}, 13);
+// #7960
+test( "resizable handles below modal overlays", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var resizable = $( "<div>" ).resizable(),
+ dialog = $( "<div>" ).dialog({ modal: true }),
+ resizableZindex = parseInt( resizable.find( ".ui-resizable-handle" ).css( "zIndex" ), 10 ),
+ overlayZindex = parseInt( $( ".ui-widget-overlay" ).css( "zIndex" ), 10 );
+ ok( resizableZindex < overlayZindex, "Resizable handles have lower z-index than modal overlay" );
+ dialog.dialog( "destroy" );
- "ui/jquery.ui.button.js",
- "ui/jquery.ui.dialog.js",
-test( "zIndex, less than a modal dialog's overlay by default", function() {
- expect(1);
- var resizable = $( '<div></div>' ).resizable();
- var dialog = $( '<div></div>' ).dialog( { modal: true });
- var resizableZIndex = resizable.resizable( 'option', 'zIndex' );
- var overlayZIndex = $( '.ui-widget-overlay' ).css( 'zIndex' );
- overlayZIndex = parseInt( overlayZIndex, 10 );
- ok( resizableZIndex < overlayZIndex, "Resizables behind a modal dialog must have a smaller z-index than the overlay so that they're not resizable. See #7960." );
- dialog.dialog( 'destroy' );