# * <tt>:placeholder</tt> - the label to display when nothing is selected
# * <tt>:allow_clear</tt> - true if resource can be de-selected. Default is false.
# * <tt>:open</tt> - true if the select-box must be open. Default is false.
- # * <tt>:display_key</tt> - true if the resource key should be used instead of the resource id. Default is false.
# * <tt>:select2_options</tt> - hash of select2 options
def resource_select_tag(name, options={})
- if options[:display_key]
- ws_url+='&display_key=true'
+ selected_resource = options[:selected_resource]
+ if selected_resource
+ options[:selected_id] = selected_resource.id
+ options[:selected_text] = selected_resource.name(true)
+ select2_tag(name, ws_url, options)
+ end
+ #
+ # Creates an enhanced dropdown selection box of components. Values are loaded on the fly via Ajax requests.
+ # ==== Options
+ # * <tt>:width</tt> - The width suffixed with unit, for example '300px' or '100%'. Default is '250px'
+ # * <tt>:html_id</tt> - The id of the HTML element. Default is the name.
+ # * <tt>:html_class</tt> - The class of the HTML element. Default is empty.
+ # * <tt>:qualifiers</tt> - Array of resource qualifiers to filter.
+ # * <tt>:resource_type_property</tt> -Filter on resource types on which the property is enabled, for example 'supportsGlobalDashboards'.
+ # * <tt>:selected_resource</tt> - the resource that is selected by default.
+ # * <tt>:placeholder</tt> - the label to display when nothing is selected
+ # * <tt>:allow_clear</tt> - true if resource can be de-selected. Default is false.
+ # * <tt>:open</tt> - true if the select-box must be open. Default is false.
+ # * <tt>:select2_options</tt> - hash of select2 options
+ #
+ def component_select_tag(name, options={})
+ # see limitation in /api/resources/search
+ options[:min_length]=3
+ ws_url="#{ApplicationController::root_context}/api/resources/search?f=s2&"
+ if options[:qualifiers]
+ ws_url+="q=#{options[:qualifiers].join(',')}"
+ elsif options[:resource_type_property]
+ ws_url+="qp=#{options[:resource_type_property]}"
+ end
+ # The WS should return component key instead of component id
+ ws_url+='&display_key=true'
selected_resource = options[:selected_resource]
if selected_resource
- options[:selected_id]= options[:display_key] ? "'" + selected_resource.key + "'" : selected_resource.id
- options[:selected_text]=selected_resource.name(true)
+ options[:selected_id]= "'" + selected_resource.key + "'"
+ options[:selected_text] = selected_resource.name
select2_tag(name, ws_url, options)
<%= message('description') -%>
- <th width="1%" nowrap>
+ <th nowrap>
+ <%= message('project') -%>
+ </th>
+ <th nowrap>
<%= message('component') -%>
<img src="<%= ApplicationController.root_context -%>/images/status/<%= issue.status -%>.png" title="<%= message(issue.status.downcase).capitalize -%>"/>
- <%= link_to h(truncate(issue.message, :length => 100)), :controller => 'issue', :action => 'view', :id => issue.key -%>
+ <%= link_to h(truncate(issue.message, :length => 200)), :controller => 'issue', :action => 'view', :id => issue.key -%>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <%= h h(truncate(@filter.issues_result.project(issue).name, :length => 100)) -%>
<%= h @filter.issues_result.component(issue).name -%>
<%= message('issue_filter.new_search') -%>
<li id="criteria-project" class="marginbottom5">
- <% selected_project = @project if @filter.criteria('componentRoots') %>
<%= message 'issue_filter.criteria.project' -%>:
- <%= resource_select_tag 'componentRoots', :resource_type_property => 'supportsGlobalDashboards', :width => '100%',
- :selected_resource => selected_project,
+ <%= component_select_tag 'componentRoots', :resource_type_property => 'supportsGlobalDashboards', :width => '100%',
+ :selected_resource => @selected_project,
:display_key => true,
:placeholder => message('issue_filter.criteria.project'),
:html_id => 'select-project',