description: 'a model-based database access wrapper for JDBC'
groupId: com.iciql
artifactId: iciql
-version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
+version: 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT
packaging: jar+zip
inceptionYear: 2011
text: ~
security: ~
fixes: ~
- changes: ~
+ changes:
+ - Table constraints are now defined as part of CREATE TABLE instead of afterwards with indivudual ALTER TABLE statements. This is more portable across database backends.
- Support for specifying custom data type adapters in @IQColumn and Define.typeAdapter()
- Added com.iciql.SQLDialectPostgreSQL.JsonStringAdapter
- Added com.iciql.SQLDialectPostgreSQL.XmlStringAdapter
- Added com.iciql.JavaSerializationTypeAdapter to (de)serialize objects into a BLOB column
- dependencyChanges: ~
+ - Added an SQLite dialect
+ dependencyChanges:
+ - SQLite 3.8.7
- James Moger
// The build script extracts this exact line so be careful editing it\r
// and only use A-Z a-z 0-9 .-_ in the string.\r
- public static final String VERSION = "1.3.1-SNAPSHOT";\r
+ public static final String VERSION = "1.4.0-SNAPSHOT";\r
// The build script extracts this exact line so be careful editing it\r
// and only use A-Z a-z 0-9 .-_ in the string.\r
Connections are pooled to normalize embedded database performance with out-of-process database performance. Some of the Java embedded database configurations have a very high startup-time penalty. Notably, H2 is slow to open a database and its performance is substantially affected if connection pooling is not enabled to keep the embedded database open.\r
+SQLite uses the default [DELETE journaling mode]( About a 4x performance improvement can be achieved when using the [WAL journaling mode]( (`PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL`).\r
External process databases (MySQL & PostgreSQL) use the default settings as provided by the platform.\r
All tables are created as CACHED when the database distinguishes between CACHED and MEMORY tables.\r