import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
import org.sonar.api.batch.scm.BlameLine;
import org.sonar.api.utils.System2;
+import org.sonar.api.utils.Version;
import org.sonar.api.utils.log.Logger;
import org.sonar.api.utils.log.Loggers;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
private static final String COMMITTER_TIME = "committer-time ";
private static final String COMMITTER_MAIL = "committer-mail ";
+ private static final String MINIMUM_REQUIRED_GIT_VERSION = "2.24.0";
private static final String DEFAULT_GIT_COMMAND = "git";
private static final String BLAME_COMMAND = "blame";
private static final String BLAME_LINE_PORCELAIN_FLAG = "--line-porcelain";
+ private static final String END_OF_OPTIONS_FLAG = "--end-of-options";
private static final String IGNORE_WHITESPACES = "-w";
+ private static final Pattern whitespaceRegex = Pattern.compile("\\s+");
+ private static final Pattern semanticVersionDelimiter = Pattern.compile("\\.");
private final System2 system;
private final ProcessWrapperFactory processWrapperFactory;
private String gitCommand;
this.gitCommand = locateDefaultGit();
MutableString stdOut = new MutableString();
this.processWrapperFactory.create(null, l -> stdOut.string = l, gitCommand, "--version").execute();
- return stdOut.string != null && stdOut.string.startsWith("git version");
+ return stdOut.string != null && stdOut.string.startsWith("git version") && isCompatibleGitVersion(stdOut.string);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("Failed to find git native client", e);
return false;
public List<BlameLine> blame(Path baseDir, String fileName) throws Exception {
BlameOutputProcessor outputProcessor = new BlameOutputProcessor();
try {
- this.processWrapperFactory.create(baseDir, outputProcessor::process, gitCommand, BLAME_COMMAND, BLAME_LINE_PORCELAIN_FLAG, IGNORE_WHITESPACES, fileName)
+ this.processWrapperFactory.create(baseDir, outputProcessor::process, gitCommand, BLAME_COMMAND, BLAME_LINE_PORCELAIN_FLAG, IGNORE_WHITESPACES, END_OF_OPTIONS_FLAG, fileName)
} catch (UncommittedLineException e) {
LOG.debug("Unable to blame file '{}' - it has uncommitted changes", fileName);
+ private static boolean isCompatibleGitVersion(String gitVersionCommandOutput) {
+ // Due to the danger of argument injection on git blame the use of `--end-of-options` flag is necessary
+ // The flag is available only on git versions >= 2.24.0
+ String gitVersion = whitespaceRegex
+ .splitAsStream(gitVersionCommandOutput)
+ .skip(2)
+ .findFirst()
+ .orElse("");
+ String formattedGitVersion = formatGitSemanticVersion(gitVersion);
+ return Version.parse(formattedGitVersion).isGreaterThanOrEqual(Version.parse(MINIMUM_REQUIRED_GIT_VERSION));
+ }
+ private static String formatGitSemanticVersion(String version) {
+ return semanticVersionDelimiter
+ .splitAsStream(version)
+ .takeWhile(NumberUtils::isNumber)
+ .collect(Collectors.joining("."));
+ }
private static class MutableString {
String string;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.junit.Before;
+ @Test
+ public void git_should_not_be_enabled_if_version_command_is_not_found() {
+ ProcessWrapperFactory mockedCmd = mockGitVersionCommand("error: unknown option `version'");
+ GitBlameCommand blameCommand = new GitBlameCommand(System2.INSTANCE, mockedCmd);
+ assertThat(blameCommand.checkIfEnabled()).isFalse();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void git_should_not_be_enabled_if_version_command_does_not_return_string_output() {
+ ProcessWrapperFactory mockedCmd = mockGitVersionCommand(null);
+ GitBlameCommand blameCommand = new GitBlameCommand(System2.INSTANCE, mockedCmd);
+ assertThat(blameCommand.checkIfEnabled()).isFalse();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void git_should_be_enabled_if_version_is_equal_or_greater_than_required_minimum() {
+ Stream.of(
+ "git version 2.24.0",
+ "git version",
+ "git version",
+ "git version 2.25.1.msysgit.2"
+ ).forEach(output -> {
+ ProcessWrapperFactory mockedCmd = mockGitVersionCommand(output);
+ GitBlameCommand blameCommand = new GitBlameCommand(System2.INSTANCE, mockedCmd);
+ assertThat(blameCommand.checkIfEnabled()).isTrue();
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void git_should_not_be_enabled_if_version_is_less_than_required_minimum() {
+ ProcessWrapperFactory mockFactory = mockGitVersionCommand("git version 1.9.0");
+ GitBlameCommand blameCommand = new GitBlameCommand(System2.INSTANCE, mockFactory);
+ assertThat(blameCommand.checkIfEnabled()).isFalse();
+ }
public void throw_exception_if_command_fails() throws Exception {
Path baseDir = temp.newFolder().toPath();
// This is needed for Windows, otherwise the created File point to invalid (shortened by Windows) temp folder path
return temp.newFolder().toPath().toRealPath(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS).toFile();
+ private ProcessWrapperFactory mockGitVersionCommand(String commandOutput) {
+ ProcessWrapperFactory mockFactory = mock(ProcessWrapperFactory.class);
+ ProcessWrapper mockProcess = mock(ProcessWrapper.class);
+ when(mockFactory.create(isNull(), any(), eq("git"), eq("--version"))).then(invocation -> {
+ var argument = (Consumer<String>) invocation.getArgument(1);
+ argument.accept(commandOutput);
+ return mockProcess;
+ });
+ return mockFactory;
+ }