Path tmp = workingDir.resolve(".sonartmp_" + i);
setFileCreationDate(tmp, creationTime);
+ assumeCorrectFileCreationDate(tmp, creationTime);
+ // See SONAR-22159, the test started failing due to issues in setting the correct creation time on Cirrus, skipping the test if the problem
+ // happens
+ private void assumeCorrectFileCreationDate(Path tmp, long creationTime) throws IOException {
+ FileTime fileCreationTimeSet = Files.getFileAttributeView(tmp, BasicFileAttributeView.class).readAttributes().creationTime();
+ FileTime expectedCreationTime = FileTime.fromMillis(creationTime);
+ assumeTrue(expectedCreationTime.compareTo(fileCreationTimeSet) >= 0,
+ String.format("Incorrect creation date set on temporary file %s: %s set instead of %s", tmp.toAbsolutePath(), fileCreationTimeSet, expectedCreationTime));
+ }
void createTempFolderFromSonarHome(@TempDir Path sonarUserHomePath) throws Exception {
// with sonar home, it will be in {sonar.home}/.sonartmp