Thank you for @wxiaoguang's reminders and suggestions:
enable_update_checker_helper = Checks for new version releases periodically by connecting to
env_config_keys = Environment Configuration
env_config_keys_prompt = The following environment variables will also be applied to your configuration file:
-config_write_file_prompt = These configuration options will be written into:
+config_write_file_prompt = These configuration options will be written into: %s
nav_menu = Navigation Menu
<div class="inline field">
<div class="right-content">
- {{ctx.Locale.Tr "install.config_write_file_prompt"}} <span class="ui label">{{.CustomConfFile}}</span> <button class="btn interact-fg" data-clipboard-text="{{.CustomConfFile}}">{{svg "octicon-copy" 14}}</button>
+ {{$copyBtn := svg "octicon-copy" 14}}
+ {{$filePath := HTMLFormat `<span class="ui label">%s</span> <button class="btn interact-fg" data-clipboard-text="%s">%s</button>` .CustomConfFile .CustomConfFile $copyBtn}}
+ {{ctx.Locale.Tr "install.config_write_file_prompt" $filePath}}
<div class="tw-mt-4 tw-mb-2 tw-text-center">
<button class="ui primary button">{{ctx.Locale.Tr "install.install_btn_confirm"}}</button>