It lists the few 1.1 changes that might affect 1.0 programs
at compile-time.
These changes were made to simplify the language for
-bytecode weaving.
+bytecode weaving and to make incremental compilation possible.
<p>There are also some changes
in the runtime behavior of code generated by the 1.1
compiler which might warrant rewriting code. For information
on that behavior and on the new features of the 1.1 language,
see the documentation for AspectJ 1.1.
+The <code>call(..)</code> pointcut designator is now implemented
+only at the call site; by contrast, the AspectJ 1.0 compiler could
+also implement it on the callee side. So in 1.0 if you
+compiled a pointcut using <code>call(..)</code> but only passed
+the compiler the code for the target of the call, the pointcut
+could be implemented. This is not true for 1.1. To fix this,
+use <code>execution(..)</code> in place of <code>call(..)</code>,
+or include all calling clients in the compile.
Type-patterns are no longer permitted for the defining