assert.equal( j.children().text(), "text", "Tags with multiple hypens behave normally" );
} );
+QUnit.test( "Tag name processing respects the HTML Standard (gh-2005)", function( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 240 );
+ var wrapper = jQuery( "<div></div>" ),
+ nameTerminatingChars = "\x20\t\r\n\f".split( "" ),
+ specialChars = "[ ] { } _ - = + \\ ( ) * & ^ % $ # @ ! ~ ` ' ; ? ¥ « µ λ ⊕ ≈ ξ ℜ ♣ €"
+ .split( " " );
+ specialChars.push( specialChars.join( "" ) );
+ jQuery.each( specialChars, function( i, characters ) {
+ assertSpecialCharsSupport( "html", characters );
+ assertSpecialCharsSupport( "append", characters );
+ } );
+ jQuery.each( nameTerminatingChars, function( i, character ) {
+ assertNameTerminatingCharsHandling( "html", character );
+ assertNameTerminatingCharsHandling( "append", character );
+ } );
+ function buildChild( method, html ) {
+ wrapper[ method ]( html );
+ return wrapper.children()[ 0 ];
+ }
+ function assertSpecialCharsSupport( method, characters ) {
+ var child,
+ codepoint = characters.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ).toUpperCase(),
+ description = characters.length === 1 ?
+ "U+" + ( "000" + codepoint ).slice( -4 ) + " " + characters :
+ "all special characters",
+ nodeName = "valid" + characters + "tagname";
+ child = buildChild( method, "<" + nodeName + "></" + nodeName + ">" );
+ assert.equal( child.nodeName.toUpperCase(), nodeName.toUpperCase(),
+ method + "(): Paired tag name includes " + description );
+ child = buildChild( method, "<" + nodeName + ">" );
+ assert.equal( child.nodeName.toUpperCase(), nodeName.toUpperCase(),
+ method + "(): Unpaired tag name includes " + description );
+ child = buildChild( method, "<" + nodeName + "/>" );
+ assert.equal( child.nodeName.toUpperCase(), nodeName.toUpperCase(),
+ method + "(): Self-closing tag name includes " + description );
+ }
+ function assertNameTerminatingCharsHandling( method, character ) {
+ var child,
+ codepoint = character.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ).toUpperCase(),
+ description = "U+" + ( "000" + codepoint ).slice( -4 ) + " " + character,
+ nodeName = "div" + character + "this-will-be-discarded";
+ child = buildChild( method, "<" + nodeName + "></" + nodeName + ">" );
+ assert.equal( child.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV",
+ method + "(): Paired tag name terminated by " + description );
+ child = buildChild( method, "<" + nodeName + ">" );
+ assert.equal( child.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV",
+ method + "(): Unpaired open tag name terminated by " + description );
+ child = buildChild( method, "<" + nodeName + "/>" );
+ assert.equal( child.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV",
+ method + "(): Self-closing tag name terminated by " + description );
+ }
+} );
QUnit.test( "IE8 serialization bug", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );