW_FLUSH_TIME") != "" {
- duration, err := time.ParseDuration(os.Getenv("GITEA_SLOW_FLUSH_TIME"))
- if err == nil {
- testlogger.SlowFlush = duration
- }
- }
// Instead, "No tests were found", last nonsense log is "According to the configuration, subsequent logs will not be printed to the console"
exitCode := m.Run()
- testlogger.WriterCloser.Reset()
if err = util.RemoveAll(setting.Indexer.IssuePath); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("util.RemoveAll: %v\n", err)
import (
+ "strconv"
repo_service ""
files_service ""
+ ""
for i, c := range cases {
- repo, err := repo_service.CreateRepository(db.DefaultContext, user, user, repo_service.CreateRepoOptions{
- Name: "linguist-test",
- })
- assert.NoError(t, err)
- files := []*files_service.ChangeRepoFile{
- {
- TreePath: ".gitattributes",
- ContentReader: strings.NewReader(c.GitAttributesContent),
- },
- }
- files = append(files, c.FilesToAdd...)
- for _, f := range files {
- f.Operation = "create"
- }
+ t.Run("Case-"+strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
+ defer tests.PrintCurrentTest(t)()
+ repo, err := repo_service.CreateRepository(db.DefaultContext, user, user, repo_service.CreateRepoOptions{
+ Name: "linguist-test-" + strconv.Itoa(i),
+ })
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
- _, err = files_service.ChangeRepoFiles(git.DefaultContext, repo, user, &files_service.ChangeRepoFilesOptions{
- Files: files,
- OldBranch: repo.DefaultBranch,
- NewBranch: repo.DefaultBranch,
- })
- assert.NoError(t, err)
+ files := []*files_service.ChangeRepoFile{
+ {
+ TreePath: ".gitattributes",
+ ContentReader: strings.NewReader(c.GitAttributesContent),
+ },
+ }
+ files = append(files, c.FilesToAdd...)
+ for _, f := range files {
+ f.Operation = "create"
+ }
- assert.NoError(t, stats.UpdateRepoIndexer(repo))
- assert.NoError(t, queue.GetManager().FlushAll(context.Background(), 10*time.Second))
+ _, err = files_service.ChangeRepoFiles(git.DefaultContext, repo, user, &files_service.ChangeRepoFilesOptions{
+ Files: files,
+ OldBranch: repo.DefaultBranch,
+ NewBranch: repo.DefaultBranch,
+ })
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
- stats, err := repo_model.GetTopLanguageStats(db.DefaultContext, repo, len(c.FilesToAdd))
- assert.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.NoError(t, stats.UpdateRepoIndexer(repo))
+ assert.NoError(t, queue.GetManager().FlushAll(context.Background(), 10*time.Second))
- languages := make([]string, 0, len(stats))
- for _, s := range stats {
- languages = append(languages, s.Language)
- }
- assert.Equal(t, c.ExpectedLanguageOrder, languages, "case %d: unexpected language stats", i)
+ stats, err := repo_model.GetTopLanguageStats(db.DefaultContext, repo, len(c.FilesToAdd))
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
- assert.NoError(t, repo_service.DeleteRepository(db.DefaultContext, user, repo, false))
+ languages := make([]string, 0, len(stats))
+ for _, s := range stats {
+ languages = append(languages, s.Language)
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, c.ExpectedLanguageOrder, languages, "case %d: unexpected language stats", i)
+ })
- ""
+ ""
var currentEngine *xorm.Engine
func initMigrationTest(t *testing.T) func() {
- log.RegisterEventWriter("test", testlogger.NewTestLoggerWriter)
+ testlogger.Init()
- deferFn := tests.PrintCurrentTest(t, 2)
+ deferFn := testlogger.PrintCurrentTest(t, 2)
giteaRoot := base.SetupGiteaRoot()
if giteaRoot == "" {
- tests.Printf("Environment variable $GITEA_ROOT not set\n")
- os.Exit(1)
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Environment variable $GITEA_ROOT not set\n")
setting.AppPath = path.Join(giteaRoot, "gitea")
if _, err := os.Stat(setting.AppPath); err != nil {
- tests.Printf("Could not find gitea binary at %s\n", setting.AppPath)
- os.Exit(1)
+ testlogger.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("Could not find gitea binary at %s\n", setting.AppPath))
giteaConf := os.Getenv("GITEA_CONF")
if giteaConf == "" {
- tests.Printf("Environment variable $GITEA_CONF not set\n")
- os.Exit(1)
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Environment variable $GITEA_CONF not set\n")
} else if !path.IsAbs(giteaConf) {
setting.CustomConf = path.Join(giteaRoot, giteaConf)
} else {
return string(charset.MaybeRemoveBOM(bytes, charset.ConvertOpts{})), nil
-func restoreOldDB(t *testing.T, version string) bool {
+func restoreOldDB(t *testing.T, version string) {
data, err := readSQLFromFile(version)
- assert.NoError(t, err)
- if len(data) == 0 {
- tests.Printf("No db found to restore for %s version: %s\n", setting.Database.Type, version)
- return false
- }
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ require.NotEmpty(t, data, "No data found for %s version: %s", setting.Database.Type, version)
switch {
case setting.Database.Type.IsSQLite3():
db, err = sql.Open("postgres", fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%s:%s@%s/%s?sslmode=%s",
setting.Database.User, setting.Database.Passwd, setting.Database.Host, setting.Database.Name, setting.Database.SSLMode))
- if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
- return false
- }
+ require.NoError(t, err)
defer db.Close()
schrows, err := db.Query(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = '%s'", setting.Database.Schema))
- if !assert.NoError(t, err) || !assert.NotEmpty(t, schrows) {
- return false
- }
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ require.NotEmpty(t, schrows)
if !schrows.Next() {
// Create and setup a DB schema
- return true
func wrappedMigrate(x *xorm.Engine) error {
func doMigrationTest(t *testing.T, version string) {
- defer tests.PrintCurrentTest(t)()
- tests.Printf("Performing migration test for %s version: %s\n", setting.Database.Type, version)
- if !restoreOldDB(t, version) {
- return
- }
+ defer testlogger.PrintCurrentTest(t)()
+ restoreOldDB(t, version)
dialect := setting.Database.Type
versions, err := availableVersions()
- assert.NoError(t, err)
- if len(versions) == 0 {
- tests.Printf("No old database versions available to migration test for %s\n", dialect)
- return
- }
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ require.NotEmpty(t, versions, "No old database versions available to migration test for %s", dialect)
- tests.Printf("Preparing to test %d migrations for %s\n", len(versions), dialect)
for _, version := range versions {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("Migrate-%s-%s", dialect, version), func(t *testing.T) {
doMigrationTest(t, version)
func TestRecentlyPushedNewBranches(t *testing.T) {
- defer tests.PrepareTestEnv(t)()
onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) {
user1Session := loginUser(t, "user1")
user2Session := loginUser(t, "user2")
-func exitf(format string, args ...any) {
- fmt.Printf(format+"\n", args...)
- os.Exit(1)
func InitTest(requireGitea bool) {
- log.RegisterEventWriter("test", testlogger.NewTestLoggerWriter)
+ testlogger.Init()
giteaRoot := base.SetupGiteaRoot()
if giteaRoot == "" {
- exitf("Environment variable $GITEA_ROOT not set")
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Environment variable $GITEA_ROOT not set\n")
// TODO: Speedup tests that rely on the event source ticker, confirm whether there is any bug or failure.
setting.AppPath = filepath.Join(giteaRoot, giteaBinary)
if _, err := os.Stat(setting.AppPath); err != nil {
- exitf("Could not find gitea binary at %s", setting.AppPath)
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Could not find gitea binary at %s\n", setting.AppPath)
giteaConf := os.Getenv("GITEA_CONF")
_ = os.Setenv("GITEA_CONF", giteaConf)
fmt.Printf("Environment variable $GITEA_CONF not set, use default: %s\n", giteaConf)
if !setting.EnableSQLite3 {
- exitf(`sqlite3 requires: import _ "" or -tags sqlite,sqlite_unlock_notify`)
+ testlogger.Fatalf(`sqlite3 requires: import _ "" or -tags sqlite,sqlite_unlock_notify` + "\n")
if !filepath.IsAbs(giteaConf) {
if err := storage.Init(); err != nil {
- exitf("Init storage failed: %v", err)
+ testlogger.Fatalf("Init storage failed: %v\n", err)
switch {
return testlogger.PrintCurrentTest(t, util.OptionalArg(skip)+1)
-// Printf takes a format and args and prints the string to os.Stdout
-func Printf(format string, args ...any) {
- testlogger.Printf(format, args...)