def parse_inline_attachments(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options)
# when using an image link, try to use an attachment, if possible
- if options[:attachments] || (obj && obj.respond_to?(:attachments))
- attachments = options[:attachments] || obj.attachments
+ attachments = options[:attachments] || []
+ attachments += obj.attachments if obj.respond_to?(:attachments)
+ if attachments.present?
text.gsub!(/src="([^\/"]+\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpe|jpeg|png))"(\s+alt="([^"]*)")?/i) do |m|
filename, ext, alt, alttext = $1.downcase, $2, $3, $4
# search for the picture in attachments
version: 3
author_id: 1
+ data: |-
+ h1. Page with an inline image
+ This is an inline image:
+ !logo.gif!
+ updated_on: 2007-03-08 00:18:07 +01:00
+ page_id: 4
+ wiki_content_id: 4
+ id: 7
+ version: 1
+ author_id: 1
+ comments:
assert_select 'a[href=?]', '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation', :text => /Current version/
+ def test_show_old_version_with_attachments
+ page = WikiPage.find(4)
+ assert page.attachments.any?
+ content = page.content
+ content.text = "update"
+ get :show, :project_id => 'ecookbook', :id => page.title, :version => '1'
+ assert_kind_of WikiContent::Version, assigns(:content)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'show'
+ end
def test_show_old_version_without_permission_should_be_denied
Role.anonymous.remove_permission! :view_wiki_edits