fullrow.each_line do |row|
ratts, row = pba( $1, 'tr' ), $2 if row =~ /^(#{A}#{C}\. )(.*)/m
cells = []
- row.split( /(\|)(?![^\[\|]*\]\])/ )[1..-2].each do |cell|
- next if cell == '|'
+ # the regexp prevents wiki links with a | from being cut as cells
+ row.scan(/\|(_?#{S}#{A}#{C}\. ?)?((\[\[[^|\]]*\|[^|\]]*\]\]|[^|])*?)(?=\|)/) do |modifiers, cell|
ctyp = 'd'
- ctyp = 'h' if cell =~ /^_/
+ ctyp = 'h' if modifiers && modifiers =~ /^_/
- catts = ''
- catts, cell = pba( $1, 'td' ), $2 if cell =~ /^(_?#{S}#{A}#{C}\. ?)(.*)/
+ catts = nil
+ catts = pba( modifiers, 'td' ) if modifiers
catts = shelve( catts ) if catts
cells << "\t\t\t<t#{ ctyp }#{ catts }>#{ cell }</t#{ ctyp }>"
def retrieve( text )
- @shelf.each_with_index do |r, i|
- text.gsub!( " :redsh##{ i + 1 }:", r )
+ text.gsub!(/ :redsh#(\d+):/) do
+ @shelf[$1.to_i - 1] || $&