gr.group_id is null
- <select id="selectRootComponentPermissions" parameterType="map" resultType="string">
- select gr.role
- from group_roles gr
- inner join groups_users gu on gr.group_id=gu.group_id
- where
- gr.resource_id=#{rootComponentId,jdbcType=BIGINT} and
- gu.user_id=#{userId,jdbcType=INTEGER}
- union
- select gr.role
- from group_roles gr
- where
- gr.resource_id=#{rootComponentId,jdbcType=BIGINT} and
- gr.group_id is null
- union
- select ur.role
- from user_roles ur
- where
- ur.resource_id=#{rootComponentId,jdbcType=BIGINT} and
- ur.user_id=#{userId,jdbcType=INTEGER}
- </select>
<select id="selectRootComponentPermissionsOfAnonymous" parameterType="map" resultType="string">
select gr.role
from group_roles gr