--- /dev/null
+import java.lang.annotation.*;
+@interface TestAnnotation1 {}
+@interface TestAnnotation2{}
+class Annotated {}
+interface Marker {}
+public aspect AnnotationAspect {
+ declare @type: @TestAnnotation1 *: @TestAnnotation2;
+ // of cource this matches
+ // declare parents: (@TestAnnotation1 *) implements Marker;
+ // this matches, too
+ // declare parents: (@TestAnnotation2 *) implements Marker;
+ // this does not match on Annotated
+ declare parents: (@TestAnnotation2 *) && !java.lang.annotation.Annotation implements Marker;
+ // but this does match on annotated
+ // declare parents: (@TestAnnotation1 *) && !java.lang.annotation.Annotation implements Marker;
public class Ajc162Tests extends org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
// AspectJ1.6.2
+ public void testDecAtAnnoDecP_pr198341() { runTest("dec atanno and decp"); }
// public void testStarInAnnoStyle_pr209951() { runTest("asterisk in at aj pointcut"); }
public void testMissingMarkers_pr197720() { runTest("missing markers on inherited annotated method"); }
public void testLostGenericsSigOnItd_pr211146() { runTest("lost generic sig on itd"); }
<!-- AspectJ v1.6.2 Tests -->
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs162/pr198341" title="dec atanno and decp">
+ <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" files="AnnotationAspect.java">
+ <message kind="weave" text="'Annotated' (AnnotationAspect.java:12) is annotated with @TestAnnotation2 type annotation from 'AnnotationAspect' (AnnotationAspect.java:18)"/>
+ <message kind="weave" text="Extending interface set for type 'Annotated' (AnnotationAspect.java) to include 'Marker' (AnnotationAspect.java)"/>
+ </compile>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs162/pr209051" title="asterisk in at aj pointcut">
<compile options="-1.5" files="Bug.java"/>