render :action => 'list' unless request.xhr?
- # Lists public projects
+ # Lists visible projects
def list
- sort_init "#{Project.table_name}.name", "asc"
- sort_update
- @project_count = Project.count(:all, :conditions => Project.visible_by(logged_in_user))
- @project_pages = self, @project_count,
- 15,
- params['page']
- @projects = Project.find :all, :order => sort_clause,
- :conditions => Project.visible_by(logged_in_user),
- :include => :parent,
- :limit => @project_pages.items_per_page,
- :offset => @project_pages.current.offset
- render :action => "list", :layout => false if request.xhr?
+ projects = Project.find :all,
+ :conditions => Project.visible_by(logged_in_user),
+ :include => :parent
+ @project_tree = projects.group_by {|p| p.parent || p}
+ @project_tree.each_key {|p| @project_tree[p] -= [p]}
# Add a new project
def add
@custom_fields = IssueCustomField.find(:all)
label = content_tag('strong', label)
old_value = content_tag("i", h(old_value)) if detail.old_value
old_value = content_tag("strike", old_value) if detail.old_value and (!detail.value or detail.value.empty?)
- value = content_tag("i", h(value)) if value
+ if == 'attachment' && !value.blank? && Attachment.find_by_id(detail.prop_key)
+ # Link to the attachment if it has not been removed
+ value = link_to(value, :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'download', :id => detail.prop_key)
+ else
+ value = content_tag("i", h(value)) if value
+ end
if !detail.value.blank?
-<table class="list">
- <thead><tr>
- <%= sort_header_tag("#{Project.table_name}.name", :caption => l(:label_project)) %>
- <th><%=l(:field_parent)%></th>
- <%= sort_header_tag("#{Project.table_name}.created_on", :caption => l(:field_created_on)) %>
- </tr></thead>
- <tbody>
-<% for project in @projects %>
- <tr class="<%= cycle("odd", "even") %>">
- <td>
- <%= link_to, {:action => 'show', :id => project}, :class => (User.current.member_of?(project) ? "icon icon-fav" : "") %><br />
- <%= textilizable project.description, :project => project %>
- </td>
- <td><%= link_to(, :action => 'show', :id => project.parent) unless project.parent.nil? %></td>
- <td align="center"><%= format_date(project.created_on) %></td>
- </tr>
+<dl class="projects">
+<% @project_tree.keys.sort.each do |project| %>
+<dt><%= link_to, {:action => 'show', :id => project}, :class => (User.current.member_of?(project) ? "icon icon-fav" : "") %>
+<dd><%= textilizable(project.description, :project => project) %>
+<% if @project_tree[project].any? %>
+ <%= l(:label_subproject_plural) %>:
+ <%= @project_tree[project].sort.collect {|subproject|
+ link_to(, {:action => 'show', :id => subproject}, :class => (User.current.member_of?(subproject) ? "icon icon-fav" : ""))}.join(', ') %>
+<% end %>
<% end %>
- </tbody>
<% if User.current.logged? %>
<div class="contextual">
<span class="icon icon-fav"><%= l(:label_my_projects) %></span>
<% end %>
-<%= pagination_links_full @project_pages %>
-[ <%= @project_pages.current.first_item %> - <%= @project_pages.current.last_item %> / <%= @project_count %> ]
padding-left: 20px;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 3px;
-vertical-align: middle;
#navigation .icon {
.task_todo { background:#aaa url(../images/task_todo.png); border: 1px solid #aaa; }
.milestone { background-image:url(../images/milestone.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: 0; }
+/***** project list *****/
+dl.projects dt { font-size: 120%; margin-top:1.2em; padding: 2px 2px 4px 2px; background-color:#fafbfc; }
/***** Tooltips ******/