<!-- Xerox/PARC initial implementation -->
<!-- ========================================================================= -->
-Using this:
- - default target (dist) creates deployment-like dir in build output dir
- - target download.files deploys locally and creates installers
- - individual targets build pieces (api, etc.)
- - clean only cleans the build directory
-Understanding this:
- The documentation output structure is (ignoring alpha order):
- aspectj/
- style.css
- examples/
- doc/
- index.html
- changes.html
- porting.html
- oldversions/
- faq.html
- quickref.html
- devguide.pdf
- progguide.pdf
- quickref.pdf
- api/
- progguide/
- devguide/
- The input structure is
- aspectj/
- style.css
- examples/
- doc/
- index.html
- changes.html
- porting.html
- oldversions/
- faq/faq.html
- devGuideDB/ to devguide/ devguide.pdf
- progGuideDB/ to progguide/ progguide.pdf
- ?? to quickref.pdf quickref.html
- src/org/aspectj/lang/*.java | to api
- src/org/aspectj/lang/reflect/*.java |
-data flow and operations (in terms of script names):
- - input - - target - - output -
- ${docs.src.dir} dist ${docs.dist.dir}
- ${docs.src.dir} api ${docs.dist.dir}
- ${docs.src.dir} faq ${docs.dist.dir}
- ${docs.src.dir} examples ${docs.dist.dir}
- ${docs.src.dir} devguide ${docs.dist.dir}
- ${docs.src.dir} progguide ${docs.dist.dir}
- ${docs.src.dir} allTheRest ${docs.dist.dir}
- ${docs.dist.dir} web.deploy ${web.doc.dir}
- ${aj.release.dir}/.. download.push (ajpush)
-XXX no update to avoid builds in this script
- -->
<!DOCTYPE project [
<!ENTITY build-properties SYSTEM "file:../build/build-properties.xml">
<project name="build-docs" default="dist" basedir=".">
- <!-- todo: download.files requires build-installer -->
<property name="project.name" value="build-docs"/>
- <target name="quicklook" depends="dist"/>
<target name="product" depends="local-dist"/>
- <target name="download.files" depends="dist"/>
<target name="clean"
<target name="dist" depends="init,local-dist"
- description="create doc distribution zip"
+ description="create unused doc zip - see ../build/build.xml for installer"
<delete file="${docs.product.zip}"/>
<zip zipfile="${docs.product.zip}"
<target name="devguide" depends="init">
<copy todir="${docs.src.dir}/devGuideDB" filtering="off" >
- <fileset dir="${aspectj.modules.dir}/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/resources/actions"
+ <fileset dir="${devguide.icons.dir}"
includes="${include.devguide.icons}" />
<antcall target="build-guide">
generated using the Ant <a href="build.xml">build.xml</a> script.
-<u>Build</u>: The script uses a taskdefs defined in ../lib/build/build.jar
-to generate the installers, and others to do misc. text-conversion.
+<u>Build</u>: <a href="build.xml">build.xml</a> assembles a local
+distribution which is gathered into the product distribution by
+the master build script,
+<a href="../build/build.xml">../build/build.xml</a>.
Dependencies outside this directory:
<li>.xml files refer to their docbook dtds using relative
<li>When building installer, using ../lib/build/build.jar
and the ../build/installer-resources.
+<li><a href="dist/doc/quick.pdf">dist/doc/quick.pdf</a>
+ is generated manually from <a href="quick.doc">quick.doc</a>.
+ </li>